Episode 2: Making the Rounds Report

General Summary

Prequel to The Enemy Within Episode 02 - “Making the Rounds” 3/2/2019 Post-Game Notes   Day 6: (third day in Ubersreik) Trial, sentence, and drunken shenanigans on Wizard’s Way.

  • Party is indicted for starting a riot, general violence, and two counts of murder (knife-wielding thug and Fosten the Fiery)
  • Osanna Winandus represents them, hired by the Karstadt family (Jocelin Karstadt was the girl saved from the thugs): no contest; each party member is questioned by the judge
  • Sentenced to a maximum of three years working for the watch; Osanna: “Maybe this is exactly where you need to be.”
  • Captain Pfeffer introduces them to Sergeant Rudi Klumpenklug; party outfitted in leather aprons (light armor)
  • Godabert buys lousy leather armor at Reiniger’s Outfitters; arrows
  • Send a letter to Jekel in Sprinthof: “following leads on Heske and Karstadts. Send money.”
  • Party strikes a deal with Franz at Red Moon Inn: free room in exchange for security presence (Franz says he has a future favor to call in as well)
  • Party meets Rudi at Raspy Raven and they go over duties: day shift 8am-12p and night shift 10p-2am. 
  • Then they get drunk and wander around the Artisan’s Quarter looking for The Wizard. “Christooopphe oh Christooppphe….”
  • Kris pees on the Wizard’s tower and then they run away from some fog magic. 
Day 7: First day on the job.
  • Rudi walks them through the beat and points out suspect alleyways, etc.
  • They chase down a pursethief near the north-western part of the Docks. Rudi reclaims the purse, gives half back to the protesting Tilean merchant, and then breaks the kid’s nose
  • God & Kris negotiate with the kid (Dimzad) to act as a dockside informant; instructions to meet tonight at RMI
  • Franz gives them a little background on his past, and tells them he suspects a number of persons/entities want to murder him. Wants party to help him blow up the RMI in two weeks and help fake his own death
  • Party spends the afternoon in the Dawihafen, getting hammered at the Axe & Hammer; looking for Grodni Surehammer, but befriend three members of the Harataki Clan. Get some more intel on Sturgill.
  • Evening beat: help rescue four people from a burning tenement and put out the fire above a butcher shop. Eyewitness (small boy) said he saw cloaked figures start the fire then get into a fight farther down the street with other figures.
  • Back at the RMI: plan to stake out tavern to see what’s been scratching about. They fight and kill two Skaven Night Runners in the alley alongside the RMI. Kris suffers another near-mortal wound.
  • According to Franz, the Night Runners are Clan Eshin assassins, which is corroborated by the fact that their bodies liquefy and rot instantly upon death.
Day 8 (fifth day in Ubersreik; three days after the riot)
  • Morning beat: witness a pie merchant getting squeezed by a trio of dockworkers. Rudi advises the party to look away. Godabert struggles mightily against the tug at his moral compass; Beau don’tgiveafuuck. The other two slot somewhere in-between.
  • Afternoon: Kris, Karl, and Beau pick up their fancy-ass leather armor.
  • Send another letter to Jekel: “Made some high-level contacts. Following magical emanations. Getting closer. Send money.”
  • Evening beat: Rudi races them to the Crooked Hammer where a fight -- a “Conflict of Colors” -- has broken out. Party cools things off by beating up some Altdorf soldiers, including a pair of fanatics who seem to love brawling. They now have a “friend with The Crosses.”
  • After work: head to the Boatmen’s Guild to follow up on some more leads. Kris gets them in (usually just one guest). Drink a lot, and each nails his gossip tests. More info on Sturgill, the Guild Head, attacks on the Chapel of the Grail, and someone named Zimmerman.
Interlude:   Even just a few days on the job, and you four are beginning to develop a routine: wake up bleary-eyed before 8am; scarf down breakfast and a brew; and head out for your morning rounds with Rudi, content to mostly hassle loiterers and kick vagrants. After a midday nap, you’re fortified for the exceedingly more interesting nightly rounds, and the information-gathering that follows.   This morning you all are exceptionally foggy, and not just because of the late-night drinking at the Boatmen’s Guild. So much information to keep straight… leads on Lena’s disappearance go through Heske Glazer to the wizard, involve an expatriate dwarf and his connections to the Lost Hold of the Harataki, and may even connect to an unseen manipulator that landed you on the Watch in the first place.   Then your landlord and patron, Franz Lohner, asked you to help him blow up the Red Moon Inn and assist in faking his death. That’s a crazy plan. But an appearance of Skaven assassins seems to discount paranoia. Who else is after him?   And who really killed the fire-breather? What are those brawl-obsessed Altdorfers up to? What’s Rudi’s deal anyway? Why is Godabert so annoying? Who’s burning butcher shops? Who fucking ransacks a chapel? Is this just how shit goes around here?   You don’t say more than a few words to each other in the morning, exhausted as you all are, but you each seem to be cognizant that you’re all similarly addled, wrestling with the same questions. There will be time to talk this through after that delicious nap.   As you head downstairs, slowly pulling on various pieces of clothing and armor, you’re stopped by Johann, the cook. Instead of saying anything (or offering you some food), he points to one of the booths on the south side of the taproom. Sitting there, hungrily sopping up the last of his fish & potato stew with a crust of bread, is Sergeant Rudi Klumpenklug. Standing next to him, eyes on the four of you, is a steely-eyed, clean-shaven man well over two meters tall. His wide-brimmed hat, plumed with feathers in the colors of Ubersreik, and his impeccably maintained burnished leather, indicate that he is a figure of some authority. The long-barrelled polished pistols that are strapped around his ribcage indicate that he means business.   “I can see why you kids like this place. Even cold, this is a tasty stew.” Rudi wipes his face with the back of his sleeve, gulps down the last of his ale, and stands up. “Figured we’d be better off meeting here, rather that at the Custom House. My associate here is Sergeant Lief Mair, an investigator with the Watch.   “There’s been another killing along your beat, lads. Body found just outside the Hammer by the morning patrol. Particularly nasty. So Sergeant Mair and I have a few questions.   “Beginning with… what happened to you lot after the brawl last night?”

Rewards Granted

XP: Kris, Karl, Beau, and God: 150

Character(s) interacted with

Locations scouted and NPC’s engaged: The Courthouse (Marktplatz)

  • Barrister Osanna Winnandus
  • Judge Mierte
The Precinct / Watch Barracks
  • Captain Andrea Pfeffer
  • Sergeant Rudi Klumpenklug
  • Reineger of Precinct Outfitters
The Raspy Raven
  • Rudi’s base of operations
Artisan’s Quarter
  • Cordelia’s Apothecary (location only)
  • Heske’s Dragonglass (location only)
  • Wizard’s Tower (location only)
  • Borgun’s Brewery (not Bugman’s, you idiot) (location only)
  • Axe & Hammer; Harataki dwarves:
  • Gotri - chatty fucker
  • Slugni
  • Frotz
Fleischman’s Butcher Shop
  • Mr. Fleischman and wife
  • Narbe Ditwin (upstairs tenant)
  • Mssr. Marbeaux (owns building; didn’t meet)
Boatmen’s Guild

The Enemy Within
Report Date
19 Apr 2023

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