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Session 7: Veranos

General Summary

Tyr, Medea, Nienna, and Kaithia pulled themselves out of the lair leaving behind the evil they just witnessed. They trudge through the marsh back to the town and spoke to the herbalist and alchemist getting the potions of Revivify and Nienna was given the recipe from the herbalist to create her own. They slept uncomfortably that night eager to resume their journey north to Tia.   Several days passed while they were on the barge as they exchanged stories and attempted to get to know each other better. Kaithia and Medea started to develop a bit of a competition to see who can get their horse to love them the most. Medea used her magical songs to win over the horses while Kaithia used her empathy to communicate with the animals. Before a winner could be declared the barge captain announced they were approaching Veranos.   They saw the towering blue-tiled walls standing nearly 80ft. tall and 40 ft. thick with their shadows casting depicting all kinds of dragons flying across the wall. Resting on top of the walls were ballistas pointed down on the buzzing traffic of boats crisscrossing the river. As the barge continued its way down the river

Timara, Land of Dragons
Report Date
13 Apr 2022

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