Episode 5: Lord of Ubersreik Report

General Summary

Prequel to The Enemy Within Episode 05 - “Lord of Ubersreik” 5/11/2019 Post-Game Notes   Day 7 (tenth day overall; fourth day on the job) (continued - after meeting with Lowhavens)

  • Party leaves meeting behind Satrioli’s and prepares for night beat: Karl and Kris to meet “the employer” at Boatmen’s Guild; God and Beau stake out from outside:
  • Extra crazy quiet and foggy
  • Coach draws up to the rear entrance of BMG: Christophe and Sir Pierre give the Watch a nothing-to-see-here dismissal; from a safe vantage, Beau observes the wizard and the knight enter the BMG from the second-story back door, as well as a lank, shadowy figure who waits on the landing.
  • Karl and Kris get details on the job from Christophe the Grey Wizard and Sir Pierre L’Abarque: three nights from now, they will transport a Lena Bauer (name slips out from Rugger) and her “trappings” to Tallerhof Village. There they will meet a man named Franke who will take on Lena and guide her across the Gray Lady Pass to Parravon. In exchange, Kris and Karl will take on three cases of fine Bretonnian brandy to do with as they see fit. Karl will also be given ownership of the barge which is even now being retrofitted with the concealed smuggling compartment. Come back this week to speak with Rugger about trustworthy hire to fill out the crew complement.
  • From the alley, Beau observes the shadowy figure on the landing scramble back into the coach, looking like a floppy blanket with feet.
After the meeting at BMG, party gears up fully and decides to head back to the Dunkelfeucht to stake out a suspected river troll.
  • Followed by armed vagrants, revealed to be minions of “The Baron”
  • Pinned in an alley parallel to the shore, a fight ensues; the party leaves two gangsters dead, and another dying. One of the fleeing minions shouts, “We had a deal…!” Dying three-hat woman sputters that the Baron just wanted to know why the Watch kept poking around. Loot the bodies for some pennies.
  • Godabert is injured, so they head back to the RMI.
  Day 8 (eleventh day overall; fifth day on the job)   Meet Rudi outside Customs House, who is very excited to report to the Precinct for an assembly and wage distribution   At Precinct, Captain Pfeiffer makes a stupid speech, and then presents Rudi with a medal and a monetary bonus for his valiant work this week: saving people from a fire, stopping a brawl, assisting the investigation into Klauson’s death. He graciously accepts: “A bit difficult with having to shepherd new recruits, but…”
  • Pfeiffer has special assignment for the party. Not sure why they’re so well-favored among the town’s elite, but Frau Hellin Karstadt-Stampf has made a generous donation to the Watch’s coffers in exchange for the PC’s services as added security at a masquerade ball this evening. Orders: assist Karstadt-Stampf as much as possible, but priority is to keep the peace among quibbling nobles and wealthy citizens.
  • Receive their stipend of 12/- apiece.
  • Godabert visits the Watch doctor for some wounds dressing and healing.
During morning patrol, Karl and Kris check in with Rugger: he promises to have them some rowers to interview tomorrow at 1pm.   Head over to Boatbuilders & Chandlers Guild, where they meet Kurt Prochnow again. Ernst Zimmerman is seen working on, what would appear to be, Christophe’s barge. Party is not allowed a closer look, but Kurt is dubious of its river-worthiness. They pick up the three-minute timing candle. Kurt tells them everything they’d ever want to know about trolls.   Head over to Bridge House Inn for lunch meeting with Stickybun.
  • Exchange “fake” plans for 5GC; receive offer to deal information directly with Stickybun (bypass Mercy): he can be contacted at a Rumster’s pie cart outside the Corn Exchange in the Merchant Quarter
  • Send a message to Jekel from postal counter: “Located Lena through criminal connections. Turf war brewing between Crosses and Lowhavens has complicated matters. She will be at the Red Moon Inn in 10 days. We will apprehend her at that time. Send money.”
Back to RMI for a disco nap.   Head to the Morgenseite for the party: Karl stops and buys a rabbit mask at Beaumarteau’s for a quick change/undercover gambit. Party guests, etc. (fill in details as you remember them):
  • Hellin Karstadt-Stampf and her purser (???)
  • Captain Pfeiffer and Captain Blucher
  • Lord Rickard Aschaffenberg and Maximillian Aschaffenberg
  • Heinrich von Bruner and Lady something-or-other
  • Conrad von Bruner and his slutty date
  • Lord Siegfried von Saponatheim and retinue
  • Borgun Foambeard and Thurngill Flagonfiller
  • Erich von Holzenhauer (the host)
  • Christophe and his scantily clad noble friend (???)
  • Gravin Maria-Ulrike von Liebewitz of Ambosstein and her retinue
  • General (???) and a Knight Panther
  • Burgomeister (???)
  • Sigmarite priest and Shallya priestess (???)
  • Baron Heinrich von Falkenhayn and his date
  • Doctor (???)
Party intrigue (7:00pm - 8:15pm)
  • Maximillian shows up in a mutant costume to taunt von Bruners; Beau makes first attempt at smoothing things over by giving him his cloak and a chair leg “costume”
  • Christophe magically swaps the priest and the priestess’s clothing. Laughter ensues.
  • A dwarf reports to Borgun that their beer cart was attacked by a “rat-headed mutant” en route to the party. Everything’s cool. Beer is safe. Captain Pfeiffer instructs exterior Watch to tighten security on The Hill.
  • Lord Erich meets Karl in disguise and talks shit about the Gravin
  • Lord Saponatheim puts something in Lord Aschaffenberg’s drink, which makes him sick; Kris gets eyes on Siegfried
  • Godabert catches Siegfried in the act of drugging Lord Erich’s beer; confrontation results in Siegfried getting embarrassed and kicked out of the party
  • Maximillian and Heinrich von Bruner get into a slap-fight in the Gallery; Karl breaks it up with slick moves and inspired strength. He gets a nod from the Panther.
  • Conrad von Bruner wants to fuck shit up.
  • Kris scolds Maximillian outside the party and forces him to march back inside and apologize to Lord von Bruner; Kris also gets a nod from the Panther.
  • During the confusion surrounding Lord Siegfried von Saponatheim’s unseemly departure from the party, Conrad, who had been instructed to keep an eye on the dwarves, steals a map from Borgun. Seems to be a sewer map of Ubersreik with odd scratches and notations.
  Locations scouted and NPC’s engaged:   Morgenseite (“The Hill”)
  • Madame Beaumarteau’s Costume Shop
  • The Niederstadt Estate
  Interlude: N/A - this party’s just getting started!

Rewards Granted

XP: 110 to each PC, broken down as follows:

  • +20 to all for meeting Christophe and setting up the Lena operation;
  • +25 to all for showing the Baron’s flunkies who’s boss in the Dunk;
  • +10 to all for successfully keeping the peace at the ball from 7-815, and:
  • +25 to Beau for calming down Maximillian;
  • +25 to Karl for breaking up the fisticuffs;
  • +25 to Kris for convincing Maximillian to apologize
  • +25 to God for catching Siegfried;
  • +30 to all for slick roleplaying.
  • 5 GC (Lowhaven
  • 12/- each (wages
  • 28 pfennig (stealing from dead bums
  • Three-minute timing candle;
  • Rabbit mask.

The Enemy Within
Report Date
02 May 2023

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