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Session 3: The Frostfang Orcs Report

General Summary

The next morning came quickly for everyone as they emerged from the fur tents of the freshly dead Orcs. They surveyed the snowdrifts and hills and saw another hill in the distance with more orc-made tents. They gathered the treasure trove of goods they had gathered from this camp and started the long trek to the next hill.   They soon reached the next hill before noon and attempted to scout out this hill but much like last time they became easily spotted. Thinking quickly on their feet Kaithia created an illusion of a snow wall that Tyr, Nienna, and herself hid behind it while cast disguise self to make her look like an injured orc. After putting on a brilliant performance honed by her journeys Madea pretended to be gravely injured as the Orcs of the encampment came over to see what was wrong with their companion.   The orcs stood over her speaking in the deep guttural language over her body deciding what to do. In secret Medea cast the spell of comprehend languages to understand what the orcs were saying. The leader of this barked orders for one of them to head to the main encampment to bring back a healer; the others he had branched out to search for the one who attacked one of their brothers. Her comrades seeing the orcs starting to search the area decided to rush forward and surprise the Orcs before they were discovered.   Tyr rushed forward drawing his mighty flaming greatsword and spoke the command word and sent it ablaze and with a single swipe of his weapon cutting one of the orcs down. Nienna stayed behind the illusion calling into existence the chimes of the death gods which chipped at the souls of the Orcs weakening them physically and spiritually. Kaithia in the meantime broke cover and kept as much distance between herself and the others as she concentrated on firing crossbow bolts at any orcs that got too close to Nienna.   Madea waited until the Orcs were focused on the battle before she rose up behind them and unleashed a devastating crescendo of a song that sent all but the leader of the orcs flying through the air and crashing into the snow. The leader of the Orcs called upon their god Gruumsh to give him the strength to crush the party. He rushed with his icy greataxe with fury and strength only a god could give. He made a sweeping arc against Tyr who barely held back against the attack as his sword strained against the force. However, before the full strength of the swing made contact Kaithia shot the Orc leader causing him to flinch and his blow slowed just enough to allow Tyr to block the attack. Tyr then grunted and lifted up his blade for a counterattack with his own weapon only to be held back by the Orc leader's greataxe. Nienna launched a firebolt to the Orc leader but missed him due to the glare from the sun striking her eyes as she aimed.   The Orc ready for another attack but Kaithia again fired a shot that robbed him of his one good eye allowing Tyr the opportunity to raise his sword and cleave in half across the Orc's waist leaving him stunned as he fell into the snow. Kaithia and Nienna picked off the rest with bolts and spells but missed the one that was already being sent to go get a healer. The party ascended the hill after collecting the remaining necklaces from the dead orcs and began to search through the orcs camp. Kaithia kept a lookout and saw in the northeast a hill filled with more tents and flags they had seen previously. It was no small camp it was an army camped across the pure ice valley that separated the hill they were on and the orc camp. To the south Kaithia spotted strange woods with trees made entirely of ice sprouting from the ground, with their leaves being made entirely of silver, blue, and gold colors. The ice field that separated the two hills had tall brush-like grass with the same coloring that dotted the landscape and was not covered in any snow.   As Kaithia looked out she saw what looked like a rabbit the size of a bear, and as soon as she made eye contact with it, the creature lept over 20 feet to land in front of her baring its sharp fangs towards her. Thinking quickly she created the sound and illusion of the same creature a distance away that worked in tricking the beast to leave the camp. The others search the camp and found nothing of value so they decided to try and scout out the next hill to get a sense of how many orcs they were dealing with. As they made their way across the ice field trying to hide among the brush they were spotted and soon orcs riding on the back of white wolves came charging at them. Seeing little options before them against such a massive force they decided to retreat to the woods nearby. The party ran as hard and as fast as they could but in the middle of their mad dash, Kaithia tripped and fell onto the icy plain.    As the Orcs came ever closer to her she attempted to hide among the tall grasses on the plains. As she laid there crouching she felt a great rumble come from under her feet. This was not the same rumbling as the thunderous paws and feet of the Orcs but of something far larger coming from underneath the ground.    Bursting through the ice came a giant faceless wurm with pale blue and white skin, large mandible teeth, and flaring nostrils sending chunks of ice flying into the air and crashing into the ground. Kaithia skirted over to one of these blocks as the wurm became focused on devouring the orcs who were then in full retreat before the creature. As this happened Kaithia moved from ice block to ice block to Tyr, Nienna, and Medea who were hiding at the edge of the frozen woods. It took nearly two hours before all four were reunited and the sun was already setting and they decided to head deeper in to take shelter. They attempted to sleep in the frozen trees and found some rest but cold trees, and the falling snow made it difficult to get any sleep.   Finding little rest the party decided to head deeper into the woods. As they traveled they saw glowing yellow lights dancing around them seemingly looking to lead them. Tyr knew better though and told the group that these glowing orbs were actually the spirits of the regretful dead, Will-O'-Wisps. He knew from his time being a mercenary that these creatures often try to lead the living to dangerous areas that would lead to the death of those taken in by these whimsical-looking orbs. They tried to avoid these orbs but as they did the wisps changed from white and yellow light to a deep red.     Sensing their anger Medea took a chance and began to play her flute in an attempt to placate the Wisps. Playing a mournful and sorrowful song that captivated everyone. The wisps began to shift to white and yellow once more but as the song was approaching its end they changed back to red. As the Wisps came closer, and the party readied themselves for a fight for their lives a blue flame appeared out of the darkness of the woods causing the Wisps to flee from them. The Flame spoke to them asking if them what they were doing in his woods. Medea explained to the flame their predicament and were looking for help in their fight against the orcs. The Flame spoke to them he was willing to help them if they made an offering to them. He did not require one from Madea as her song was an offering that called him.   Tyr, Nienna, and Kaithia offered some gems they had taken from the second orc camp. They dropped them into the The Flame who accepted the offering and led them deeper into the woods. They soon arrived at a grove surrounded by wooden trees, and a pond ringed by rocks in the center of the grove. They took rest on the soft grass and created a camp. Kaithia fished from the pond and pulled a big fish that they all ate for their dinner. As they talked the Flame asked them what were their happiest moments.    Medea spoke of when her and her twin had played music for their grandfather. For when they played they were never looked down upon as half-breeds but were fully accepted by their family.   Nienna spoke of spending time with her parents before traveling to Arkthaz. She would often help her mother gather herbs needed for the different salves and poultices that they would create together as a family.   Tyr spoke of when he was young and received payment for the first job he did as a mercenary. He recalled that while the captain showed no sign of affection the gold itself was proof that he was pulling his own weight and that he was accepted in the band.   Kaithia spoke of her time living in Solaris Woods, of her husband and her mentor. She recalled them working and researching together before the inevitable war took all that she held dear.   As they spoke the Flame transformed into a humanoid whose body was composed of the stars, and dust of the heavens. He weaved together all their memories and made them come to life before the eyes of each other and as the last happy moment played out they fell asleep. They awoke almost instantly and felt refreshed. They looked around in the bright morning to see that the grove was covered in ice and that the trees were not made of wood but of ice as well. The Flame appeared before them and told them that there are some humanoids to the east that will help them in their quest and then disappeared.    They gathered their gear and headed east, feeling a new peace in their hearts and having a better understanding of each other.

Rewards Granted

1,200 xp

Kaithia runs into a strange bear, rabbit creature  
The Orcs charging down the hill on their mounts  
A frost wurm juts out from the ice.  
A mysterious blue flame appears before the party
Timara, Land of Dragons
Report Date
10 May 2021
Primary Location

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