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Heart of Angalor

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Seria
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Abigail Whiterun
    The Esteemed Red lady of the children of the star. Currently seen as the defacto matriarch of the political party. While she herself holds no office, it is widely known that many members of the council of Drem swear loyalty to her and her alone.
  • Anewa Stonehold
    A kenku fighter Arasa fucked over in the past. REALLY hates arasa
  • The Scalded Death, Blood boiler, Melter of giants Balacax Doomwing
    A really fucking edgy Black Dragon. Commands the lizardfolk to raid for him.
  • Balthasar Gulthran
    A Dwarf Wizard last seen fleeing the wake of the false Hydra... But where did he go?
  • Black Mask
    A mysterious Pursuer. Skilled with alchemy, stealth and hand to hand combat. Was last seen entering the black obelisk outside of Eumpohang. He has been Trailing the party since the beginning
  • Blue Mask
    A Blue Masked Triton that last confronted the party before their encounter with the false hydra. Seems to have a powerful control over water, wields a trident
  • Boblin
    A handsome goblin apprentice to Granny Hag. Fond of making potions. Fond of making bombs. Constantly kidnapped.
  • King Charlamagne Riverstone
    Song of Rutgar Riverstone, the beloved King of Boma. His reign has been a peaceful one, Facilitated by his extensive use of spies and political subterfuge. Lucian believes he has been practicing dark magic. Currently sick and lying on deathbed within the Salt Keep.
  • Damarcus's Father
    A hard working executive Currently living in Bomabervie. Works very hard, never had much time for his son. This year tho, he plans on changing all that and reconnecting with his son! He can't wait to tell Damarcus how proud he is of him.
  • Dardanos Astoburu
    Arasa's scholarly older brother. Never got along with Arasa in their youth. He went on to become a successful scholar within the mages college. Very well respected within the school of Divination. Infuriated at his brothers return, and insulted by the mere EXISTENCE of Crim and that he dares call himself a wizard
  • Doyle Fillian
    The current spymaster of the king. Was tasked to bring Lucian in to the salt keep. Alive or dead. Lucian and Doyle were rivals in their youth.
  • Ennui
    a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. Put on the orange mask and exploded post combat with the party.
  • Fillia Snowpeak
    Luciens ex lover, and connection to the mages college. Currently employed as a professor of evocations. She has her heart set on becoming the archmage,
  • Fu Astoburu
    Arasa's second older brother. Joined the royal guard but went missing on a patrol many years ago. What happened to him?
  • Lady of the Swamp Granny Hag
    An old woman who seems to appear at the strangest of times... It would seem she has considerable power over the forces of life and death, how much power is hers and how much is borrowed? Last seen heading towards the eastern coast of Boma to visit her sister fleeing the black dragon
  • Gretho Astoburu
    A wealthy high ranking member within the Council of Drem. Seeks to further his own ambition as well as that of the children of the star. Many of his political opponents have met untimely ends.
  • High Conjurer Hermes Clayton
    The previous archmage and headmaster of the mages college. A highly respected master of conjuration magic, widely known for his discovery and usage of the mirror realm. He is back from the far realm, and it seems that he has complete control over those masked individuals. Ranting about an end to division, a return to unity, what does he have planned?
  • Luthor Hark
    A Wizard competing in the Mages Tournament
  • The Shepherd Oru
    Older Brother of Uro. Druid entered in the tournament under Pete Grimmsnarls sponsorship. Seemingly deceased after the party attempted to assassinate him using magic beans and a mindflayer in the night.
  • Pete Grimmsnarl
    The wealthy and crass president of Pete's goods and services. HATES the nickname 'Sneaky Pete'.
  • Shyvalia Stormbrow
    Luciens contact within the church of Bahamut. A Dragonborn sorcerer skilled in lightning evocations.
  • High Diviner Sif Muna
    High Diviner, Archmage of the realm, Headmaster of the Mages college. An easy going, well liked wizard. She appears to have reached the height of her career. and she's very Ok with that. Fond of tea, fond of Smokeleaf, gifted with visions of prophecy. Overall goal to teach magic to as many people as possible, viewing the study of the arcane to be the most noble of goals and the perfect way to rise above ones station. Currently In posession of the Heart of Angalor.
  • Toddles Bigglesby
    What a fuckin nerd LMAO. Freshman wizard student, really stressed out about classes. girls, paying off his student loans, normal college stuff.
  • Uro
    Druid from the north. Younger brother of Oru. Entered in the mages tournament under Pete. Recently the party made a seemingly successful attempt to assassinate him after luring a mindflayer to battle him with the promise of beans
  • Archmage Vaevictus Asmadi
    Former Archmage of the mages college. Widely known for her Profound skill in evocations. Said to have been able to lay waste to entire armies
  • Velrosa Astoburu
    Arasa's kind hearted mother. She was heartbroken when Arasa was forced into exile. In her youth was a scholar of transmutation.
  • Vi Vi
    A friendly professor of Necromancy within the mages college
  • Warden of the North Viserion Silverwing
    A seemingly wealthy elf noble from the northern half of Boma. Constantly hounded by Peter Grimmsnarl to help Peter to set up shop in North Boma. LOVES the centennial mages tournament, hoarding memorabilia from every tournament he attends. Most recently he was persuaded to sponsor the Wizard Crim at a fundraising Gala. Incredibly enthusiastic, wants to see his investments pay off. Allegedly a Silver dragon. BUT TOTALLY NOT A DRAGON GUYS I SWEAR.
  • White Mask
    A Female elf Wizard that detests violence, desires the heart. Was last seen on the road to Bomabervie
  • Yith Redhand
    Lucians contact within the thieves guild. Willing to fence goods, exchange information, forge documents for a price.

Sessions Archive

30th Mar 2020

Session 15: The Gang hunts down Blue Mask

Read the Report
8th Mar 2020

Session 13: The Gang Learns to Torture

Having Captured Anewa the Kenku after he attempted to assassinate Crim and Arasa, The Party Plots their next move. Will They continue to seek other Entrants in the tournament? And what of their masked assailants? Have we seen the last of them?

1st Mar 2020

Session 12: The Gang Gets Information

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9th Feb 2020

Session 10

The party finally delivers the heart of the Balor Angalor after more than a month on the road to Bomabervie, Now they decide to enter the mages tournament

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists



Tyr The Undying


Lucien Hold

Karl Franz