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Session 11: out of the frying pan Report

General Summary

Having just defeated the two elemental drudges in the machine chamber of the Whitehearth facility, Hara Hara made his way through the now open roof above him.   To be met by a Necromancer, two undead Blood of Vol soldiers, and an undead giant worm. The party defeated the powerful spellcaster who seemed to be having a particularly unlucky day. After the battle was won, Hara Hara, Harlow, and Morthos made their way back to the main entrance of Whitehearth meeting Eloise, Rorsa, the awakened Dire Wolf, and her pack of wolves. Rorsa thanks the party for her freedom and gives them her calling card and runs towards the border of the Mournland.   The party also makes their way back to Darguun. Near the border they come across a rather inviting home, the smell of freshly baked bread fills the air and they haven't seen such a welcome sight in days. Unfortunately they stumbled across a Mournland Mutated Mimic. Not having the energy to deal with such a beast after their last encounter the party flees and makes their way back to the border.   Successfully making their way across the border they find Failin waiting for them in his Elemental Land Cart. He has a letter from Lady Elaydren that was delivered by raven. Lady E summons the party to the House Lyrandar Skyship Port back in Rhukaan Draal. When they reach Rhukaan Draal they ask around the Bloody Market and it sounds as though there is no Airship Dock in Rhukaan Draal. Unsure of what to do they head for the House Lyrandar Enclave in the warehouse district of town. On their way Hara Hara has an encounter with a goblin man and his wife but they successfully move on without too much bloodshed.   The party reaches a very large warehouse that has the symbol of House Lyrandar carved into the small door going into it. By sheer dumb luck Hara Hara is able to open the door with his Mark of Storm. Inside the view is fantastic. A large skyship hovers a few stories off of the ground. Waiting for the party is Lady Elaydren dressed in her usual elegant gown. She is accompanied by Captain Xanaph d'Lyrandar of The Eye of the Storm skyship. Lady E rewards the party with 2000 GP each for the return of the Schema. She tells the party that if they accompany her back to Sharn they will receive 1000 more GP each. The party quickly accepts the offer and boards the skyship.   The Half Elf Xanaph takes his position at the wheel of the ship, but before that he removes his coat revealing a sleeveless open chested vest and a Siberys Dragon Mark. The hunky captain flexes as he activates his dragonmark magic and the Eye of the Storm takes to the sky.   Morthos is met with a crippling pain and a message from his patron, and Harlow also has a vision that may have come from The Traveler themself. The return to Sharn takes two days, Hara Hara spends some quality time flirting with Xanaph and Xanaph rewards him with shooting some magic into his dragonmark triggering a transformation and allowing Hara Hara a new ability. Meanwhile, the ship flies through a cloud where it is met with a flock of pseudodragons. The ship is surrounding by the small winged lizards, with a large matriarch at the bow of the ship. Harlow takes her supplies of beef jerky and manages to feed all the pseudodragons and send them on their way with minimal blood shed. Harlow and Morthos spend some quality time with Lady E learning about the Arcane nature of the Schema and about the history of the Blood of Vol.   Arriving at a private dock in Sharn, the party parts with Xanaph and Lady Elaydren. Xanaph encourages the party to contact him in the future and gives them his card. He manages to flirt with Hara, Harlow, and Morthos before taking his leave. Lady Elaydren rewards the party and tells them that once again she will send message to House Sivis message stations near them if she needs to contact them.   Completing some errands the party runs into Orlanda who says that he may need some help with a delivery in the future. Then the party makes their way to the Sovereign Towers and the temple of The Silver Flame. They find a beautiful pure white temple and also find something they weren't expecting. An individual with the mark of the Blood of Vol.

Rewards Granted

3000 GP Each Level 4 Reached

Missions/Quests Completed

The Second Schema Whitehearth

Shadows of the Past

Harlow Vilard

11 / 11 HP
Report Date
07 Dec 2021
Primary Location
The Eye of the Storm
Secondary Location

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