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Session 14: An Unexpected Detour Report

General Summary

A genasi named Lance is on the skyship known as the Golden Dragon headed for Sharn after an expedition to Xen'drik. After arriving at Lyrandar Tower he boards a skycoach captained coincidentally by Orlanda. He then heads off to Morgrave University to try to find out more about his findings in Xen'drik. It is there that he meets Master Plodark who explains to him some of what he has come into contact with and pledges to look into it more. And pleads with Lance to keep it a secret.

Lance makes his way to the Mystic Market, and then to Orlanda's Spirited Wine and Spirits. There he finds Orlanda and settles down at the bar for a drink.

Meanwhile, Harlow and Morthos split from Hara Hara and Eloise after returning to Sharn from Darguun. First they stop by the Cathedral of the Traveler. Harlow takes a moment to just absorb the scene. Then they are on their way to Orlanda's.

It is at Orlanda's that Lance meets this half of our party. Orlanda introduces them because they are both the adventuring type of person. The group heads out to the Drunken Dragon for a drink and a game of cards. They play some cards with a very flamboyant retired adventurer named Callestan. He points them in the direction of The Sphinx's Treasure Casino if they are interested in further gambling.

The party gets gussied up and heads up to the casino. Morthos makes a lap around scouting on and maybe casing the place? He sees a beautiful woman check in a coat and a very expensive looking dragonshard necklace. He watches as it is brought into a room with an adamantine door. Lance and Morthos then gamble a bit and make a bit of money, Harlow settles down at the bar. She meets a tiefling named Tyranus. He is very charismatic and they seem to make fast friends. After a few cocktails the two of them decide to go to the Sharn Opera just down the road. Meanwhile Morthos has attempted to befriend the bartender and ask if there are any jobs available. He is ushured upstairs by a pair of bugbears. It is here in the VIP lounge that he meets Jackpot Topaz, the tiefling owner of the casino. He is bored and looking for entertainment and he thinks that throwing Morthos into the job with no prep is the perfect thing to entertain him. Unfortunately Morthos does a fantastic job and is offered permanent employment at the casino.

Meanwhile at the Opera, the show is started with a beautiful opera sang by a blue woman with strange tendrils coming off of her head. Suddenly the show comes to an end. Harlow and Tyranus investigate finding an ancient elf who seems to be the owner of the place. Lance and Morthos also make their way to the opera house at this time. After some investigating they realize that a pair of goblins were sabotaging the opera and possibly trying to kill the Diva that was singing. They also find a note that says, "Daask, for the glory of Droaam.". They find a dead goblin who apparently fell victim to his own acid. A very drunk Tyranus cast Speak with Dead on the goblin and they learned that they were hired by someone and they were supposed to meet them on a bridge outside the casino.

The group goes to the bridge instead of the goblins and it is there that they find a trio of bugbears led by one named Clancy with a casino nametag. The three are killed in an encounter, with the final blow being an epic bitch slap from Tyranus.

As the sun starts to rise, a skycoach comes up to the party. Eloise jumps out and runs to the party and tells them it's time to go. Lance is delivered a letter by messenger owl instructing him to go to Wroat. And it is here that the new group parts ways to continue on their seperate journeys.

Shadows of the Past

Harlow Vilard

11 / 11 HP
Report Date
29 Dec 2021
Primary Location
Sphinx's Treasure Casino
Secondary Location
Sharn Opera House

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