Session 31 New Adventures await. Report

General Summary

The citizens of Soteropolis woke up to a earthquake at the 4th hour of the 8th of Cupid. As the earthquake shook the newly well constructed guild hall of franchise K seem to survive the big quake. Many interns and employees experiencing earth quakes for the first time.  Unfortunalley the guild hall for the fish mongers did not collapsing killing and injuring many fishermen who were seasonal employees staying at the hall. The employees and interns once they were safe rushed to the aid of the guild hall. Franchise K as a whole aided there local neighbors for about five hours until the troops of the crimson guards and Dragon took over.  Then the party met with a Adlum Flintstone the black smith of Eternal Flame and discussed the contract terms for the job that he was hiring for.  This included 500 Sheckels for the completion of the job and salvage rights to anything found in the tunnels that had not been claimed by the clans of Rock and Stone Mining company. Then squires were ordered to get a wagon and a team of horses as well as a Kegbot for the trip. The companions along with three other intern groups departed for their destinations around the 12 hour. Those interns that did not have jobs stayed and aided the city of Soteropolis with the aftermath of the earthquake.    Shining Eclipse this time headed east to the village of Odesuss on the Geleon trade route. They were told to meet a halfling in Odesuss at the inn called The Hunter & Cup who would be able to tell them how to get to the mine. Around the 14th hour the party was drawing attention from travelers going west to Soteropolis whether they wanted it or not. Karrin has summoned his steed Silver. The dragonnel named silver and Karrin spent at least the last hour getting to know each other as they walked along the road. Unknow to the party this distraction set up the companions for a assassination attempt on the party. This encounter almost cost the live of Dagwyn as she was hit with a very poisonous arrow dropping her on the north side of the road.  As the companions stopped and took positions of cover or looking towards the the trees that were on the northern side of the road. While marik was rescuing Dagwyn to get her off the road and to the safety of the wagon watched an arrow strike the wagon just above his head. While this was going on Dimmir approached the tree were he best surmised where the arrow came form noticed a darkness magic well placed in the old oak tree preventing anyone from seeing the would be killer. Arceven casting a spell shot a streak of lightning to what he thought was the center of the darkness striking an ebony skinned elf as the darkness was dropped after being hit. Marik after dropping Dagwyn in the wagon headed towards the tree him self taking an arrow to his shoulder and his leg but was able to painfully brush of the effects of the poison both times.  Dagon reached out and healed Dagwyn but the effects of the poison kept her unconscious.  Mean while Karrin move in to attack the elf with javelins losing one of them in the tree. Meanwhile following the commands of Karrin Silver swiped at the thin air that was in front oh him totally confused as to why he was doing this.  Then Karrin said the a phrase and the dragonelle was air born and joined in the combat as he swiped and clawing the elf getting blood on his claws. The smell of the blood made him hunger and all he could thing of was eating the elf. Dimmir at this point had enough of this elf threw his rope with a grappling hook to the very branch the elf stood on grabbing the rope and leaped to the branch as well as doing an acrobatic move slicing the throat of the elf and driving his golden rapier threw the temple and threw its eyes dropping the elf in front of Marik. Marik then proceeded to search the ebony skinned elf finding a scroll written in a language he did not recognize. Handing the scroll to Arceven who was able to decipher that it was a contract at 50 shekels a head for any member of Acquisitions Incorporated.    The party continued on reaching Odesus around the 19th hour of the day.  Dagon went to the Half-Full Cup inn and ate dinner and got a room for the night. Most of the the party went to the Inn at the east end of town called Hunter & Cup where they were supposed to meet there contact. Dagwyn still new at being a baroness went to a citizen and a Crimson guard demanding to know where baroness Alethia was where her house was and that she also knew that Duke Fagus was in town has well and was demanding to be taken to him as well. As she got flustered because she could not get the information she needed she used her title as baroness as well to no avail.  The Guard a young private by the name of Nonus Oppius Surinus stood his ground and did not give in to this strange women who he had never seen before the information that she was demanding.    The 9th of Cupid  the companions at the Hunter & Cup met a halfling with long black hair down to her feet with a red tint and red and yellow eyes. She wore green garb to match the woods around her. She carried a club.  There hair was full of twigs, branches, leaves, a small mouse and a birds nest in her hair.  She drew a crude map of the area where the hidden entrance to the mine was. Then she departed.  Dagon came down stairs to find 13 people waiting for him. Three people he recognized baroness Clodia, Colonol Alethia, Duke Fagus. The rest of the people he did not recognize at all. The baroness said good morning Dagon we meet again.

Rewards Granted

  • 557 EXP awarded to Raz' Thrak and Jasmal. 
  • 650 EXP awarded to Dagwyn, Karrin, Arceven, Dagon, Marik, Dimmir.
  • 60 EXP awarded to Dagwyn, Karrin, Arceven, Dagon, Marik, Dimmir. 
  • Two short swords
  • Long Bow
  • 17 Drow poison tipped arrows (7D6 poison damage) Arceven has three of the arrows Dimmir has 14 of the arrows. 
  • Studded Armor
  • 17 Sheckels
  • A contract written in a unknown language deciphered by Arceven stating 50 shekels a head for any member of Acquisitions Incorporated.
  • A crude map of directions to the Rock & Stone mine entrance given to Arceven

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  2. Lede Hektor (Female Human hireling at the guild hall)
  3. Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  4. Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  5. Colonel Armenia Alethia (Female Human)
  6. Mr. French Male human (Majordomo of Acq Inc)
  7. Duke Caeso Calvisius Fagus: (Male Human)
  8. Adlum Flintstone (Male Dwarf)
  9. George Patten (Marik Squire Male Human)
  10. Gimmly Battlehammer (Dagwyn Squire Female Dwarf)
  11. Sepunia Quarto ( female hireling at guild hall.)
  12. Mouzin Thickfist (female minotaur inn keeper of the Half-full cup in Odesuss)
  13. Verrana Twilightsong (Female Halfling Owner of the Hunter & Cup in east end of Odesuss)
  14. Sophy (Female Halfling )
  15. Baroness Clodia Alethia

The War for Soteropolis

Dagon Innsmouth

R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ( R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶)
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ 7
54 / 54 HP

Dagwyn Oakencrown

Chaotic Neutral High Elf (Charlatan)
Rogue 5
Ranger 2
48 / 48 HP

Dimmir “Brightlight”

Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 7
63 / 73 HP
Report Date
15 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Odessus N Azure
Secondary Location
Soteropolis N Azure

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