Episode 32: I'm the Captain Now Report

General Summary

The Enemy Within: Death on the Reik Episode 32 - “I’m the Captain Now” 11/09/22 Post-Game Notes   Day 87 - Marktag 5 Brauzeit, 2512 IC  

Berebeli and the Schnuckiputzi part ways and plan to rendezvous in Weissbruck.   Captain Kris shows off his excellent sailing skills and mediocre leadership qualities and the Schnucki is quickly taking advantage of a very strong tailwind. Vorenau, well before dark!   There is some confusion as to who is the First Mate. This is a developing story. Please stay tuned.   The Crew gather some juicy gossip at the Flute & Fairy, mostly to do with swirling rumors about Crown Prince Wolfgang.   Day 88 - Backertag 6 Brauzeit, 2512 IC  
Wind still strong, still pushing downriver, and Kris still all over those sails. Coupled with his enchanted elven “sky lens,” the Crew sees the aquatic danger well in advance:
  • A lone traveler on a rowboat is being attacked by the largest Reik eel any of them have ever seen. He is dressed in the clothes of someone from the far north, cursing in some incomprehensible language, and trying to fend off the beast with a spear.
  • The Crew come in bolts & arrows blazing, pelting the creature with their missile attacks. A powerful tail swipe knocks the traveler to the deck of his boat, and the great jaws look ready to finish him off.
  • Kris deftly maneuvers the tiller to get his sharpshooters closer to the target. Dieter looks around and admires the fall foliage.
  • A few more well-placed shots to the beast’s head, including several from the suddenly sharp-shooting Karl, and it disengages from the rowboat and instead starts swimming towards the Schnucki. An eel this size could easily do some damage to the newly acquired water vessel. Dieter thinks he might be more helpful with a crossbow but has no idea how to load it.
  • In an inspired display of dexterity and ballistic prowess, Beau loads his heavy crossbow, gives it a crank, and, in one fluid motion, punishes the eel with a fat bolt to the dome. It dives below the surface and swims away.
The Crew welcome the traveler, a Kislevite apprentice shaman named Yevgeni Dostal, to their boat. He is effusive in his thanks, offering what little recompense he can in the form of vodka while traveling with them to Kholvin.   At the Hare Rampant near Kholvin, the Crew learns more of Yevgeni’s story. He was sent on a quest by the great shaman Dafa to follow his visions and the vaiduk in his dreams. Some nonsense about finding “the fish that flies,” and “make friends” and who knows what else. He’s tough to understand. He does tell them that Dafa believes an alliance with the chegan to the south will pay dividends one day. So here he is… following his visions towards Carroburg.   As a parting show of gratitude, Yevgeni buys the Crew a bottle of fine Kemperbad brandy.   More rumors and gossip.   Day 89 - Bezahltag 7 Brauzeit, 2512 IC   Wind has dropped to bracing, coming from the starboard side, but Kris once again proves why he’s the captain and he takes advantage, making good time towards Gramdorf.   Through the sky lens, Kris sees a smaller trading boat some 200 yards downriver, moored near the north bank of the river. Three, maybe four crewmen, all acting casual on the deck. The Crew go into alert mode.
  • As they approach, the friendly traders make some small talk and, after learning the Schnucki is relatively new to the trading gig, their Captain, Sophie van Haagen, asks if she can discuss a favor onboard the Crew’s ship.
  • The Crew is wary, and that tension is felt by the strangers, but after some assurances, Sophie climbs aboard and meets with Kris and God (first mate?) in the main cabin.
  • Headed to Weissbruck? Great - how would you feel about bringing in a crate for us. We’ll pay you 25 GC now, and 25 GC in Weissbruck after we recover the crate. No peeking please. We have a bit of a reputation on the river, but we’re tired of paying unjust tariffs and taxes that are designed solely to squeeze the independent trader out of making a living!
  • There is much discussion among the Schnucki crew, but Captain Kris finally makes the decision to accept the deal.
God oversees the transfer of the crate and tries to detect if there is anything magical, or otherwise suspicious, about the cargo. Seems to check out, and as two of Sophie’s crewmen transfer the crate, a third slips a bag of 25 gold into God’s pocket.   The boats depart and then there is much more discussion about whether or not the Crew should pry open the lid and take a look at what they’re transporting. Ultimately, Kris again takes charge and delicately pries three nails loose and swivels aside the top of the crate revealing 48 bottles of what appear to be prime Bretonnian brandy.   Unbelievably there is now even MORE debate regarding what to do about the valuable cargo. Steal the whole thing? Do a bottle-swap and replace one bottle of Bretonnian with the Kemperbad swill gifted by Yevgeni? Keep to the parameters of the deal?   The discussion goes on into the night as the Schnucki docks outside Gramdorf, and most of the crew decide to remain onboard to protect (and discuss) their next steps. In the All Sorrows Inn, Godabert finds the remnants of some familiar-looking wanted posters that have been torn from their posting board. Tomorrow, Weissbruck.   Day 90 - Konistag 8 Brauzeit, 2512 IC  
The next morning, en route to Weissbruck, a little late night windstorm has deposited tree branches and other debris in the river. Kris once again shows off his tiller-handling skills and they sail through unscathed.   Once docked in Weissbruck, the wharf is full of dockworkers, merchants, and stevedores. Kris instructs the dock crew as he prepares to meet the harbor master. Fifty yards or so north, the Crew sees the smugglers’ boat being inspected by the riverwardens. They’re tossing the boat, but good, and Sophie seems none too pleased. Word on the dock is that the “Van Haagen lady has a bit of a reputation with the local authorities.”
  • While Kris and Beau (or is he the first mate?) deal with the harbor master, the others disembark and are questioned by a variety of merchants along the docks. Buying? Selling? One duo of merchants approaches Karl and Renate and while one gives a sales pitch, the other starts doing that odd gesticulation with the pinky and earlobe that they saw weeks ago in Altdorf. Karl asks Renate if she’s ever seen it before, demonstrating the gesture, and then, abruptly, the talkative one shakes Karl’s hand and tells him not to sell until he’s had a chance to check with his boss. Then off he runs into the crowd.
  • Harbor fees arranged and explanations given, Kris, God, and Dieter decide to head into town. Beau will remain on the boat and guard the contraband.
Karl notices that his hand feels sticky and realizes that his palm is covered in purple ink. On second thought, he’s going to stay on the boat too.   Dieter says he has business with Elvyra, the herbalist, so he departs to look for her cottage.   Kris, God, and Renate go to the Black Gold. Before long they are met by Josef and his crew, including Mixo. Kris disengages (politely) and meets Captain Sophie by a rear table. All good, Cap’n. Sophie’s crewmen will be over to the Schnucki at half-past midnight, when the dock watch shift changes, to collect the crate and hand off 25 gold.   Meanwhile, Dieter locates Elvyra’s cottage and quickly realizes that there’s been a break-in. A window is smashed, a window box damaged, and an erotic sculpture of the goddess Rhya (signed by a clearly deranged artist named “F. Lander”) is toppled in the walkway. He forces the door and investigates. Every room has been tossed, thoroughly, but no sign of any occupants. Behind a secret door in the kitchen, however, he finds a staircase down to a cellar. When he opens the door, a small figure scampers away into the darkness. He closes the secret door. Nope.   Back on the boat, Beau takes off his bandages. That jaw is healed!   Interlude:   “Whaddayamean brown?” Beau is agitated, and scrambles around the cabin for a mirror or some polished glass. He angles his face around the cabin porthole trying to catch a reflection.   “It’s a discoloration, I’m telling you.” Karl is adamant. “Greenish-brown, where that witch’s goo was parked on your jaw. You look like you blew a river troll.”   “Hm. Maybe it’s time to grow a beard.”   * * *   “A vessel is only as good as its crew, remember that, Kris.” Josef claps a hand on Kris’s shoulder. “And a cargo is only valuable if you can sell it. Don’t hold onto that wool forever, is my advice. Try and find some liquid cargo as soon as you can. That’s where the coin is.”   Kris and God exchange a knowing grin.   Mixo comes back from the bar with a fresh tray of ales. “So is Dieter still on the barge? I figured he’d want to find his herbalist as soon as possible on account of his, you know –”   “Way ahead of you Mixo.” Dieter approaches the table a bit flustered, with a grave look on his face. “Since we got here before you – “ Kris and God exchange a satisfied grin. “ – I wanted to scout out her location.”   Dieter then tosses a piece of paper onto the table. “Her house had been broken into, with no trace of her inside. I think I’m going to need some help. Beginning with… can someone read this for me?”
* * *   But wait, there’s more..!   The Enemy Within: Death on the Reik Episode 32.5 - “The Pharmacist” 11/12/22 Post-Game Notes   Day 90 - Konistag 8 Brauzeit, 2512 IC   In the early evening, Dieter finds the Crew in the taproom of the Black Gold and enlists their aid in tracking down Elvyra Kleinestun.   Mixo heads over to the Schnucki to swap spots with Beau, and Beau shows off his literacy by reading the note. The Crew starts asking around the tavern for intel on a “red barn,” but the vagueness of the directions doesn’t really help narrow things down. One patron recommends that they talk to “Good Ol’ Otto” at the Happy Man.   Otto typically sets up camp at the Man after closing the ferry in the early evening, so with some time to kill, the quartet of Kris, God, Beau, and Dieter head back to the pharmacist’s house to investigate the crime scene a little more closely.   Dieter leads them to the secret door behind the kitchen shelf, and, with a lantern leading the way (and able to spot the missing step halfway down), the adventurers go down into a cellar strewn with boxes and rags. A particular bundle of rags in a corner is rustling, and the brave heroes huddle around.
  • A small, terrified child erupts from the clothing and tries to make for the stairs. Kris backhands her. Godabert grapples her. Beau ties her up and slaps her.
  • After those nurturing parenting instincts have finished kicking in, the Crew interrogate her some more and learn that some scary men (for whom she has logically mistaken the four men abusing her currently) threatened Elvyra a few nights ago. Elvyra told this poor orphan girl (whose name is Liza Stauber, not that these bullies seem to care) to hide in the secret cellar if they ever came back. And that’s what she did when they broke in again last night. She gets another slap or two and the Crew leaves to talk to Otto.
Otto is easy enough to find at his customary table at the Happy Man and even easier to get him talking once some food & beverage has been provided. He saw some strangers check out last night, and head to the north side of canal (near his ferry) with a laden wheelbarrow. There is one red barn on that part of the canal.   The Crew finds the dilapidated old barn by moonlight and approach with caution. Dieter is able to determine that the locking bar for the two barn doors has not been engaged, but the doors seem to be wedged shut somehow. There also appears to be someone sitting in a chair just on the other side of one of the doors.
  • The crew find a tree trunk to use as a makeshift battering ram and, in an impressive show of strength the three strong backs of Kris, Dieter, and Beau obliterate the barn door. Shards of wooden planks erupt into the space, catching the dozing sentry in the throat. He starts to bleed out in the muck.
  • Two other thugs are perched in the loft at the far end of the barn. They hear the commotion, see the Wrecking Crew wreck their way into their hideout, and quickly duck out of sight.
  • Dieter makes sure the wounded thug is dead.
  • Kris and Beau rush towards the hayloft ladder as God takes aim at the next thug to pop up. Kris and Beau take some crossbow fire, but one thug is quickly dropped by an arrow to the eye socket.
  • Up in the loft, the last remaining thug is holding a tied-up Elvyra at dagger-point while edging back slowly to the hayloft shutter. He opens the shutter with his free hand and tells Kris and Beau not to come any closer.
  • Beau snarls some threatening remarks, the thug loses his nerve, and Elvyra kicks him out the opening. He lands on a pitchfork and, just like that, all the thugs are dead.
  Interlude:   “Oh, and this might be useful one day. Root of angelica is sometimes called ‘wizard’s bane’ as it nullifies some of their handiwork…” Elvyra, ignoring Godabert’s questions and Liza’s icy stare, keeps digging around what remains of her secret herb locker in the cellar.   “Look Godabert, if she doesn’t want to talk about it, she doesn’t have to talk about it.” Beau accepts the pouch from Elvyra and points at a few other dried treatments on the shelf. “Oh, and I couldn’t help notice you might have some other root-based medicines tucked in there?”   “Maybe you could beat the answers out of her.” The little girl helping wrap the parcels of herbs mutters something under her breath.   “What’s that Liza?” Elvyra turns her head in the girl’s direction.   “Oh I think she was just suggesting you might have something to eat as well?” Kris smiles extra broadly at Liza. “Killing your kidnappers has worked up an appetite.”   “I think it’s reasonable to want to know why she might have been kidnapped, is all.” Godabert picks up a pouch tossed to his feet by Liza. “But, hey, if it’s not our business –”   “I told you all I’m willing to, sirs. Those men were hired by someone who… wanted something I wasn’t prepared to offer.” Elvyra steps back from her cabinet and slouches her shoulders in a gesture of defeat before rotating around slowly to face Dieter. “It’s as I feared, Mr. Desch. Much of what I would have needed to help you was sold off in Bogenhafen. We will need to forage for certain ingredients, quickly, but it won’t be easy.”   Everyone quietly looks over at Dieter. The right sleeve of his tunic is rolled up, and his arm, even in the dim lamplight of the cellar, shines with a blackened sheen, like a polished river rock. “It’s getting worse,” Dieter says quietly, almost to himself. “And I can feel myself… getting worse.” “Welp! Thanks!” Beau gathers up what had been handed to him, including a little dragon-bag of wyrdroot that he drops into his trousers, and starts back up the stairs.   Kris claps a hand on Dieter’s shoulder as he follows Beau. “Thanks again for the help these last few days, friend. And best of luck to you and Mixo on the rest of your quest.”   Godabert is the last to leave. He rubs his arm where Liza bit him earlier this evening and gives her a scowl before saying goodbye to Dieter. “Not sure how long we’ll be in Altdorf, but please look us up if your travels take you there. We have the boat, and have history at The Burning Table and The Boatman Inn. Perhaps we’ll meet again.”   * * *

Rewards Granted


  • 25 for killing the Reik eel and saving Yevgeni (all)
  • 20 for pulling off the smuggling operation and making friends with criminals (all)
  • 10 for collecting gossip and making friends along the Bogen (all)
  • 10 for outstanding sailing (Kris)
  • 10 for earning the title of First Mate (God)
  • 35 for a fun session
  • Godabert: 100
  • Beau: 90
  • Karl: 90
  • Kris: 100
  • Dieter: 90*
*only applicable to the post–Gathering Storm Dieter   Loot:
  • 25 GC from Sophie for smuggling the brandy
  • 5 GC apiece (God: I’ll kick back 2 GC to the boat fund so it can pay for fees and repairs)
  • A bottle of decent Kemperbad brandy from Yevgeni
  Boat Fund:
  • 2 GC
  • Spent 1 GC on “salvage taxes” in Weissbruck
  • 2 GC from Kris
  • Total in fund now: 3 GC
  • 25 for finding and comforting Liza 5 for finding Liza and not accidentally killing her
  • 25 for rescuing Elvyra
  • 20 for a wonderfully tight 90-minute session
  • Godabert: 50
  • Beau: 50
  • Karl: 0
  • Kris: 50
  • Dieter: 50*
  • *only applicable to the post–Gathering Storm Dieter
  • Various preparations from Elvyra (see interlude):
  • 2 ready-to-mix valerian-based healing draughts
  • 1 alfunas-based “Elvyra’s Eye Opener”
  • 2 pinches of schlaf (the extra-legal sleeping herb that the halfling lock-keeper in Hartsklein once tried to use on you)
  • 1 preparation of the coltsfoot/woad/moonwort poultice that helped heal Beau’s jaw
  • A dragon-bag of wyrdroot
  • A small pouch of powdered angelica
  • A small pouch of dried hawthorn leaves

Character(s) interacted with

Locations scouted and new NPC’s engaged:   Along the Bogen:

  • Yevgeni Dostal, Kislevite apprentice Shaman
  • Merchant trader (smuggler) Sophie van Haagen
  • Sophie’s crewmen Landolf, Meindolf, and Eton.
The Hare Rampant, Kholvin   Elvyra Kleinestun’s house in Weissbruck:
  • Liza Stauber, the poor orphan girl, now traumatized by the Crew

The Enemy Within
Report Date
03 May 2023

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