October Review Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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October Review

General Summary

It seems several months have passed since our party was lost in the Feywild. They escorted a barge and a friendly halfling along the Neverwinter River, dealing with goblin raiders and disembarking to return for their things in Thundertree. They found the location littered with trap-making lizard men, who had come to supplicate the green dragon the party had previously turned away. Apparently the dragon had returned to reclaim its tower. The party utilized their newfound strengths to overcome the young dragon, and discovered Reidoth hiding in the woods with his new protegĂ©, Jukaar's brother Ianuum. Jukaar also had another unpleasant surprise: to protect his steed, Reidoth had polymorphed their horses into tree creatures capable of blending in with their environment. Though wooden, Deisheen is still an able and loyal steed, with the added benefit of being able to shape himself into a temporary one-person shelter.   The party found the wealth that had been taken from their cart distributed within the tower, an apparent reclamation and restarting of his horde. Grabbing what they could, the group took to the road to return to Neverwinter with evidence of the dragon's death via a dagger corroded from dragon bile. Along the way, they met with a group of three travelers who claimed to be visiting from another world. "It's not everyday you get to see a city fall," the roguish tiefling opined cheerfully. Rushing onward to assist the city, the party encountered a small group of black riders bearing the same symbol Jukaar had discovered on his adversary who had accosted him in the Saddlery's bar. Through lightning magic they dispatched them easily, and rushed onward toward the setting sun see what awaits in Neverwinter.

Rewards Granted

  • Blue gem from owl skeleton
  • Deisheen - travel mode, shelter mode

The Infinite Horde
Report Date
18 Oct 2019
Primary Location
Sword Coast Frontier

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