The Witch of Rivercross

A GURPS game In the world of Veridyn
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Supporting Cast
  • Adewale
    A skilled and lethal warrior from the distant continent of Keldoria. Adewale is no stranger to a fight, and came to the continent in pursuit of a wyvern stolen from his land by Veridyni hunters.
  • Adrian Furlow
    The son of a lower level lord, and a knight of the Kingdom of Nadara, Adrian is a cunning warrior and a skilled tactician.
  • Anya Heild
    following the disappearance of her mercenary father and the brother who set out to find him, Anya and her mother moved to the city of Wald in Segenia where Anya learned the sword and eventually joined the city guard. Her past, and her time as a city guard, left her with a distaste of criminals, and adventure loving sells swords alike.
  • Gale Jaks
    A former member of the Crimson Sea criminal organization, Gale fell in with the Party by chance while escaping his former employers. His skills at the card table nearly exceed those as a confidence man and fighter.
  • Kym Rylie
    A cunning thief with a troubled past. forced from her home as a young girl, Kym tuned to stealing food to survive. Over the years her skills grew, and she was more often stealing silver and jewels, than crusts of old bread.
  • Narin Hawk
    A former Chevarian Man-at-Arms. After leaving the army Narin made his money as a traveling sell sword.

The Way The World Ends

Sessions Archive

5th May 2024

The Beginning of the End

21st Apr 2024

A joining of souls

7th Apr 2024

It Begins...

1st Apr 2024

A crusade in earnest...

24th Mar 2024

The Battle Of The Bay

3rd Mar 2024

Moment of Truth

25th Feb 2024

Marching Into Hell

18th Feb 2024


11th Feb 2024

The Road To War

4th Feb 2024

Duel Motives

21st Jan 2024

The Crusade Is Born

14th Jan 2024

This guy again... :(

8th Jan 2024

The New Testamate

27th Nov 2023

The Art Of War - By Nolan Conway

19th Nov 2023

"You told him what?!"

5th Nov 2023

A Couple More Towels

29th Oct 2023

Long live King Galen

22nd Oct 2023

In the name of the king...

15th Oct 2023

Through the portal to....

1st Oct 2023

How to deal with the devil, for dummies. Part II

17th Sep 2023

How to deal with the devil, for dummies.

10th Sep 2023

Through the Fire and the Flames

3rd Sep 2023

Row x3 Your Boat

27th Aug 2023

Build-A-Boat Workshop

30th Jul 2023

WHO is behind us!?

23rd Jul 2023

Hung out on a limb to dry without training wheels (No Tutorial)

16th Jul 2023

4 Iron Blocks and a Pumpkin Head

25th Jun 2023

Victor v Gerwinn

11th Jun 2023

Protect the KINGGG- Uh... PrincESS!!

4th Jun 2023

"That wasn't very uppies of you" - Denare, 1494 3E PVA

21st May 2023

"9d Burning Damage?"

23rd Apr 2023

"Nolan, We have a problem."

16th Apr 2023

The Veritas about Veritas.

24th May 2022

Two Person, All Expense Paid Trip to Valessa

22nd May 2022


17th May 2022

Drakdel is in your walls

10th May 2022

Stabby Stabby Guy In Doorway

3rd May 2022

Ruh Roh Demons In The Ruins


26th Apr 2022

I may have left it running again

19th Apr 2022

bb-8 is not in this session

13th Apr 2022

Def didnt play for two weaks.

30th Mar 2022


22nd Mar 2022


15th Mar 2022

9th Mar 2022

23rd Feb 2022

1st Feb 2022

1st Feb 2022

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Elenor Daniels Voidwood

Elise Wickland

Kal Hield