Session 1: The Grim Fellows of Grimfellow Report

General Summary

The party finds themselves on the remote island of Grimfellow, imprisoned for various reasons. Some are new to the island, while others are seasoned veterans of the prison. It quickly becomes apparent that the island is being run by pirate lord Valen Osrick, who has taken control from the official warden Elivar. Valen uses the prison as a hiding place from some unknown danger, and half of the guards are on his payroll.

Rewards Granted

After earning Valen's confidence, the party is allowed to participate in underground fighting events, with some members winning a bit of silver. Tina and Wurg are given a strange silvery stick by Valen, enchanted with conjuration and evocation magic. Tina recognizes the stick as being from a rare and magical species of tree called a quickening tree. They are instructed to snap the stick if they encounter an insurmountable foe while retrieving an item for Valen.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party discovers a system of hidden tunnels under the island, which could potentially be an escape route. Wurg makes a promise to Valen to retrieve a small golden box for him, which Valen lost when his ship went down off the northern coast of Oussia. Wurg is bound to the task by a promise of three.


During a battle with winged devils, the party encounters a sentient black sword, which requests their aid in finding its master. The sword tells them that it was forged in a place called "Hikashnak".   The party is fortunate enough to receive witch iron equipment, a highly enchantable and durable metal. However, they quickly realize that they must navigate the dangerous politics of the island if they are to survive and accomplish their goals.

The Shattered Isles


5-Level Sorcerer 3-Level Wizard
Report Date
03 Mar 2023

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