Qualified Individuals Homepage | World Anvil | World Anvil

Qualified Individuals

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The New Territories
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • “Handy” Mich
    Has a hand based shop with many terrifying hand based sales. Items include: Handy Grappling Hooks
  • Alya
    Aasimar with deep rose-gold skin and light pink hair.
  • Alyosha Popov
    Wealthy halfling. Used to have a nice house. Dead and missing his marbles.
  • Brek Samson
    Head senior at Heaford University of Abjuration.
  • Chaos
    Human child, approximately three years old.
  • Charles
    Charles is LeFonte’s half orc manager with an apparently French accent
  • Dunja Lessinor
    Middle aged human woman
  • Edwina Elowidth
    Head senior at Venevik University of Divination
  • Flick
    Former head senior at Bewick University of Illusion
  • Griff
    Blue skinned man
  • Guissepie
    Gender fluid prostitute at Trampo’s go to brothel “The Lacey Displacer”
  • I Am One
    Actually just a swarm of small Kenku in a trenchcoat
  • Jenneth
    A halfling lady of the night that works at the Lacey Displacer.
  • LeFonte
    LeFonte is of unknown gender and species, but wears a large elephant head while only making buzzing noises
  • Lucifer
    Awakened Cat
  • Mae-mae McShangle
    Two sandhill crane aaracokras Super Irish
  • Marty
    Goblin artificer
  • Nutrix McShangle
    Two sandhill crane aaracokras Supers Irish
  • Scott
    Quiet, tall, portly, deep voice human
  • Sebastian
    was freed from jail by Crypto
  • Skud
    Skud is a small, scrappy orange kobold. He is missing several teeth, constantly goopy eyes, and is followed by a faint odor of sweat and chili peppers. He has wrapped knuckles and a tattoo of a dragon on his chest which is always visible because keeps his shirt unbuttoned uncomfortably low. Skud has a chubby tummy and little lizard manboobs. He speaks in a shitty boston accent.
  • Slayna
    Red skinned woman
  • Sporthax
    Short, sturdy, dangerous, and driven
  • Stuart
  • The Grubbers
    Underground group of clay people who love rough materials and music
  • Toni Lanng
    Dressed in a technicolor fur coat.
  • Tosca
    Half orc friend of Billy’s that works at the docks
  • Two-Tongue Turaka
    Tall, beefy elf with long white hair tied back in a messy bun. Bifurcated tongue. Dressed in nice clothes, almost kind of like a modern fitted suit cut. Clearly new, but already got some roughed up spots. Has a big fuck off great axe strapped to his back. Tattoo on his face that is the Thieves Cant symbol for “DANGER! DANGER HERE!”