Episode 39: "A Day at the Trials, Part 2" Report

General Summary

The Enemy Within: Death on the Reik Episode 39 - “Day at the Trials, Part 2” 6/24/24 Post-Game Notes   Day 112 - Backertag, 30 Brauzeit, 2512 IC Picks up with Kris confronting a would-be pickpocket near the grandstand, and Karl confronting an apprehended street urchin outside a neighboring alley.

  • Leonardo and Matteo get the kid, Hatto, to confess to Karl: he and his pals were hired by an “old man” to start a scuffle and then, in the chaos, to run by Beau and slash his legs. The kid is left with Karl, who exercises some gentle pressure to extract more info: weather-worn face, grey cloak, close-cropped white beard. Karl lets the kid go, but keeps the bag of pennies.
  • Meanwhile, the pickpocket feigns outrage at being manhandled by Kris, and enough attention is aroused that watchmen, guards, and Gustaf converge. One of the watch inspects the wallet that Kris claims was being planted on his person: three poison-tipped blowgun darts, with space for a fourth.
  • Godabert suggests that the true owner of the darts would have the blowgun in his possession. Despite some apprehension from Gustaf (who momentarily fears that the poisoning was indeed part of the Crew’s scheme), the supposition bears enough merit that the watch asks everyone to empty his or her pockets… at which point the sneak, Jared Bottcher, bolts into the crowd.
  • The Crew gives chase, but both Gertrud and Godabert stumble behind onlookers, almost immediately losing sight of Bottcher. Kris, exhibiting his quick-footed athleticism, runs around the obstacles, tackling Bottcher from behind. A blowgun that the pickpocket was trying to dispose of tumbles from his cloak, in plain sight of the watch.
  • Bottcher is led away by the watch, despite some pleading by Godabert to be allowed to question him. Gustaf assures the Crew that he’ll see the matter dealt with after the trial. As they’re talking, God notices the suspicious man from earlier in the morning helping out with placing cushions on the grandstand. God, Kris, and Beau attempt to follow the man, who has now abandoned his efforts at setting up, while Gertrud and Gustaf take a closer look at the grandstand.
  • The man realizes he is being followed, and breaks off into a run west of the courthouse. He’s elusive, and both Godabert and Beau quickly lose him in the maze of alleyways, but Kris, once again, displays a knack for pursuit and catches the rogue.
  • Godabert searches the man, finds a prop Verenan prayerbook, some coins, and a neck tattoo of a “U” enclosed in an “O.” The man hisses to God that this has nothing to do with them, and they should let him go.
  • Gustaf and Gertrud catch up, causing the man to struggle mightily in a vain attempt to escape. Gustaf whispers sinisterly that the man is correct – this needn’t concern anyone anymore – as he jabs something into the back of the man’s neck. The man’s eyes bulge out and his facial muscles convulse; he dies in Kris’s hands. As they walk back towards the courthouse, Gertrud, who is holding the cushion, explains that the seat was meant to be Gustaf’s, and it bore a poison-tipped needle in the center. No more questions, for now…
  • Karl rejoins the Crew and they all debrief one another. Godabert lobbies for a delay, to no avail. The retinues are arriving…
First to arrive is Baron von Dammenblatz’s crew, including Ivan Drago, who is met with much cheering and adulation. Then, the Gravin and her retinue. Finally, the three magistrates are introduced: Hannes Richter, who the Crew remembers from the certification; magistrate Hanna Anwalt, and assistant magistrate Gerhard Urteil.
  • A herald comes out and announces everyone. The two parties enter the arena with their champions, the magistrates, and the Verenan priestess.
  • Karl spots someone in the crowd who exactly matches Hatto’s description. He keeps tabs on him.
  • The priestess, Petra, inspects both champions. After telling Beau to remove his magical ring (the Gravin takes it for safekeeping), she goes over and feels up Drago a bit.
  • The champions take their oaths, and are then given their weapons and armor. They are instructed to attend to their pavilions and make preparations.
  • The shifty agent is on the move, towards Beau’s pavilion, carrying a wicker basket. Karl pursues, and frightens the guy just as he was messing around behind the tent. He gets away.
  • In his tent, Beau snorts the secreted Ranald’s delight and takes a swig of the Griffon’s Gulp. He feels fucking great.
The battle commences!
  • Drago seems to be toying with Beau. He smashes Beau’s arm with the flat of his blade, then nimbly dances away from two wild hacks.
  • Drago pushes off from Beau, circles around, then takes off his leather jack, throwing it into the crowd. He pulses his oiled bronze pecs, and goads Beau into striking first.
  • Beau lands a shot to Drago’s ribs, which surprises the Baron’s champion as much as it wounds him. Then – boom!
  • A massive explosion from behind the courthouse rocks the ground, and both combatants stumble to their feet, as do many people in the crowd. A flame erupts from behind the courthouse and black smoke fills the air. The herald toots, declaring a pause, and the combatants are instructed to return to their tents. The watch and the magistrates rush to investigate.
  • Inside his tent, Beau takes a swig of wine. Takes the edge off, and his arm feels a lot better.
  • Word is going around that someone blew up the back wall of the courthouse and some criminals escaped.
  • Eventually order is restored and the herald signals a re-start. Beau drinks the last of the Griffon’s Gulp and charges towards Drago. Drago, for his part, looks like he’s going to take Beau much more seriously, and charges in turn.
  • Drago strikes first, shredding Beau’s armor and badly injuring his leg. Beau can’t take much more of this. Drago parries one attack, and prepares to counter with a killing blow.
  • Suddenly, in an inspired show of resilience and heretofore unseen intensity, Beau swings his zweihander like he was born with the blade, slashing deep into the side of Drago’s skull. The great Kislevite drops his weapon and clutches at the hole in his head where an ear once was, blood cascading down his face. He stumbles to the sawdust, stunned and broken.
Another interruption!
  • Before Beau can survey his opponent’s condition, the dust between the combatants swirls up in a spark of green fire. All the sound seems to vacate the arena, save a low intoning bell and the screech of a revenant ghost materializing before everyone’s eyes. Beau runs away.
  • The vengeful ghost rushes straight towards the witchhunter Matthias Hubkind, intent on draining the life from the Sigmarite. Arrows and bolts from God and Karl have no effect on the creature, nor do any of the rapier swings from Hubkind.
  • One slash cuts through the ghost, and severs a chain holding a small iron bell, which flies through the air and lands in the stands.
  • Beau runs over to Kris, who tosses over the trusty mace along with a recommendation: grab that bell! As Hubkind struggles for life, Beau rushes towards the bell and reaches out with his left hand to pick it up – rusted and old, cracked and green – but in a sudden change of heart strikes a down on the relic with his mace. The bell shatters into tiny fragments and the ghost vanishes in hushed scream. Hubkind nods in appreciation.
So, now the fight can continue, yes?
  • During the incident with the ghost, Drago staggered to his feet momentarily, disoriented and still bleeding profusely. When the dust settles on the revenant battle, the crowd notices that Drago has crashed back to the cobbles, immobile. Eight watchmen enter the arena and converge on the still figure.
  • (Two of the watchmen near Karl are whispering: what are they doing? They’re not supposed to enter the arena…)
  • Two watchmen pick up Drago’s body while another approaches from behind, unsheathing a dagger. He proclaims loudly, “Blood for the Blood God!” and slashes the Kislevite’s throat, bathing his compatriots in blood.
  • In an instant, all eight watchmen repeat the gruesome prayer and slash their own throats, spraying blood all over the arena. The blood ripples and moves, pooling up into eight slick puddles that geyser upwards to form towering, demonic forms. Eight undiscovered members of the Sanguine Brotherhood have sacrificed themselves to call forward a host of Bloodletters of Khorne.
Interlude   All is blood and screaming.   * * *

Rewards Granted


  • 10 for getting information from Hatto, showing the kid some mercy, and preventing an organized urchin attack (Karl)
  • 10 for the endaround in-traffic tackle of Bottcher (Kris)
  • 10 for vigilance and leadership in pursuit of cushion-placer (God)
  • 10 for another deft pursuit and takedown, this time of the “OU” cultist (Kris)
  • 10 for scaring off the basket-wielding saboteur (Karl)
  • 25 for taking down Ivan Drago in the trial by combat (Beau)
  • 10 for banishing the vengeful ghost (all)
  • 15 for working together to keep the trial secure and showing off the impeccable teamwork of the Wrecking Crew #fullsquad
  • 25 for a great session, and scintillating drama
  • Godabert: 60
  • Beau: 75
  • Karl: 70
  • Kris: 70
  • Bag with 80 pennies (Karl)
  • Purse with 3 GC, 12/- (God)

Character(s) interacted with

Locations scouted and new NPC’s engaged:   Kemperbad, courthouse, assembled crowd

  • Jared Bottcher, sneaky bastard
  • Hatto, harmless street urchin
  • Hanna Anwalt, magistrate
  • Gerhard Urtweil, assistant magistrate

The Enemy Within
Report Date
25 Jun 2024

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