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Session 12: The Wight's Game

General Summary

  • The party sets out for the mountains and easily makes it to the cave entrance to the Wight's Game. There they meet Squelaiche and agree to make their way through his maze to reap the rewards on the other side. In casual conversation, the Fey proprietor reveals deep secrets about each one of them, aloud and to the wider party:
  • Odila Vallos he reveals her connection with the Koga ninjas.
  • Soma-Rai-Rai he reveals the two-soul bond and her half-existence in the world of dreams.
  • Frederick he mentions having seen multiple lifetimes but remembering none of it.
  • Kayl he reveals that he has Incubus blood.
  • Bengt Sunwalker he is put-off from by the presence of the Scale and asks him why he didn’t learn his lesson the last time his people dug too greedily.
  • Entering the dungeon, the party begins making their way through rooms, easily climbing an ice wall in their first task. Azzat Titanbane tries to move on without opening a chest in the second room and is zapped into ice by Squelaiche for being unsportsman-like. He says the party can have him back “after class”. Frederick opens the chest and promptly gets his hand stuck to a bottle of Sovereign Glue.
  • The next room has them fighting Yetis and taking some significant damage. But Soma-Rai befriends one of the baby yetis and, through some quick thinking, saves him from slaughter and hides him in the Janitor's Closet. The next chest room turns out to be a mimic, and it tries to eat Odila.
  • The next room involves a sliding-stone puzzle similar to curling and it takes the party only a few moments to figure out how to slide the stones around and melt the ice to trigger the pressure plates. The third chest room promises to free Frederick’s hand from the glue bottle, and he imbibes the potion only to be hit with etherealness and transported to the ethereal plane where he can see and hear his friends, but they can’t interact with him. Squelaiche meets him and smiles and tells him that he’s going to sit out the next room. “For balance, of course. One nerf isn’t enough for this wizard!” And invites Frederick to relax with him an Azzat, still frozen in a cube of ice.

19th of Mars - 22nd of Mars

Level: 4
The Scales of Time
Report Date
15 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Spine of the World
Secondary Location
Wight's Game


  • Candleflame Militia: 2
  • Allaris's Bandits: -4 (Defeated)
  • Apple Tree Pond: 5
  • Goblins of the Maw: 1
  • Dragonborn: 3


  • Philip: 1
  • Alveron: 3
  • Tori: 1
  • Splug: 4
  • Azzat: 4
  • Squelaiche: 1 (+1)

Time Sensitive

  Bengt's Scale - 7 (+3)
  • Cursed on 15th of Mars

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