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Session 6: The Door In the Wall Report

General Summary

Everyone convened at the Poor Bastard. After Poncholi got hooked on the idea of corn whiskey, the party decided to head down to the Kennel to find the hidden door. Briefly, the party splits up. Quin looks along the wall and finds scrawlings in a language he can't understand at first, but after casting comprehend languages he discovered that the language was goblin, pointing to a brick in the wall, indicating to speak the goblin word for friend and enter. Uradak tracked down the stable boys at the arena who told him about Master Bristlemount and how best to get in contact with him: either wait for him to show up to the Kennel or find Warchin. Both Poncholi and Ali follow their noses to the run, a small alleyway of shops that seem to stick at the Kennel year round. After discovering and engaging with a strange, purple gnome, in an even stranger purple shop the Old Xoblob Shop, Ali met up with the rest of the party at the Skewered Dragon. After some conversation and some bribery with the barkeep, the party heads back out to figure out whether to delve into Goblin Alley further or to go back up to meet Baern.

Foster: Dragon Heist
Report Date
22 Feb 2021

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