Session 142 - Under the Forsaken temple Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 142 - Under the Forsaken temple

General Summary


13th Kelen (Third month of Spring) to mid Summer 723TR

The story so far

The heroes have infiltrated the temple of Agrik in Geldeheim. Under the temple, they find ancient tunnels and caverns belong to a far older church of Ilvir.

Sabretooth is hunting for a holy artifact, a magical horn, hidden somewhere in these caverns decades ago.

The continuation of Session 139 - The Stolen Temple.

Location - Castle of Geldeheim in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 1 - The Caverns Under The Caverns

The party enters into a large, foul-smelling cavern containing a pool of murky water. The source of the smell is soon identified; bubbles are emerging from the center of the pool. The smell is unpleasant, although Sabretooth likes it as it reminds him of the pool of sludge from which he was created. He casts a holy invocation which reveals that the chamber is magical and the pool of water especially so.

On the roof are dangerous creatures, stalactites like monsters with small crab-like legs. They shoot rock-hard bone spikes, attached to muscular tendrils, at the heroes. They prove quite a challenge, with some of the characters forced to retreat into the foul water for cover. Sabretooth's companion, Ringo, is nearly harpooned and comes very close to being dinner. However, the seven Dundremol, or cave fishers, are slow-moving, and the heroes move out of their reach, eventually destroying them with ranged attacks.

After a brief rest, the heroes travel to a nearby chamber glowing with small motes of light emerging from large patches of moss. The heroes, wisely decide to leave this chamber immediately.

Parzz'val, art by Kobold Press
In another side chamber, they hear the movement of something big. Large creatures, six-legged worm-like monstrosities with slobbering oversize mouths long slimy tongues, teleport behind the heroes and savage into them. The Parzz'val attempt to swallow the heroes but fail. Acheron sweeps their legs, knocking one to the ground, and they prove very susceptible to Ringo's sonic attacks. They are dispatched, although the sound of combat attracts another more dangerous foe, a great vaguely humanoid beast with an armored hide, huge maw, and muscular arms equipped with huge claws.
Gray Render, art by WOC
The Gray Render is eventually dispatched in a trail of black blood after weakening the heroes, especially Sabretooth. The lair of the creature is filled with the bones of dozens of even stranger creatures.

Avon sneaks forward and blunders into a patch of moss. Poisonous tendrils wrap around him and sap most of his strength. He is entrapped and barely conscious. Sabretooth bravely comes to his rescue with a mighty tug pulls him free, saving his life but risking his. The tendrils envelop him, and almost immediately, he passes out from the pain. With Sabretooth moments from death, the remaining conscious heroes scramble to save him. The Cavelight Moss is subjected to the full force of the heroes might and torn to pieces, and its glowing motes of light are extinguished. Sabretooth and Avon are badly injured, and the heroes use the last of their healing potions to recover what health they can before proceeding on.

Part 2 - The World Under The Caverns

The Heroes search through the remaining passages and find nothing of interest, no sign of a magical Horn. With time running out, they investigate the mysterious smelly bubbly pool. Avon determines that the section below where the bubbles form drops off sharply and deeply. He can't detect an end. Also, the aerated water looks very hard to swim in. The heroes, except for Moneypenny, secure a rope to the wall, take a deep breath and enter the pond.

Not far down, the water turns green, and the heroes emerge from a pool, somewhere else completely.

They find themselves in a small bone-filled oasis, in a vast strange desert. In the far distance, a huge tower can be seen with gigantic flying creatures circling. The desert sand is interrupted by patches of reddish grasses and pools of fuming sludge. Bones are scattered everywhere, and in the distance, a large army of giants, dressed in ornate armor with coal-black skin, can be seen marching in the direction of the tower. Even larger, colossal size lizard-like creatures are moving in the distance. Sabretooth believes the heroes have been transported to the Blasted Plains, on the world of the Gods. The tower in the distance must be the god Ilvir mysterious home.

by Kobold Press
Nearby is a strange creature, a huge ugly six-legged frog-like beast with an intelligent glint to its eyes. Sabretooth immediately approaches it and greets it in Ivashi. It responds in a croaking voice and offers to share a meal, Sabretooth's human companions. Sabretooth persuades the creature, Bozak, that they are his friends and not for eating.

Bozak has guarded the pond for a long time and observed many creatures enter, but it has been a long time since a two-legged creature has emerged from it. The last was a priest of the maker (the god Ilvir) who said another two-leg would come wanting a great treasure, a Horn. Bozak agreed to guard it until that date. He extends his huge disgusting tongue, and within it is a Horn. Once the slime is cleaned off, it reveals an intricately carved relic, made from the horn of some unknown creature, carved with Ilvirian symbolism. Bozak explains it is the Horn of the Harvester is a most powerful artifact. It will summon a Nadrydd or Harvester of Souls under the command of the user. This Nadrydd can move between the prime material and Ethereal Plane at will, combat ethereal creatures, and devour unclaimed souls for later use by the God Ilvir. The user can also command the Nadrydd can to read the future.

Sabretooth solemnly takes the horn gifting Bozak one of his finely carved wooden statues in return. Bozak swallows it in a dramatic gulp and hops off towards the great tower in the distance.

While Sabretooth is talking with Bozak, Avon, and Acheron search for bones and what looks like battle debris scattered about the oasis. They find mounds of wreaked and corroded bronze armor and weapons, although only one of the short swords is in relatively good shape. This could be repaired into an intimidating weapon. They also find a gem that glows with magical energy and boosts the health of the user.

The heroes, although tempted to explore, decide to return home, enter the pond, follow the rope, and soon find themselves back in the cavern under the temple.

Part 3 - Escape

The heroes leave the caverns and find that no alarm has been raised at the Temple of Agrik. Their presence has not been detected, the sleeping draught they sneaked into the priestesses wine must have done the trick. Quickly they cover their tracks, make claw makes on the doors, and scatter supplies about, making it appear that some beast had broken in and ransacked the temple looking for food.

Returning to the village, they regale the local young priest of Ilvir, Finnjon the Bent, with their adventurers to boost his morale and the next day start their long journey home along the dangerous Fur Road.

To be continued...

NPC Interactions

Finnjon the Bent.

Bozak, the six-legged frog.

Challenges Overcome

Killed 7 Dundremol - The Cave Fisher.

Killed 2 Parzz'val.

Defeated 1 Grey Render.

Defeated 1 Cavelight Moss.

Found a planer Portal to the Blasted Plain.


Sabertooth recovered the Horn of Harvester.

1 damaged magical bronze short sword.

Ioun Stone (+2 Constitution).

7 Cave Fisher Spikes (may be able to be crafted into quality daggers or spearheads).

Created Content

The Blasted Plains.

Nadrydd - The Harvester of Souls.

Related Reports


Player Character Status

Acheron - Human - L6 Paladin, L4 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz, and L1 Divine Soul Sorcerer.

Sabretooth - Unique Ivashu - L7 Ivashu Lord Barbarian, L3 Monk, and L1 Druid.

Avon - Half-Elf - L11 Thief.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
18 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Castle of Geldeheim
Secondary Location
The Blasted Plains

NPC Companions


Avon's able assistant

Moneypenny 4.jpeg

Moneypenny, art by Artbreeder


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Ringo, art by Attacus

Horn of the Harvester

Horn of the Harvester, from Penn Museum

This Ilviran relic appears as carved from the horn of an unknown creature and covered with various Ilviran symbology.

Attunement: Required.

Magical Properties: As an action, the horn can be sounded. It will create a chilling low pitch moan and will summon a Nadrydd, Harvestor of Souls, for up to 10 minutes.

This artifact has 12 charges and can be used once per day.

Nadrydd - The Harvester of Souls

The Nadrydd are ethereal Ivashu that gather unclaimed souls for Ilvir to use in his creations. It will follow any reasonable instructions of the user, including attacking a designated target with nightmarish illusions.

The Nadrydd can travel between the Ethereal and prime material plane at will and will. It can also predict the future by using a Divination (as per the spell of that name).

Nadrydd 2.png
by Nadrydd, art by Attacus

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