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Wind of our Sins

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Metro 2030
09/02/2022 | Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Ivan Tarasov
    Ivan Tarasov is one of several Colonels within the Rangers of the Order, the main military force within the Metro. He is quite a muscular man who always speaks in a deep, firm tone as a means to condone his authority. However, despite his serious nature as a soldier, he always tries to help people whenever he can.
  • Misha Petroff
    Misha Petroff, the owner of Misha's Munitions Incorporated, is an old, crippled shopkeep who currently lives in Prospekt Mira, also known as Market Station. Having lost both of his legs during his time in the military, Misha is bound to his office chair and uses it as his main mode of transportation. He is very successful in his business as an arms dealer, despite his strange ability to be both charming and vile at the same time.
  • Natalia Andreev
    Natalia is a nurse who formerly worked and lived in Prospekt Mira before being arrested for conspiracy by Hanza. Fortunately for her, she was saved by the Polis Rangers before departing her home. Natalia is a very kind, caring, and thoughtful woman who seeks to help others whenever she can in any way possible; however, she is quite strong and can handle herself in a fight if needed.

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 26th December 2022 1:00

Session 9: The Swamp

The Tunnel Rats find themselves preparing to enter a humid, gaseous swamp in their attempt to create a new Stalker path for Hanza; but what horrors await them is yet to be seen.

Welcome to the Moscow, Russia, 2030. The world has grown cold and quiet ever since the Great War of 2013 in which the world above faced mass nuclear annihilation at the hands of a major conflict in the Middle East. However, 40,000 Moscow citizens fled to the metro and since that day, have managed to build their own civilization within the confines of the dark tunnels, establishing a government, military, and even its own economy. In this story, we follow five dangerous mercenaries of various backgrounds who have come together in an attempt to make a living and survive another day in the Underdark they call home.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

First Sergeant of the 14th Spetznas Brigade Alexei Lagunov

Rhikya Vesili

Ogorodnikov Igorevich

Ded Moroz

Oleksandr Karpukhin

Lawful Neutral Aasimar (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 5
33 / 33 HP