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Adventures in Nabban

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Nysteria
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Achaxadith the Red Dragon
    Deep in the mines of Drogan's Vale rests the red dragon Acahxadith of the Twelve Flames. A native to the fire plane, Achax came through a portal to the material plane that opened after a magic suppressor crystal was damaged. An old and highly intelligent creature, Achax is a powerful ally or terrible enemy to have.
  • Commander Brichon
    The head of Drogan's Vale's military, Brichon is a serious man who wishes nothing more than to return home to his wife and children. Known for bearing the weight of his work heavy on his shoulders, he is a talented commander and trusted advisor to Lord Rhys, ruler of Drogan's Vale. He is a strong proponent of the rebellion but is worried about their ability to oppose the entire Yuntari empire.
  • Commander Kerwyn
    An expert in guerilla fighting, Kerwyn was sent to harry shipments and to spy on Yuntari near Mirindar. However, his company was taken prisoner by Goblins and the Order of the Night. Many died in the dungeons of the haunted Firestone Keep. The Heroes rescued Kerwyn and his remaining compatriots shortly before they were sacrificed. He is known among the military commanders of Nabban.
  • Isorn
    The Turnip Knight, Champion of the Southern Islands, and paladin of the Order of the Dawn. Isorn is among the few surviving members of the order and one of the few of his cohort to resist the dark one's temptations. A paladin of Tyr, god of justice, Isorn is driven both by his sense of duty to the greater good and to his fallen friends to bring Maelon to Justice.
  • Governor Karazan
    Stoic, plotting, and deadly, Karazan is the iron fist that conquered and rules Nabban in the name of the Yuntari empire. Karazan is infamous for throwing down the gates of Firestone Keep and the ensuing slaughter that ended all resistance on Nabban to elven rule. Like many Yuntari, Karazan is ancient by human standards and is feared island wide.
  • Lord Cargyll
    Lord Llewyn Cargyll. The young, head strong lord of Illithia and current figure head of the rebellion. Inheritor of the legacy of the ancient great house Cargyll. Known for courageous but dangerous acts, Cargyll seeks glory in the name of his ancestors. While Cargyll has a good heart and intentions, he is often blinded by his pursuit of fame and glory so he can stand proudly among the statues of his progenitors after he leaves this world.
  • Maelon
    The fallen. Turn cloak. Harbinger of Darkness. Ookequc's former apprentice, Maelon is reviled by surviving members of the order for nearly bringing about its destruction. While under Ookequc's watchful mentorship, Maelon was tempted and fell into darkness and slowly poisoned the minds of many of his peers. Maelon was last seen being pulled into a portal to the Nine Hells after he was defeated by the Order of the Dawn, just before the order would have been brought him to an end.
  • Ookequc
    Eldest among the Order of the Dawn, no living wizard is held in higher esteem than Ookequc. Around Nabban he is known widely for his healing arts and among friends for his sharp tongue love of the halfling's leaf. Despite his advanced age, he shows no signs of slowing down his perennial campaign against the Order of Night, perhaps driven by the haunting memory of his fallen apprentice Maelon.
  • Lord of Drogan's Vale Rhys
    Lord of Drogan's Vale and among the wealthiest men in Nabban. He is often pulled in different directions by his advisors, including Verok the historian, Commander Brichon, Lady Lona of the mining guild, Isorn the Turnip Knight, and others.
  • Verok the Historian
    Gertrude's intellectual and personal rival from Cornelf. He currently lives in Drogan's Vale as an advisor to Lord Rhys and historian. A vain, rude man, what he lacks for in likeable traits he makes up for in cunning and knowledge.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Dungeon Master


Human ()
Cleric 4
39 / 39 HP

Shiner Goldcastle

Bar Keep of the Weary Wyvern and Weary Wyrm Ira Kerimier

Chaotic Neutral Tiefling (Haunted One)
Warlock 4
31 / 31 HP

Enid Yelvaris
