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Adventures of Terros: Rising Resistance

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Terros
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In this specific adventure, we follow the Outer Wilds Rebellion of Acrela in their fight against tyranny and expansion by the Kyha Lenoran Empire. For centuries, Acrela was known as a paradise for a variety of exotic races and creatures that sought refuge from Terros at large. It is said that this nation was spawned from a rift in the multiverses' infinite planes of existence. The once humble land mass, filled with sparse groups of the common races, had its energy sefused with one of these planes, transforming its very structure. It was known as the Feywild, a chaotic plane of emotion and wildlife where the fey originate. The Feywild's energies caused the large island to adopt a new, chaotic environment. Acrela experienced all four seasons to their fullest degree and the island became split between them. The North took on aspects of the Feywild's harshest winters. The South, its opposite, adopted a tropical climate. The East became a paradise of endless spring and the West became a brisk autumn with magnificent foliage that never died. Oceans became vivid and varied in their climate, the land and seas spawned strange, new creatures. Previously unknown races joined the common ones.   Acrela's already unique geography, now enhanced by the Feywild, allowed the people there to thrive, unbothered by the politics and troubles of other lands. This peace would not last, however, as an intrepid group of human settlers made their journey from the frozen wasteland of the North to the springtime paradise of the East. Legend says one of these humans, a man named Eldric, had made contact with the Prince of Frost, a dangerous archfey that put the humans in touch with their ego. The Prince of Frost filled his head with stories of a place where the sun would shine for them. It was so cold and hostile where they lived, and Eldric sought a new home for himself and his kind. At first, they assimilated and mixed with the peaceful races, learning the ways of the land. Unfortunately, they slowly began to subjugate those not familiar with the ways of war. Now, nearly 100 years after the takeover, the Accord's territory grew massively in a short amount of time. They conquered the Elven territory of Everspring and became the largest ruling faction in Acrella. This band of humans stole magic, technology, culture, architecture and more from other races to further gain power and influence.   For the last 40 years their expansion has continued, led by the Second Crowned Highlord Emeric. Everspring has been renamed to Kyha Lenora and their armies push further out into the Wild Lands, claiming new territory, destroying cultures and environments, and subjugating the other civilizations of Acrela. Under threat, the Outer Wilds Rebellion was formed, recruiting from all across Acrela. They plan to put a stop to the colonial dreams of the Kyha Lenorans and bring a new era of peace to the region. Their mission, though noble, will prove to challenge them all immensely as they navigate a life that holds an uncertain fate.

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