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Session 39: May His Passage Cleanse the World

General Summary

  • Kayl rushes forward to heal the Svirfneblin who was ambushed by the worm and learns his name is Snev Quartzsniffer, after some quick charm he learns that a worm hunt is a rite of passage for young Deep Gnomes and they are fiercely protective of wanting to slay this magnificent specimen all on their own.
  • The Drow Tracker, Vyl insists that the party cannot interfere without officially joining the hunting license, and he offers to cut them in for a small fee. After Kayl insists on at least helping the gnomes with a few buffs (and experiencing the finnicky particulars of the beuracracy of Shacklegorscht) they charge in to slay the beast. Vyl does offer Frederick the option to claim the worm if Snev's party fails and moves off to assist the gnomes.
  • After a few minutes of battle, the worm seems to be struggling to hit the nimble gnomes and cries for help, summoning additional purple worms to its aid. Vyl, for once showing a hint of fear, insists that the party actively help and slay the additions—promising to help them work out the paperwork afterward. They all make quick work of the creatures, (Bengt Sunwalker going so far as to one-shot three of the wormlings himself) and they eventually allow Snev to land the final blow on the primary worm.
  • The gnomes begin to harvest the worm carcass as Frederick and Vyl work out the particulars of the licensing claims and after much back and forth and significant headaches over the intricacies of Schacklegorscht law, eventually Frederick manages to squeeze out rights to the main worm—at least when it comes to telling the story of its demise. The party settles down for the night and chit chat around the fire as Kayl plays his Duergar bongos (to which Vyl gives some helpful tips) and even Psilos joins in with some hauntingly beautiful gill-singing that sounds like a cross between a synthesizer and a digeridoo
  • Psilos and Vyl make the rest of their journey very simple and the part arrives in Shacklegorscht well rested and with some windfalls to boot! Psilos points out some of the key points of interest in the city and offers to show them to the Bargewright Inn—a local tavern he insists is reputable despite its famously cheap prices.

5th of Meyene - 7th of Meyene

Level: 6
The Scales of Time
Report Date
12 Jan 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


  • Candleflame Militia: 2
  • Apple Tree Pond: 5
  • Goblins of the Maw: 1
  • Dragonborn: 3
  • Fey: -4
  • Kalashtar: 1
  • Eldathian Priests: 1
  • Windlass: 0
  • Skull Farmers: -1
  • Forgehammer Refugees: 1
  • Duergar (Bloodletters): 2
  • Shacklegorscht Svirfneblin: 2 (+2)


  • Philip: 1
  • Alveron: 3
  • Tori: 1
  • Splug: 3
  • Azzat: 5
  • Squelaiche: 5
  • Titania: -5 (Assasinated)
  • Humble: 4
  • Nodon Arash: - 1
  • Rath-Ato: 0
  • Oberon: -5 (Imprisoned)
  • Magic Johnson: 1
  • Dante: 1
  • Abroci: 2
  • Mecurnir: -1
  • Broc: 2
  • Psilos: 2 (+1)
  • Vyl: 1 (+1)
  • Snev Quartzsniffer: 2 (+2)

Time Sensitive

  Bengt's Scale - 25
  • Cursed on 15th of Mars
  • Paused: 25 days
  • Ojiro's Excavation - Delayed Indefinitely - Traps and Rockfall left by Party

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