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Session 03: The Smell of Mutton

General Summary

  • After it rains overnight, the party walks the last few miles to Apple Tree Pond in the dense morning mist. After skirting the few bandits on lookout outside the town, they approach the barricaded walls around the same time a small bandit group attacks. The villagers fend off the attack with the help of Mayor Alveron and begin questioning the party.
  • When it is evident that the party comes from Candleflame and is there to assist the town, Mayor Alveron opens up a bit and elaborates on their plight with the bandits, as well as speculates as to the vagabonds motives. He mentions that the village was besieged soon after their spring shearing and that they have been trapped inside the town since. Supplying all the farmers and the sheep proved a difficult strain on the town, and they have been releasing sheep to the bandits every day to lessen the strain, essentially paying the bandits what they want and the bandits are content to sit and collect. Once they are done talking, he allows them the freedom to wander as they wish.
  • Kayl sets about befriending the town, and begins setting up a feast of mutton for the oncoming bandits the next morning
  • Bengt Sunwalker sits and chats with Alveron and learns about the Scouring of Forgehammer and the history of his people, the dwarves. Alveron gifts Bengt with a telescoping shield as a token of friendship and the fact that their people’s were once very close allies. The Orcs of Silverheim have never forgiven themselves for letting Forgehammer fall in the way it did.
  • Soma-Rai , Captain Frederick , and Odila Vallos take a flock of sheep outside the wall to graze and defend them. Bandits see this and attack, while the party barely manages to get the flock inside before being attacked.


Statistics Date: 5th of Mars Weather: Rain/Fog Level: 1   Reputation Candleflame Militia 2 Allaris’s Bandits -2 (-1) Apple Tree Pond 2 (+2)   Bonds Philip 1 Alveron 1 (+1)

5th of Mars
Level: 1


  • Candleflame Militia: 2
  • Allaris's Bandits: -2 (-1)
  • Apple Tree Pond: 2 (+2)


  • Philip: 1
  • Alveron: 1 (+1)
The Scales of Time
Report Date
30 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Apple Tree Pond

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