Chapter 1-15: Return to Phandalin

General Summary

The party made their way south from Cragmaw Castle to Phandalin, escorting the recovering Gundren Rockseeker, eager to meet up with his brothers. Shortly after arriving at the Town Master's house and speaking to Sildar, his dreams were dashed. Sildar reluctantly told him that his brother Nundro's body had been found a short distance outside of town. Crushed, Gundren wept. Sildar offered to keep an eye on him tonight while the party rested at the Stonehill Inn. Toblen was delighted to see them again, and offered them food and board free of charge. Clootie performed a set, using her new washboard to conjour an illusory donkey and ogre, and the party relaxed and enjoyed their evening. The next day they returned to Gundren to ask about the location of Wave Echo Cave, to try and find Tharden. After sharing a brandy with Ramas, Gundren marked Wave Echo Cave on their map. The group split into two - Ramas, Ryoko and Clootie spoke to Barthen to find out Nundro was likely on his way back to town when he was killed. Aetilius and Miaug spoke to Sister Garaele about the growing corruption in Neverwinter. Sister Garaele seemed visibly shaken by this news, and she has been unable to contact her Mother Superior in the city. She asked them to return to Phandalin before heading back to Neverwinter, and she would see if she could find out any more about this.
The party then made their way east to the foothills of the Icespire Peaks, heading towards Wyvern Tor. During the night they were ambushed by two ghouls, but the party quickly dispatched them. Miaug cut off four of the ghoul fingers, imagining some way she could craft paralyzing arrows from them.
The next morning the group made their way to the hill top immediately before Wyvern Tor.

The Lost Mine of Phandelver


Report Date
16 Jan 2019

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