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Session 16: Gaps in Plans, Holes in Floors Report

General Summary

Started with the party minus Ali fighting the bugbears one by one. Ali rolled her death saves in secret(great idea will do again) but pulled through. Bugbears are much deadlier in surprise I found so subsequent attacks should focus on them working silently and as a team. They killed three of them and all split into different ways after finding Ali, who had been stashed in the storage closet. Quin went immediately to the Allwatch to inquire about holding cells. He learned they had none officially and after inquiring with a sleepy and grumpy Baern learned they did not want to get involved. Poncholi busied himself trying to tickle the prisoner’s feet, cleaning the place (he has saved them 120 gp so far), and turning Sebastian into a rat/imp hybrid. Uradak kept watch over a beleaguered Ali who inquired a nasty gash on her head and a crack in her shell. After awaking to the City Watch at their door the following morning along with the realization that NO ONE HAD MOVED THE BODIES, the party endured a tense interrogation before the watch could find no link to them and no apparent flaw in their story and carted the bodies away.  The party went back to sleep, acquired a full rest, and talked about how to best guard the prisoner in the coming nights.

Character(s) interacted with



More tactical play for bugbears next time Don’t forget Ali wants to learn to brew, brewing classes the following week. Also she wants to kill some cockatrice Also heard a corner barker speak about a day where the sun is blacked out and justice for the oppressed shall be near.  Look into “massive damage” rules by xp to level 3

Foster: Dragon Heist
Report Date
11 Jul 2021

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