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Session 15: Righting wrongs Report

General Summary

The party begins the session where they left off, surrounded by thugs and Charlie Draves himself, The Jackal. Morthos' parents are held at knife point.

Morthos is able to diffuse the situation by promising the Jackal that he can repay him the lost money by stealing from the Sphinx's Treasure Casino. Charlie seems intrigued by the idea. However he takes Morthos' mother Mae hostage as collateral.

Meanwhile Lance finds himself at the Wroat Campus of Morgrave University meeting again with Master Plodark. He explains the strange mark on him and what it could mean. He shares that the last time this mark was on the earth there was a war between the giants, elves, and dragons. He is urged to continue to keep it secret.

Morthos sends a request for parley to Charlie, and Eloise sends a message to the entire Library of Korranberg? via House Sivis Sending Station. The party prepares for a confrontation with Charlie. They meet at the former site of Violet's Library. Hara Hara takes to the sky to surveil, Eloise hides in an alley to wild shape if she must. Harlow and Morthos wait in front of the Library ruins, when by sheer luck, Lance wanders into their path. He joins the fray and hides in the alley with Eloise.

4 thugs provide support from rooftop while Charlie and two thugs approach with Mae. The group proposes a trade, Mae for Harlow, when the rest go to the casino to try to get the money for Charlie. However at the last minute Morthos says "Pineapple Juice" and the party strikes.

The resulting conflict includes two rooftop mages, two archers, two rapier armed thugs, and the party's first encounter with a creature with Legendary Actions. Morthos is knocked unconscious. Twice. But the party eventually succeeds in defeating the Jackal. His final words being to Morthos, sharing that he thought of him as a brother. Morthos stands over his corpse and shares that he too thought of him as a brother. Putting two gold coins over his eyes.

The party returns to the Wayinder Foundation. Lance reluctantly joins with a loan from Morthos. The party goes to bed, ready to tackle the next leg of their adventure in the morning.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Jackal - defeated

Shadows of the Past

Harlow Vilard

11 / 11 HP
Report Date
07 Jan 2022
Primary Location

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