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Bramble Grove Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Bramble Grove
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Supporting Cast
  • Mayor Cornelius O'Hare
    A charming, albeit affable mayor of the city of Bramble Grove. His advancing years have started lead some of the younger denizens to question his usefulness in the office.
  • Harry McWhiskers
    Persnickety but kind elderly otterfolk blacksmith. He loves embellishing his art. Doesn't have a lot of experience with rare metals but can fix just about anything at his home forge.
  • Druid of the Grove Marlowe
    A jovial middle-to-senior druid who has a penchant for telling stories and drinking fruit wines.
  • Doctor Rodrick Blackquill
    Affluent and well-meaning, if not aloof and a bit rude, physician in Bramble Grove. He is often the first one called when one is sick or injured.

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 7th August 2023 15:00

Introduction to Bramble Grove

A festival is being held that brings people together, but everything is not as it seems.

This story is told by