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Session #1: One Short Day in Zenith City Report

General Summary

Ambassador Elryn from the Triton City-State of Navara arrives on the shores of Lake Zenith. She boards the ferry headed for Zenith City. As does a Grung named M'rgle. Upon their arrival in the city Elryn is greeted by Susannah, an advisor to Lady Elaypheon that has been communicating with Queen Yonryn of the Tritons. Elryn is instructed to make her way to the top of the city to the Palace of Virtue. M'rgle watches this all from a distance and follows Elryn through the city. Eventually they come to a lift, what Elryn soons learns is one of the infamous lifts of Zenith City. Each created by a different spellcaster through various charms as a University project several years ago. This one seems to be slightly telephatic, and has quite the manners. Elryn names them Sylvia. Finally Elryn reaches the top of the city. With the palace of virtue a literal arms reach away, albeit the arm of a mile high collossus. Arriving in the palace Elryn is met by Susannah, who assumes the grung trailing behind her is her body guard. Elryn agrees forging a spontaneous friendship with M'rgle. The pair is led to a holding room to await the council.   Within the council chambers, Aenas, the bodyguard of Lady Elaypheon is intructed by a timid elf page that he is to escort the next speakers into the chamber as they are Lady Elaypheon's guests. He proceeds down the hall of holding rooms and fetches M'rgle and Elryn. The council comes to session and Ambassador Elryn is introduced. Having practiced this speech over the course of the last 8 hours since she left home in the whirlwind that she did she presented a plea to the council. Presenting the findings of the triton mages that the magic energy of the world is in fact a finite resource and could run out in 6 months to a year. She is met by stunned silence. Eventually High Prince Timtario of Arcania rebuts with confidence that the mages of Arcania would surely be the first to know if such a thing were coming to pass. Lady Elaypheon adds that the simple act of sharing this fiction could cause chaos and panic amongst the people and that it was wholely irresponsible for Elryn to present it to the council. All of this is being watched by a Tiefling named Decarabia. One of the cleric under the employ of Chief Du'kat of Tol'dak'tor. She is preoccupied by the gossip from the night before.   M'rgle and Elryn are escorted to yet another holding room to wait for the state dinner tonight. Elryn may have angered the sovereigns, however, there is nothing they love more than a state dinner. They need guests for that to be successful. A human named Cipher passes the pair waiting as he begins to set up the bar for the dinner. Finding out a few hours ago from his boss, Munch the Minotaur, the proprietor of the Labyrinth Bar, that the Labyrinth was responsible for bartending tonight. And Munch had a date with a dryad.   More guests of the sovereigns trickle into the grand dining room, the former council chambers before the new room was constructed. The grand cathedral like feeling has been left intact, purposefully we can assume to maintain the sense of grandeur that must be tied to the sovereigns. As dinner approaches, one of the aides, a Firbolg named Liam ushers in a water genasi named Torrent who makes himself comfortable at the bar. With glasses and glasses of water.   As the entrance of the sovereigns approaches Liam is prepping with Grin for her performance for the dinner. He escorts Til to the dinner, to her dismay, seperating her from her friend. At this point all of the support staff of the sovereigns have entered the dining hall as well. Til catches Aenas' eye, matching a description of a suspect involved with a crime the night before. He proceeds with some casual interrogation and seems... suspicious of her still, but let's her continue with her night. The sovereigns arrive marking the beginning of dinner. The firbolg Grin is the featured performer of the night, and what a performance it was!   As the night passes on, some of the group finds themselves at Cipher's bar playing a game of flippy mug. Strangers amongst strangers they seem to get to know each other rather well in the short time. It is during this time that the sovereigns seem to have excused themselves from dinner a bit early.   Shortly after this realization has been made the room is filled with crashing glass, banging doors, and screams as a pair of Vulture Aaracokra fly into the chamber, and a pair of gnolls and an ogre enter from the other end. Our heroes engage with these intruders. Quickly dispatching the Aaracokra, the party turns to the Gnolls and Ogre. But it is then that two Dryads appear in the chamber as well. (what could have brought this unlikely group of creatures together?). The dryads succeed in Charming Aenas and Cipher but they continue in the fight. The team works together, light, darkness, water, and a ukulele. Soon all the foes are vanquished. The dust settles and the dinner guests remaining in the room begin to applaud.

Rewards Granted

Applause and gratitude from the elite of Zenith City

Character(s) interacted with

Sylvia the Lift, Liam, Lady Elaypheon Denton, Chief Du'kat Tol'dak, High Prince Timtario Greenleaf, King Thrimmuald Sapphire, Queen Aesix Thildurghast, Susannah


Encounter Completed: 2 Vulture Aaracokra, 2 Gnolls, 2 Dryads, 1 Ogre   First Game of Flippy Mug played

Quotes of Note:

"I'm gonna croak" -M'rgle
"I'd like to recommend the water" -Torrent
"It's just gonna Grin and bear it" -Unknown
Heroes? of Gwynfaren
Report Date
04 Aug 2022

Record of Rolls:

Nat 20's:
Austin, Emily (2), Michaela (2)
Nat 1's:
Amanda, Dustin (2), Emily

Kill Count:

Bri (1), Dustin (1), Emily (2), Jon(2)

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