11/10 - Ghost Town Report

General Summary

The Group investigates Ullukar having found it seemingly empty. They see the pub and explore it, it's empty aside from some old furniture and empty bottles, not to mention blood stains all over just like the town square.
Adonis climbs to the roof of the pub and can't see any specific pattern to the blood stains all over the town square.
The group then sees the church and decides to investigate there. As they enter the church, Father Vilmark is beside himself to see a church to Solaron so desecrated. He makes his way to the altar while distraught. Valoch notices after a moment that everyone seems to have 2 shadows from every light source. They see the altar has a keyhole and Jasper tries to pick the lock, but then Father Vilmark pulls out a key that is able to unlock the altar, and inside is an unblemished copy of Solaron's Enlightenment (his scripture) and a Sun Orb, which absorbs the light of the sun and can be turned on later to emit that light.
They then hear a creepy voice say to them: "Why are you here?" No one responds. "Do you know of the atrocities committed here?" Father Vilmark chips in, "What foul creature speaks in this holy place". The voice: "Only fools wish to tread here".
The duplicate shadows come alive, and the one near Father Vilmark coalesces other shadows nearby and turns into a massive shadow. A few specters appear also.
The group dispatches the shadows and specters quickly, the moonbeam from Jasper evaporating the large shadow very quickly.
Once the shadows were defeated the group hears a new, calm voice, that says "Thank you, we are free, praise be to Solaron"
The group tries to reason what happened, and ultimately decide to not go back to the cart and rest in the church for the night
During the night Father Vilmark hears the voice again saying, "Thank you father, we still linger before moving on, we never thought to be free after those visitors massacred us all"
Father Vilmark awakes after hearing this voice, finding it to be morning. He relays to the group how the voice explained more what happened. They reach out vocally and the voice still responds, restating this information and answering their questions revealing that they let 8 adventures rest in their village, they then later turned on the village massacring all of them, one of the men gaining horns and wielding a crimson flame covered blade. They loaded the bodies onto a cart and took it east out of the town.
The group thinking maybe the men they were with earlier could have something to do with this head off quickly as the freed spirits dissipate to beyond the mortal plane.
They rush back to the cart and find Onada knocked out near the cart, no sign of the men. They all investigate Onada and think he is dead. They put him in a sack but then he wakes up and starts moving. They let him out and he explains that when they got back to the cart they knocked him out and he doesn't know what happened
They travel for 14 hours with 6 hours being a forced march trying to catch up to the men. When they were all exhausted and making camp, Valoch stumbled upon one of the men laying in the woods, then finding he was killed, throat slit and stabbed many times, robe stained red. He drags the body back to the camp, leaving the group with even more questions as they rest...

Report Date
11 Nov 2021

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