Ninurta Galaxy Campaign

A Starfinder game In the world of Ninurta Galaxy
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Supporting Cast
  • Akals Oiden
    Akals is the youngest of the Congress members. She is charged with maintaining diplomacy within and external to Star Pact. She is hard working and determined to be a woman of the people.
  • Amelia Earhart
    The hero of humanity and the first prominent figure from another world with the hero status to make themselves known. She is responsible for years of exploration by pioneering the Drift engine.
  • Asa Earhart
    The daughter of the old hero of humanity. She was killed in battle by the traitor hero.
  • Blue 0582
    Blue is the current leader of the androids elected into the position of Counselor of Industry. Blue was a defective android at first but has sense been upgraded to the highest classification of Android as an effort to ensure Android representation was optimal. She largely has no personality but remains curious without ambition.
  • Captain Tezz
    The Ysoki leader of an Uplifted expidition to Josis. He has a nonchalant and curious personality
  • Chad Dasher
    Kind of an Asshole, Chad is a popular racer stranded on Star Base Schade.
  • Crod
    a Giant Red Panda and member of the uplifted Josis expedition. This big guy might not be very bright but he makes an excellent body guard.
  • Deliah Ray
    The determined and sharp-witted female radio host with a passion for uncovering the truth. She always has a story up her sleeve and an insatiable desire to report on the latest happenings in the galaxy. Delilah is not afraid to ask the hard questions, and her tenacity has earned her a reputation as one of the most reliable sources of news in the sector.
  • Dr. Yiggolas Hanna
    Dr. Hanna is a half Lashunta who works as the medical officer on Star Base Schade. She is a genuine and caring person. Her empathy some times gets the better of her making the job that much harder. She is on the run from those who disprove of her parents union.
  • Fassker Brink
    The Walrus involved in the Uplifted expedition to Josis. He is the groups ranger and an excellent survivalist.
  • Fell Maxicrin
    Fell is the Shirren ambassador turned counselor of medicine for Star Pact. She is responsible for ensuring the health and safety of all the peoples. Always seeming to be in a panic, Fell is often found in a state of confusion and disorder. She is learning but has a tendency to mix up the needs of different species. She has a good heart however and means well.
  • Grace Silver
    BFF of Emily Schlosser
  • Hala
    An android Bounty Hunter who specializes in the use of nano technology
  • Hammond Senacor
    Hammond Senacor is responsible for managing Star Pact's Academics and research. He is lazy and cuts corners but the people love him. He has been in office for quiet some time and is nearing the end of his term limit.
  • Hiro Natsuki
    Hiro is the reluctant and over stressed leader of starbase Schade. working tirelessly to keep her crew together after the horrible death of her commanding officer. Hiro is desperate for any form of help.
  • Jar'ed Cisco
    A lashunta senator on board Star Base Schade. He is fascinated by human culture and dresses like a slacker Otaku due to the misinformation that he has been fed. Otherwise he is serious and business like.
  • Jigg Joltis
    Jigg Joltig is the Dirndl representative, who specializes in energy supply. She has a condition rendering it hard to breath on most planets and has to use a special breathing unit to function. For a Dirndi she is is considered dull to straightforward which is saying something considering many other species find her to be light hearted and funny.
  • Kita Kyūshippo
    A soldier on board starbase Schade who lets more than she lets on. A tough silent type with a soft spot for her deaf little brother.
  • Koji
    Friend and coworker of Haru
  • Lt. Patricia Patrick
    One of the comms officers on board Star Base Schade.
  • Lt. Patrick Patrick
    One of the Lieutenants on board Star Base Schade. He was in charge of the mission to retrieve the heroes.
  • Magik Nooth
    One of the elected officials on Keiseki for the star pact alliance. He represents the Hadrogaan population and oversees trade and commerce. Magik is an eccentric yet logical personality. He tends to over do a lot of his job much the the chagrin of his pod.
  • Nea Armor
    A genius and a leader who has been elected as Star Pacts Chief of exploration due to her efficiency and charisma. She to herself a lot but remains sociable if not a tad awkward.
  • Pheonix Stone
    Delilah's male sidekick and a seasoned radio host with a natural talent for connecting with listeners. He has a confident and laid-back style that keeps the audience engaged and coming back for more. Phoenix is a true space aficionado, and his encyclopedic knowledge of all things extraterrestrial often leads to lively discussions on the show.
  • Queen Tekka Asadiss
    Queen Asadiss of the Lashunta people lives in the city of Keiyseki as a sort of royalty figurehead. Her family was initially in charge of Lashunta culture and politics but she is the first one to be in more of a figure head role with the cultures transition towards a multi species galactic union. She holds sway on loyalists. Asadiss is a quiet introvert with a psionic illness.
  • Rachael McJori
    The autistic head engineer of Star Base Schade. She hates change is is perfectly content with the status quo. That being said she is in over her head after taking over for her father who recently died in a freak accident.
  • The Zookeeper
    Tilliads ruler the Zookeeper
  • Voris
    A business minded skittermander with a love of service. He is a greedy, curious, and energetic little buger. With that said he has a kind heart. He operates the Skitterburger on Star Base Schade.
  • Orange Whale Wiigris Lin
    Wiigris is the snarky engineer for a band of mercenaries. She is smart, cynical, and payed back.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Yui Engimono

Al Forman


Yoru Kitsune

Danielle Jackson