Chapter 1-23: The Aboleth

General Summary

Aetilius looked around the temple. As his eyes swept across the staircase the party had descended, he caught a glimpse of movement in the shadows. As he tried to focus, three glowing ruby eyes opened in the darkness and suddenly an overwhelming psychic shriek howled through the party's minds, almost forcing them to their knees. Smoky tendrils, like shadowy tentacles, spilled out from the archway; writhing along the roof towards the altar. A thunderous rumble echoed through the temple, and with a terrible roar the roof began to collapse, a huge crack racing from the doorway, loosening little clouds of dust and rubble. The party ran towards the tunnel behind the altar, dodging chunks of stonework as they fell. Miaug tripped over some rubble and tumbled into the tunnel, but was caught by Aetilius, who managed to get her back on her feet.

As the group caught their breath, they found themselves standing in the middle of a huge cavern - which appeared to be a collapsed sea cave. They were standing on a fairly flat surface of loose scree, which sloped gently downward away from the collapsed tunnel, surrounded on three sides by dark murky water, which lapped ominously against the stones. Peering into the darkness, Clootie could make out another small island around 50ft away. Something appeared to be glinting on the shore of the far island - a small golden kazoo. Clootie squeaked in excitement, explaining to the rest of the party. Ramas cautioned her that it was probably not real, and the Aboleth was probably just trying to trick her. To confirm, he sent his raven over to the far island, and it was unable to see the kazoo. In frustration, Clootie threw a rock towards the far island. It traces a short arc and fell far short. Ramas picked up a flat stone, and with a flick of his wrist managed to skim it just beyond the far island. As he grinned at Clootie, the surface of the water rippled. Something dark and massive moved beneath the surface, cleaving through the water towards the party, as the dark lake split in it's wake. A huge eel like creature reared out of the water, it's green skin shimmering with prismatic light. It opened it's mouth, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth, and it fixed its three ruby eyes on Clootie.
Ryoko leapt forward, tearing at the Aboleth's flesh with her teeth, but she was unable to pierce it's leathery hide. She retreated a few steps, warping back to her Dragonborn form and grasping her quarterstaff in both hands. With a flourish, Ramas released three purple darts of energy which streaked through the air, impacting against the aboleth's neck with little bursts of purple force. Aetilius leapt up into the air, bringing Talon up and driving it into the Aboleth's head. The creature lashed out with it's massive tail, but Aetilius dodged nimbly out of the way. Clootie stepped forward, hurling Kulog at the Aboleth. It smashed into the side of the creature's head, and then returned to her hand when called.
The water around the creature seemed to boil, and three tentacles lashed out from the frothing waves. Ramas dived out of the way as one smashed into the ground where he stood a moment before. Aetilius deflected another with his shield, but the third tentacle caught him on the back, bruising him through his armour and coating him with a viscous black goo. From the back of the island, Miaug slighted along an arrow and, with a deep breath, let it fly deep into one of the gasping orifices flexing on the creature's flank. The aboleth unleashed a mighty roar of pain and dove down beneath the waves again.
With a subtle gesture, Ryoko cast a healing spell on Aetilius, relieving some of the pain in his back. Suddenly the water of the lake surged forward, dragging Ryoko and Clootie into the depths. Aetilius leapt into the air again, sweeping across the water and plucking Clootie out of the murky liquid, while Ryoko transformed into a dragon eel. Aetilius attempted to channel his divine power into his blade, but the sparkling energy flickered and dissipated.
Ryoko noticed a group of humanoid shapes floating vertically beneath the island - their eyes closed and their skin waxy and translucent. She recognised the body closest to her as Arwyl Calaudra, Miaug's friend from the bowyers. She also noticed a massive dark shape stirring in the depths - the aboleth. She quickly flicked out her tail, slicing it across the face with her razor sharp spines, before darting away from it.
Clootie suddenly found herself frozen in place. Voices whispered in her mind, but she couldn't quite grasp the words. The sibilant murmuring built to a deafening crescendo, and the aboleth's mind overwhelmed her own. She lashed out at Aetilius, attempting to Gun Stun him, but he drew his head back at the last moment and she dropped to the ground. Miaug was readying an arrow, when a blade pierced her side. Looking round in surprise, she saw Silas standing beside her. Badger leapt up at Silas, sinking his teeth into the thief's calf. The shock of the pain snapped him out of the Aboleth's control and he dropped to his knees, clutching his head.
Ramas reached over, flicking an explosive arrow out of Miaug's quiver and catching it in a single smooth motion. Ryoko spun around in the water, once again lashing out at the aboleth with her tail spines. Focusing on the Blink Dog totem, she teleported behind the beast, over to the island beside Ramas. Ramas snapped the head off the explosive arrow, gently placing the payload between Ryoko's teeth.
Aetilius, Bagder and Ramas scuffled with Clootie, eventually breaking the aboleth's hold over her. The sudden absence of the overwhelming pressure of the aboleth's mind left her stunned and dazed. Meanwhile, with a roar, a tall man dressed in the shining white armour of a Champion of Lathander, race out of the tunnel entrance, swinging a massive greataxe at Aetilius. Aetilius caught the blow on his shield.
The aboleth burst from the water again beside the island, and striking at Ramas with it's tail. Ramas dodged out of the way, and Ryoko raced towards the creature, ramming into it's belly with the explosive arrow head - causing the explosive payload to detonate in a ball of blazing fury. Miaug loosed another arrow at the weakened creature, striking it in the face. Once again, the water of the lake surged outwards, pulling Ramas's feet from under him and sweeping him away from shore. The aboleth struck Aetilius with it's tentacles. He caught the first strike on his shield, but the blow forced him to his knees. A second blow knocked the shield from his grasp, and a third caught him on the head, knocking him unconscious. The viscous black liquid from the tentacles seeped into his wounds - and suddenly his body began to convulse as it lost the ability to breathe air.
In desperation, Ramas swam over to the aboleth, driving his rapier into it's weakened belly and slicing the creature open - entrails and foul smelling ichor drifting out of the wound into the water as the beast expired. As the killing blow was struck, the Champion of Lathander dropped to the ground unconscious. Aetilius continued to suffocate where he lay unconscious. Clootie, snapping out of her reverie, was able to quickly stabilize him, before rolling him into the water to keep him from drowning. [hr[


In the aftermath of the fight, an old woman emerged from the tunnel into the cavern. She wore the pale blue robes of the Harpers of Lliria, and in spite of the mental shock which still left Silas on the ground and the Champion unconscious, she looked at the party with clear and piercing blue eyes. She explained that she was Mother Natali Redwald, leader of the Harpers in Neverwinter, and until recently, a thrall of the aboleth. She asked the group to return to the Temple of Silvanus, find Sister Katelyn and ask her to send as many Sisters as she could spare. Together they would attempt to reverse the effects of the aboleth's disease and save the people unconscious in the water. She also explained that the Champions had just been dispatched to raid the Maintenance Office in the sewers and capture the last of the Thieves Guild. She asked the party to hurry to minimise the bloodshed. She promised to take care of Aetilius and cure him while the rest of the party dealt with the immediate problems.
The party managed to reach the Maintenance Office before the Champions. Most of the leadership of the Champions had been under control of the aboleth, and as such the order were in disarray. The party managed to defuse the situation and the Thieves Guild members were returned to the surface and pardoned. At the party's request, the Sisters of Silvanus sent emissaries into the aboleth's lair, and began the time consuming work of curing the afflicted. The first to be cured was Aetilius, who returned to the party.
As the group relaxed in the taproom of The Yawning Noble that evening, nursing their wounds, Mother Redwald came to speak to them. She explained that she had been enthralled months previously, and one of her main tasks had been to safeguard something for the aboleth. Free of it's influence, she had asked Lliria for guidance. The Goddess had advised her to give it to the party - it's future was somehow linked to their own. She pulled out a black glass orb, carved with a triangle and set with three dull rubies, and handed it to Clootie. She then bought the party a round of ale, and excused herself.

The Lost Mine of Phandelver


Report Date
15 Apr 2019

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