Session 160 - Eaters of Brains Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 160 - Eaters of Brains

General Summary

27th Halane (Second Month of Autumn) 723TR

The Story So Far

Yureb has received word that his old master, Elzoldor, the Prism, is in danger. Elzoldor saved Yureb life years ago and took him on as an apprentice despite Yureb's attempts to rob him.

The heroes have traveled travel to the far north to rescue the Illusionist believing that he has been poisoned by an Ice Spider and is in a magical stasis.

The continuation of Session 158 - Cold as Ice.

Location - Altin Mountains, in the far Northern reaches of Western Lýthia.

Part 1 - Ice Slugs

The heroes, accompanied by Elzoldor's apprentice Glyfin, warily enter what looks to be ancient underground ruins. To Glyfin's surprise, they find a large mass of black mucus is lining sections of its walls. Their caution is well-founded as strange slug-like creatures composed of ice and repulsive flesh burst from this slime. These are only a minor hazard to the seasoned adventurers; however, two much larger and more dangerous fully grown versions of these beasts emerge from the side passages.

Quazzy creates Fear and holds the eight smaller Rime Worm Grubs at bay while the rest of the heroes battle the fully grown Rime Worms. They spit out vile streams of icy corrosive slime onto the heroes, and just standing near them inflicts flesh-curdling cold damage. Yureb is caught in a mass of disgusting tendrils and narrowly avoids being swallowed; nevertheless, all these vile creatures are eventually dealt with.

Part 2 - Psionic Traps

The heroes follow Glyfin's directions through the passages, then suddenly, without warning, Psionic Symbols on the floor blaze into life. There are three of these nefarious traps, and Quazzy is caught in the first and disappears. Yureb dodges one but is caught in a second and also vanishes. Athena and Lucinda resist these strange traps, while Glyfin is too far back to be caught.

Examining the ice-covered floor, Athena spots a single pair of humanoid footprints. Someone or something appears to have recently flown or levitated in, landed, created the psionic trap, and then escaped the same way.

Part 3 - Brain-Eating Bastards

Mindflayer, art by Steve Bellshaw

Quazzy and Yureb appear in separated locations, in ice-covered chambers, and are ambushed by more of these ugly Rime Worms. Unfortunately, they are accompanied by much more dangerous creatures, the strange humanoids with octopus-like heads equipped with four long tentacles and large dull glassy pitiless eyes. They are the feared Mindflayers or Illithids, loathsome monstrosities from another reality.

Quazzy withstands multiple Psionic Blasts, turning some of the psychic energy back on the Illithids. She unleashes powerful destructive spells and kills one, and drives the other off.

Meanwhile, Yureb takes the stealth approach, turning Invisible and dodging more Rime Worm Grubs and Psionic Blasts while frustrating and harassing the Illithids.

Elzoldor, art by C Home
Athena, Lucinda, and Glyfin, unaware of the danger the friends are in, enter a dark chamber. Athena dodges a multicolored blast of light, a Prismatic Spray. Unsure of what they are facing, Glyfin creates globes of light and illuminates the chamber. To the horror of the characters, they see they are facing four Mindflayers and the Illusionist Elzoldor. Elzoldor appears to be acting robotically under Psionic Domination; however, he tries, vainly, to resist.

Athena and Lucinda charge in and quickly kill several of the Illithids; however, they are stunned by the repeated Psionic Blasts and harassed by the illusions of Elzoldor. Two more Mind Flayers float into the chamber. One Dominates Lucinda, and another sneaks up behind Glyfin. The stunned apprentice offers little resistance, and with a sickening crunching sound, his brain is extracted and devoured. Things are looking grim.

Athena still has difficulty resisting the most powerful Illithid brain-scrambling mind blasts and is unable to act. Then Yureb sneaks into the chamber, killing one of the Illithids with a well-placed arrow shot to the back.

Quazzy arrives in typically dramatic style, Dimension Dooring into the chamber and immediately disposing of another Illithids with her Spectral Dagger. Yureb delivers his own magical version of the Psionic Blast pummeling the most powerful Illithid to the back of the chamber just as it was about to wrap its tentacles around Athena's head. His victory is short-lived with the Illithid Psionic Blasting back harder, and Elzoldor continues to use his spells to disrupt and damage the heroes.

With no other options, Yureb attempts to knock his old master unconscious. He fails and resorts to using the Echo power of his magical sword. This repeats the damage the Illusionist took from his previous weapon hit, and nearly it kills the old man. He slumps to the ground, apparently dying. Quazzy and Athena see an opportunity and injure the most powerful Illithid. Badly wounded it thinks of self-preservation and attempts to escape, but at the last second, before it can Plane Shift away, its head is removed.

Elzoldor's injuries are not as bad as first feared. He staggers up, free of mind control, finishes off the last Mindflayer, controlling Lucinda with a spray of brightly colored destructive motes of light (Magic Missiles) and many imaginative curses.

Athena noting that Elzoldor is off-color, possibly from the Ice Spider poison, burns the corruption away with her holy flames (Greater Restoration). The heroes take a moment to rest while Elzoldor mourns the horrific death of his apprentice.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Elzoldor the Prism.

Glyfin the Apprentice, who sadly died.

Challenges Overcome

Defeated 2 Rime Worms and 10 Rime Worm Grubs.

Defeated 9 Mindflayers, 1 Mindflayer Mastermind, and a dominated Grand Illusionist.

Saved Elzoldor.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 20 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 20 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy the Raven Woman - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 15 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
18 Jul 2021

NPC Companions

Dame Lucia Kalormar

Athena's Aid

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder


Elzoldor the Prism's appentice.

Glyfin, art by Artbreeder


The ancient Jarinese Short Sword Macalla which translates to Echo. This was the ancestral weapon of the Kings of Gemala.

This weapon is a magical +3 sword with a special ability called Echo. The Wielder can cause the victim of the weapon to feel the pain of the last injury inflicted again. As an action, after inflicting an injury with this weapon, the wielder can inflict psychic damage equal to the damage done by physical injury. This must be actioned before the end of the Wielder's next turn. This can be used once per long rest.

Macalla, art by Pngfind

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