Episode 40: "A Day at the Trials, Part 3" Report

General Summary

The Enemy Within: Death on the Reik Episode 40 - “Day at the Trials, Part 3” 7/15/24 Post-Game Notes   Day 112 - Backertag, 30 Brauzeit, 2512 IC

  • Picks up with eight bloodthirsty demons mowing down the crowd of onlookers at the trial.
  • Five of the Bloodletters of Khorne are above-average humanoid height, and three are giant eight-foot beasts. Two seem to stay in close proximity to Drago’s sacrificed body, while the other six slaughter as many bystanders as they can.
  • Initially, all member of the Wrecking Crew are fear-stricken, and push their way to the outside of the arena, as far as possible from the demons. Gertrud and Matthias Hubkind engage and attempt to fight off the Chaos-spawn.
  • Emboldened by his earlier success against the cultist, Karl is the first to steel himself and rush towards combat. Together with Gertrud, they manage to kill the first of the normal-sized demons, filling the immediate area with corrupt energy. That’ll leave a mark.
  • Another demon is dropped by Matthias and Livina.
  • A Morrite priest, Oswald Loewe, is attempting to bless Beau to dispel his fear. Beau realizes this right before he dispels the poor cleric of his life. Heartened, he rushes in and kills a third demon.
  • Godabert continues to harry the demons from afar, and ultimately Kris gets his shit together and joins the combat as well. A fourth demon is dropped.
  • Aware that the Bloodletters are protective of the sacrificed body of Drago, Beau and Godabert convince Loewe to offer up proper burial prayers over the body. The job now becomes protecting the priest from the demons.
  • Despite the momentum swing, one normal-sized demon and three giants are still running through screaming Kemperbadians, beheading and skewering in a red shower of gore. Gertrud has her head crushed by one of the monsters. Matthias takes a fatal blow. Kris is smashed in the ribs by a six-foot-long warpsword. The light begins to fade from his eyes…
  • At the last minute, Loewe’s appeals to the God of Death are answered, and the five remaining demons shimmer out of existence, collapsing inwards in dissipating fogs of blood.
  • Godabert rushes to Kris in an attempt to stabilize his wounds and notices that Kris’s neck and throat seem to be convulsing unnaturally…
  • House rule: for first mutation gained by any PC, grant one re-roll. Must accept new result.
Interlude:     Godabert   “The Gravin truly appreciates what you four did today. All of you, not just the champion.” Gustaf speaks in hushed tones, careful not to disrupt the sanctity of the Shallyan chapel or the prayers, punctuated by sobs, of Priestess Emma Roth. “There are a number of dignitaries, and locals of high stature, who have… lost their place in line, so to speak, due to the intervention of our patron.” “And we certainly appreciate the influence. I’m not sure our captain would have survived without this intervention.” Godabert takes a breath. “Can we thank the Gravin in person? Perhaps at the Sfartz manor this evening? We could all use the time to rest and recuperate.”   “While you’re all welcome to convalesce at the Sfartz’s, I wouldn’t stay long. Our group, in fact, departs immediately for Parravon. You see, there are already rumors circulating, instigated by the Baron no doubt, that we – and I include you lot in that “we” – were the ones responsible for the summoned demons.” Gustaf pulls an envelope from his doublet. “Best not tarry in town. Things will blow over in a week or so, undoubtedly, but for now, I’d continue traveling as soon as Kris awakens. A day. Two at the most. This is from the Gravin.” Gustaf passes the letter to Godabert, nods once to the fortune-teller, once in the direction of the priestess, and departs.   Kris Kris awakens to unassailable pain and his vision, though still cloudy, begins to clear. He is lying face-up on a marble altar and his throat throbs as he struggles to speak to the woman in front of him. The woman, clad in white robes, has tears streaming down her cheeks in rivulets as if poured from a carafe, splashing against his bare chest. There is a blinding light, a sensation of warmth, and Kris passes back into unconsciousness…   Karl “That’s really all I know, Karl. I swear.” Guido Fumetti motions to one of his barmaids to resupply the pair with fresh ales. “Kappon will likely head to a safe city for now, and his associates will work to prepare for his return. It’s hard to say when or if he’ll even be back in Kemperbad. But he knows you came through for him, I’m sure.”   “What makes you so sure?” Karl takes a swing from his mug. “I haven’t seen or heard anything from those guys all night. And the atmosphere around town is… uncomfortable.” “Well…” Guido shrugs. “They take care of their own. I’m sure Leo and Matteo will let the boss know. Pass back here in a week or so, and I’ll have some more information. But you’re right – lots of folks been asking about you guys since the trial. Including some strange northerners. I ain’t telling them anything, of course, but Kemperbad still doesn’t seem like the safest place for you right now.”   Karl runs his hands through his hair as he finishes his beer, fingering a cropped clump and remembering the rogue bastard who snipped a lock and disappeared into the alleyways.   Beau   “And that’s when I directed my allies to douse the fire with buckets of water. I knew this would cause the Slaaneshi demons to lose their connection to our world. Obviously I could have bashed a few more of their heads in, the way I did that Bloodletter this afternoon, but I was worried that prolonging the battle might have led to more casualties.” Beau leans back in his stool a bit. “I’m a fighter, sure, but at my core, I’m also a humanitarian.”   Livina continues to finger the edges of Beau’s mace. “The way you caved in the carapace of those creatures… it was inspiring. Ivan was wise not to allow you access to a weapon that you wield with such… prowess.”   “Oh, yeah, Ivan. I really am sorry about how that played out, you know. Was he, um, like a boyfriend, or something..?”   “We were lovers. He was the most passionate and virile man I had ever been with… so far.” Livina turns her head, but her eyes are dry.   “Well, listen, I have lots more stories to tell, and if you’re not going back to Wissenland with the Baron’s crew, howsabout tagging along with us for a bit.” Beau grins. “I’d love to show you my bird.”   “I leave tomorrow for Middenheim. I will be transporting Ivan’s body to some of his family members there, who will see that it continues on to Erengrad for a proper burial.” Livina gets up from her stool and finishes her ale in one swift gulp. “I think I will stay in Middenheim for a while… at least through the carnival season. Perhaps… if you find yourself there, on your journeys, we can reconnect? I think I’d like to hear more of those stories.”   The Gravin’s Letter    

Rewards Granted


  • 75 for dispatching a band of Bloodletters of Khorne (all)
  • 35 for a great session and bearing witness to the first mutation in the party (all)
  • Godabert: 110
  • Beau: 110
  • Karl: 110
  • Kris: 110
  • 50 GC (Beau)
  • Physical Mutation: Deafening Cry (Kris). Distended throat. Must expend willpower to modulate his voice between a harsh whisper and a deafening roar (first month unable to speak normally; after that WP check to speak normally in tense situations). The roar can be used once per encounter as Distracting.

Character(s) interacted with

Locations scouted and new NPC’s engaged:   Kemperbad, courthouse, assembled crowd

  • Oswald Loewe, Morrite priest
Kemperbad, Shallyan temple
  • Emma Roth

The Enemy Within
Report Date
06 Aug 2024

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