Episode 27: Chasing Shadows, Part 2 Report

General Summary

The Enemy Within: Enemy in Shadows Episode 27 - “Chasing Shadows, Part 2” 5/2/22 Post-Game Notes   Day 84 - Festag 2 Brauzeit, 2512 IC   Picks up around noon as Crew attempts to gain an audience with the Steinhagers at their offices on the Kaufmanstrasse.

  • Matthias Wertz’s efforts to understand the Crew’s purpose for the visit is met by a confusing, albeit intimidating, spiel from Kris. In an effort to control the situation while he tries to find someone to deal with them, the clerk sticks the Crew in a conference room.
Meanwhile, a large man who can only be Franz Steinhager comes barreling through the courtyard, visibly agitated. He is met by Gamet, the junior clerk, with a message. Franz stops in front of his office door, reads the note, then scans the courtyard to see who might have noticed him. Locking eyes with members of the Crew, Franz hurriedly folds the note and shoves it into his pocket before fumbling into his office.
  • Both Kris and Beau notice that the folded note never made it into Franz’s pocket, but fluttered down to the ground near the front door – right in Gamet’s return path to his desk.
  • Kris loudly requests a restroom break for Beau, and the flustered Wertz calls Gamet over to escort Beau. As he follows Gamet, Beau bangs his mace on some masonry to accentuate the distraction, and mumbles some sort of apology.
  • Kris deftly, and without notice, pockets the note.
In the conference room, behind a closed door, the Crew cases the joint and tries to nail down a cover story.
  • They are unable to nail down a cover story.
  • They are able to ascertain that the Steinhagers must trade with dwarven mining interests.
  • Godabert dexterously unlocks a window shutter while still making it look like the window is securely latched.
  • And they read the note: it’s a summons to a meeting at Johannes Teugen’s house tonight after sunset. And it’s written on some disturbingly familiar stationery.
Wertz comes back with a fellow who looks like Franz, accompanied by two armed bodyguards. The man, who assures his escorts that he’s fine by himself, and closes the door behind him as he enters the conference room, is Heinrich Steinhager, (slightly) younger brother of Franz.
  • Kris gives him the rambling shakedown, but no one speaks up as to things like… details, evidence, or specific accusations.
  • Heinrich thinks the Crew is making a shoddy attempt at extortion or blackmail, and gets ready to call in the guards… when Kris and Godabert suddenly clear things up. They claim to be after someone in the Steinhager family for some shady dealings and dark practices, and while it’s clear that Heinrich has no knowledge of any wrongdoings, the younger brother is very interested in any investigation that might remove Franz from power without disrupting the business practices or the reputation of the family.
  • The details come out. Heinrich agrees to do some digging on a hidden temple, demonic rituals, and other shady practices that Franz may be involved in. He tells the Crew to come back in the morning for a 10:00 AM appointment and they can compare notes.
Outside in the street, as the Crew discusses next steps in the investigation, Beau and God are suddenly incapacitated. They stop mid-pace, mid-sentence, and close their eyes as if struck by a massive migraine.
  • After a moment they both recover, and share the same feeling of immense dread – something malignant is watching them and seemed ready to strike. They look around the crowded street, and, although they see nothing alarming, they crew agrees to take a crowded thoroughfare to the Dreieckplatz.
Approaching the plaza, they hear passers-by talking about the madman Ulthar, ranting and raving more than usual.
  • The scraggly man is going on and one about how everyone is doomed, and how the End Times are upon us. Then, when the Crew gets within ten yards, his eyes roll back into his head and he exclaims, “I see seven, and I see nine, all they have will be mine, mine, mine! The star within the circle is the sign of death! Beware the man who is not a man!”
  • Then he snaps out of it, sees the Crew, and points an accusatory finger at Karl, saying, “The mark is upon you! Beware the bringer of Chaos!” He shrieks, and runs off into the crowd, north towards the river.
  • Beau pats Karl reassuringly. Tough break, man.
  Crew decides to split up to continue investigating. The literate duo of Beau and Karl head to the Temple of Verena to do some research on Bogenhafen history and heraldry. Kris and God follow up on Gustav Weil’s recommendation to visit Lukas at the Vermilion Pawn to get, among other things, an evaluation on the magical silver necklace.   Beau and Karl locate Verenan initiate Ilario Grigoli in the Temple and, following the exchange of a few coins, recruit him to help research recent Bogenhafen history, particularly as it relates to the Teugens and Steinhagers.
  • The Steinhäger family has a number of Dwarf and mining contacts. It concentrates mainly on the distribution of goods from Altdorf, Nuln, and Marienburg to the communities along the edges of the Grey Mountains, in exchange for furs, metals, and other produce. Franz Steinhäger is head of the family, and is assisted by his brother Heinrich. They own a wharf and several warehouses, and they maintain offices near those of the Teugen family, behind the Merchants’ Guild. Crest is a barrel with the letter “S” in red.
  • The Teugen family is one of the oldest families in Bögenhafen. It is effectively the nobility of the town. It has never actually held any titles, but the family is on friendly terms with many of the noble houses of the Reikland. They own wharves on both banks of the river, as well as many of the warehouses along the Ostendamm and the Westendamm, and a suite of offices in a small square behind the Merchants’ Guild. The family had been suffering a sharp decline in its fortunes over the last 20 years or so, but this was drastically reversed by the arrival of Johannes Teugen from the university of Nuln.
  • Johannes returned to Bögenhafen two years ago following the death of his older brother, Karl. He has remained in town as the head of the family, and has overseen his house’s dramatic return to its former glory.
  • The Teugen family conducts trade by road and river to all parts of the Empire. Johannes’s contacts in Nuln give him access to timber and other produce from Stirland and Averland. He has also opened up trade in brandy and metals through Helmgart and the Axebite Pass to Bretonnia. Moreover, he has also been steadily eroding the Haagen family’s trade with Marienburg. Crest is a “T” stylized as a rose, or cross.
  • Ilario is impressed with the duo’s library skills and inherent charm. He offers up some additional research that has been cross-referenced in recent months by other scholars also looking into the Teugens’ return to prominence.
  • There is no evidence that magic can be used to affect the laws of commerce, or to influence market forces.
Kris and God locate the Vermilion Pawn, a curious single-story stone building in the market district surrounded by armed dwarven guards. They gain entrance through a solid oak door banded with iron and are welcomed into a small reception area by two more guards (one of whom offers a pint of ale while they wait).
  • Master Lukas opens a metal shutter and seems excited to talk to adventurers about prospective items in need of evaluation. After quoting his payment system (5% of appraised value; appraisal represents cash offer from Lukas; 2 GC minimum), the duo suspect that maybe this endeavor is too pricey.
  • But Lukas enjoys his work, and lets slip, during conversation, about how he had to move here from Middenheim… and he really just has one client (the richest guy in town, who was also instrumental in helping him relocate)... and maybe you’d like to see some of his new inventory?
  • Assistant Martahk helps Lukas showcase “the Sword of Fear,” some “Boots of Gucci,” and a “Ring of Tongues,” among other items. All expensive. But if the Crew’s necklace is valuable…
  • Lukas is excited by the necklace and recognizes ancient Elvish writing. He can’t identify it however. Thinks it’s worth at least 80 GC for the antiquity alone. Offers to evaluate for 2 GC; come back in 24 hours.
  • Kris and God ask about the candlesticks: not magical, but they are silver. Then they bring up the summoning circle, the demon, and the possible sinister dealings of an “Ordo Septenarius.” Lukas sends Martahk away and lowers his voice.
  • Sounds like a guardian demon, and likely unrelated to that summoning circle.
  • Lukas clams up about his wealthy client, but he clearly knows something about the Ordo.
With a little time to kill before meeting up with the library nerds, Kris and God then head over to Town Hall to see about that promised coin.
  • The massive, bustling covered courtyard that connects to various sub-buildings of Town Hall is crawling with merchants, politicians, and citizens, many of whom are holding open-air meetings while standing. Unusually, a large number of halfling “head-desks” also scamper about, willingly offering their platformed crowns for documents, ledgers, and assorted paperwork.
  • Kris and God are greeted by clerk Mehralmann Arbeitwert, who once again explains why the Council has not authorized any money for the goblin hunt.
  • Godabert is persistent, and wants answers regarding the unpatrolled sewers and the general safety of Bogenhafen. There’s time & suffering to be considered here!
  • Eventually Arbeitwert excuses himself to see if someone wants to deal with these two. He comes back with news that councilman Johannes Teugen has agreed to meet with them. The duo are escorted down a wood-paneled corridor to a large, albeit darkened, office.
Teugen offers up chairs and apologizes for the drawn curtains. Headache. He is drinking a dark red liquid from a goblet and has unnervingly pointed canines.
  • Kris says he’s thirsty and asks Teugen to share. Johannes obliges, and serves up a glass (it’s wine).
  • Teugen is cordial and grateful for the Crew’s help, and has already told Arbeitwert to pay the total sum of 10 shillings for their trouble.
  • When asked about issues of safety in the town, and what the Council is doing to protect the populace, Teugen says that he’ll look into it. He then asks if the group has visited either the Watch precinct or the Merchant’s Guild.
  • Kris and God don’t want to be in this guy’s company longer than they need to, so they head out, collecting their 10/- on the way.
  The four regroup and debrief, planning to grab some dinner before staking out Teugen’s house.   On their way across the Platz, they hear a loud “ooohhhh shit!” Their old pal Conrad von Bruner, in the company of another nobly-dressed fellow and lady, run into the Crew outside the Merchant’s Guild.
  • CvB was just about to dine at The Golden Trout, and invites the Crew as his guests.
  • Also – do you guys want to go the Kleinwald Social? It’s tonight of course! Always on the last night of Schaffenfest! CvB will try to get them in.
  • Is Kleinwald Manor near the Teugen house? Weird question, but, yeah, probably. All the rich people live in the Adel Ring.
  • They’re waiting for some friends in the Merchant’s Guild: two more wealthy-looking people come out talking with Friedrich Magirius, the guildmaster.
  • After introductions and an exchange of pleasantries, the party heads to the Trout.
Interlude:   Conrad spends a little time with Herr Flintzer, the manager of The Golden Trout, assuring him that the reservation was for ten people, not six, and, yes, these somewhat shabbily dressed gentlemen are indeed in the right place.   (“Fuck you, Hans, I am not being held hostage! Don’t be an idiot, and get us our table!”)   The high-class eating and drinking house, frequented by many of the town’s wealthier merchants and visiting nobles, consists of three separate buildings connected by covered walkways. The party is led to one of the largest buildings, through a dining chamber, past the lounge where members are seen to be drinking and reading, and into a private room.   The food and drink looks and smells exquisite, and the head waiter, as he seats the party, proudly boasts of the skills of their Halfling chefs. Godabert makes a face.   While savoring their brandy cocktails and awaiting the story of tonight’s meal, Conrad makes more formal introductions. He says of his companion, Guthrie von Hammastrat, “You may remember him from Ubersreik. I brought him into the Red Moon after a party one night – but I think only you were there, Godabert? You ran back to grab your bow. Something about hunting in the sewers?”   “Hunting in the sewers? How vile and exciting at the same time.” Guthrie’s date, the lady Esmeralda, giggles.   “Yes, well, it’s important to keep an eye on a town’s undercity. You never know what could be lurking down there.” Godabert continues to swirl his untouched brandy. “Wouldn’t you say, Herr Magirius?”   “Oh quite so!” The blue-eyed, distinguished guildmaster raises his glass. “We’ve all a part to play in keeping our towns safe and prosperous! And speaking of prosperity, Conrad, I think we may be well on our way to welcoming your friends to the Bogenhafen merchant’s guild!”   Sieger Weisser, the friend in question, pats Magirius on the back. “Well, 500 gold crowns from our investor here certainly goes a long way.” Sieger raises his glass towards Conrad. “Kaja and I are deeply indebted to you Herr von Bruner.”   “Damn right.” Conrad has already had a lot to drink. “If my cousins aren’t interested in staking more of a claim in Bogenhafen, then I certainly will.”   “Your cousins do know how to throw a party though,” Guthrie interjects. “Being degenerate brats lends itself to that, at least. You will be joining us after dinner, yes, Guildmaster? The Kleinwald Social is not to be missed.”   “Ah, would that I could, my friends.” Magirius smiles apologetically. “I’m afraid a meeting has come up this evening that I can’t miss.”   “Oh, is this more of that secret Order Sebastian thing you guys were whispering about?” Kaja, Sieger’s partner, leans in towards Magirius.   “Ordo –” the guildmaster starts to correct her, then just smiles. “Well, my dear, I did tell you it was a secret organization, didn’t I? Never mind all that though. It’s really just the business of Bogenhafen that I must attend to.”   “A club within a club? And how much more gold is it going to take to get into the inner circle, Friedrich?” Conrad holds his empty glass up over his head for a moment before it is whisked away and replaced.   “I’m not sure our… club… would interest you, Conrad.” Friedrich Magirius lowers his voice slightly. “It’s really more of a…” The head waiter arrives in their private room with a scroll, clearing his throat and preparing for an announcement regarding the evening’s dinner menu. Magirius, distracted, perks up. “Oh! What are we having tonight Dominic?”   * * *

Rewards Granted


  • 10 for securing the “sunset” note (Beau and Kris)
  • 5 for fucking with the Steinhager shutters (God)
  • 10 for allying with Heinrich Steinhager (all)
  • 5 for meeting Master Lukas and gaining a bit of information (Kris and God)
  • 25 for uncovering merchant family history in the library (Beau and Karl)
  • 20 for gaining a meeting with Teugen (Kris and God)
  • 45 for a swell session of investigation
  • Godabert: 85
  • Beau: 90
  • Karl: 80
  • Kris: 90
  • Receipt from Lukas at Vermilion Pawn; evaluation of Elven necklace
  • 10/- from Town Hall, final payment authorization for attempted capture of the goblin

Character(s) interacted with

Locations scouted and new NPC’s engaged:   Steinhager Offices

  • Gamet, junior clerk
  • Franz Steinhager
  • Heinrich Steinhager
  • Ulthar the Prophet of Doom
The Vermilion Pawn
  • Master Lukas, dwarven magic scholar
  • Martahk, Lukas’s apprentice
Town Hall
  • Mehralmann Arbeitwert, clerk
  • Johannes Teugen, City councilman
Merchant’s Guild
  • Friedrich Magirius, Merchant Guildmaster
The Golden Trout
  • Guthrie von Hammastrat, minor Ubersreik noble
  • Esmeralda Fenstermacher, minor Ubersreik noble
  • Sieger Weisser, Ubersreik merchant
  • Kaja Merz, Ubersreik merchant

The Enemy Within
Report Date
03 May 2023

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