Session 157 - Tower of The Raven Woman Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 157 - Tower of The Raven Woman

General Summary

30th Azura (First Month of Autumn) 723TR

The Story So Far

Quazzy's long-time nemesis, the mysterious Raven Woman, has somehow created young copies of herself. When they mature, she claims their bodies, thereby becoming immortal. Quazzy is one such copy and has survived attempts to steal her body and many more mundane and magical assassination attacks.

The heroes have discovered one of these copies, a young girl, in an out-of-the-way village near a magical portal to another world. They have "rescued" the girl and entered through the gateway. The Raven Woman's Tower lies in the distance, only an hour walk through some misty hills.

Quazzy has grown powerful and will soon have her opportunity for revenge.

The continuation of Session 155 - Spoils of War.

Location - On another world adjacent to a Fey Realm.

Part 1 - The Tower in the Hills

The heroes make their way towards the tower in the hills. As they near it, they spot raven-shaped stone forms on the battlements animating and the ever-present mist around them congealing into bird-like shapes. Quazzy turns the party Invisible, and they avoid this threat.

Satyr, art by Leo-Lee
The tower is eight stories tall, and on the roof, swarms of ravens create a racket. Yureb triggers a well-hidden magical trap, a Sleep Symbol, when he unlocks the entrance and he immediately falls unconscious. The Satyr in the adjacent room attacks, and the ravens from above swoop in. The heroes burst into the room and slam the door shut, blocking the Ravens out. The Satyr proves a handful, temporarily blinding some of the heroes with his poisonous glare and scoring lucky hits with a conjured blade and his decaying touch. Furthermore, two suits of armor by the door animate. These foes are destroyed but not before several characters receive a few nasty injuries.

The Raven Woman is not far away and once again enters in a Psychic Duel with Quazzy. Quazzy wins spectacularly and steals a few more of her memories and spells.

Fleeting Memories

Long ago, at the Earthmaster Site of Anisha, Quazzy sees the Raven Woman finding a psionically concealed secret room. Inside she finds a cracked and broken Godstone.

A second memory shows another heated argument with the Golden Skull Masked Man, her former consort. He taunts the Raven Woman, "you are not the original."

Part 2 - Library and Nursery

The party makes its way upstairs, finding a sizeable library with more magical Symbol traps which are disabled. The Raven Woman attacks again, this time with Phantasmal Killers targeting each of the heroes. Quazzy's deranged mind turns the illusion magic back on the Raven Woman, although overconfident she loses another Psychic Duel and a piece of memory as well as a spell.

Upstairs is a Nursery. A warm room full of vibrant and rare plants, some of which come to life. Assassin Vines entrap and choke the heroes, and little Mandrakes scream and burst eardrums. Nevertheless, they are quickly dealt with. The Raven Woman is very close and initiates one last Psychic Duel with Quazzy and loses. Quazzy takes another memory and spell.

Fleeting Memory

The Raven Woman is experimenting with the broken Godstone. Touching it, an exact copy of herself appears on its other side. This is not friendly and attacks, killing the Raven Woman and then taking her place. Quazzy feels this has happened several times over the years. Will history repeat?

Part 3 - Revenge

The party finds and disables several more dangerous magical symbol traps. The next floor opens to a bedroom, and the Raven Woman lies in wait.

Raven Woman art by Artbreeder

Yureb sneaks in unnoticed. However, the Raven Woman Time Stops, preparing many defensive spells, then blasts the party with a Delayed Blast Fireball and a Disintegration Ray. Her magical Globe of Invulnerability prevents even the strongest of Quazzy magic from being effective. Yureb strikes with surprise with a sneak attack, but this does not break down her barriers, so he retreats up a nearby stairway triggering another magical symbol trap. He narrowly avoids being paralyzed with pain. Athena and Lucinda close in and, after multiple attacks, eventually knock down her strongest protective barrier.

She responds with Twin Disintegration Rays, followed in an instant by a Quickened Cloudkill. Athena and Quazzy are very nearly killed. Yureb stabs her in the back again, this time breaking her concertation on the Cloudkill spell, saving Quazzy and Athena from a choking death. But the Raven Woman responds immediately, chilling Athena's bones. The Paladin falls to the ground dying of hypothermia.

Quazzy is seriously injured and attacks with her last remaining powerful spell, Finger of Death. Her rival's defenses collapse and suddenly she begins to wither. Quazzy leaps forward and stabs the ancient dagger of her Warlock Patron Desridaen through her heart and she falls to the ground, dead.

Quazzy uses a little of her remain strength to save Athena's life as she contemplates what to do next.

Part 4 - Aftermath

Mistress of the Tower

Quazzy has killed her rival and is now the new mistress of this tower; she is the new Raven Woman. She claims her predecessor's black robes, adorned with raven feathers (a Black Robes of the Archmagi). She also finds that she has access to a large arcane library, an apothecary, an alchemist laboratory and can now command the Ravens roosting on the tower.

Additionally she now has possession of the strange broken Goldstone located on the floor above. This can create copies of whoever can attune to it. What are Quazzy's plans?

An Heir for Clan Pallas

Athena decides to adopt the young copy of Quazzy, the party rescued/kidnaped from the Raven Cultists.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

The Raven Woman.

Challenges Overcome

Avoided 8 Gargoyles and 2 Mist Ravens.

Defeated the Fey creature and 4 Raven Swarms.

Avoid many Magical Symbol Traps.

Destroyed 4 Assassin Vines and 3 Mandrakes

Killed the Raven Woman.

Related Reports

Barasi Points - Holy Groves.

The Raven Woman - RIP - Updated.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 20 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 20 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 15 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
04 Jul 2021

NPC Companion

Dame Lucia Kalormar, Athena's Aid

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

Clan Pallas

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