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The Otherlands Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Otherlands
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Supporting Cast
  • Lord Adar Emberwing
    Adar is as hotheaded as his lineage, known for being relentlessly passionate, he does everything at 100%. Unfortunately he expects the same of his people. Because of his expectations to compete with Osmosen's trade and wealth, he puts decrees and edicts in place to force and encourage people to work harder. As such, the people of the land are perceived as busy, frantic, and focused purely on money.
  • Arlan Herren
    A tall and lithe man who sometimes prefers the company of his anmials over people. With those he's comfortable with, he's a man who's quite smiley and gregarious. For those he doesn't know, he's almost shy. Reguardles of his temperment, he is a great caretaker for the animals and never goes anywhere without his Lob-Owlbear companion.
  • Catsithe
    A large black cat usually sat perched on something tall in the Unslee court, Catsithe is the leader of the Malks. A type of fey who is known to take on two forms. One of a large cat, and one of a cat-like human. These are highly trained assassins, and Catsithe is their commander. He's a quiet type, rarely speaking to anyone from outside the court. When he does talk, it is usually a threat.
  • Chaplain En'Iza Lairen
    A tall and thin firbolg, she is often decorated with fresh flowers and brings a supernatural aura of calm to those around. She is the Chaplain of Es Cargo, in charge of maintaining the temple and allowing people to complete their religious ceremonies. She is the Second Seat of the Counsel
  • Lady Erin Barenhearth
    Lady Erin is the eldest daughter of the late Lord Barenhearth. Before she was anointed Lady of the region, she was engaged to another noble. Upon her ascent, she canceled her engagement and took an oath to focus her attention on her land rather than her marital status. Because of this, her kingdom flourished and riches began to pour in from seemingly nowhere. Mines were discovered, crops were planted, and trading deals were founded. No one really knows how all this came to pass so quickly, but all are benefiting from it enough to not question too much.
  • Lady Fane Havery
    The Havery Family has ruled over Santura for generations. However, Lady Fane's rule is one of concern for many. The bastard daughter of Lord Havery and the fiend Ceeba. She was the youngest of three from the house, and as she grew, her siblings grew sicker and sicker. Eventually dying by the age of 16 and 13. Leaving Fane as the sole heir to the house. While speculation and doubt has arisen over the circumstances of her sibling's deaths, it is unclear if it was bad luck or foul play. Reguardless of that, Lady Fane is ruling with a careful and cautious aura. Those who speak with her describe her as always calculating and thinking of other options.
  • Elder Gruff
    Elder Gruff is an advisor to Queen Titiana, accumulating knowledge through two main sources. Elder Gruff is incredibly old, receiving knowledge from his many years of experience and time in the libraries. The second method is accumulating knowledge through slaying wayard mages who prove smarter than he. He cuts away something from their clothing as a trophy to remember the occasion, and spur him on to greater knowledge.
  • King Halber Thysill
    Halber is no looker, but his reign more than compensates. Halber is one of the most influential royals to grace the Otherlands. Loved by his subjects, respected by his nobles, and feared by his enemies, King Halber is a man not to be trifled with. He is slow to speak and equally slow to anger, unless someone under him is harmed. Then one has better chances with the Abyss than against the wrath of the king. The scar on his face was bestowed upon him during a fight against an Abyssal portal breech. He was nearly killed, yet still gave tactical orders from his medical bed that helped push the attack back through the portal.
  • Lady Liliana
    Liliana is known to be a gentle soul, until one gets to know her. While her kindness and gentle demeaner attract flocks of people to her side, she uses her influences to elevate herself higher into the Court. She has achieved this, and waits for the day where she is appointed as the new Summer Queen.
  • The Winter Queen Mab
    Queen Mab is most well known as the Winter Queen, though she has many titles. Some of these include The Darkest Veil, Unslee's Cloak, and The Dangerous Seductress. Reguardless of her names, her title is what's important. She is the head of the Unslee Court, and rules as such. Unlike her Seelie peer, Mab is known for being calm and collected, but that doesn't mean you should be eased. The Queen often times sends her knight out to assassinate those who slight her, and when that fails, far worse things are coming.
  • Lady Marselle Saltborn
    Lady Marselle is often criticized for her lack of formality, however her people view her with far more respect for it. Eswella has a palace for the Lord or Lady ruling it, but you'd never find Lady Marselle there. Where you'd find her is on the fishing dock, helping pull in fish, taking stock of product, or elsewhere through the city helping her people. She is a woman of the people, anointed Lady by King Halber after seeing her resolve and determination in protecting her people. She was an admeral in King Halber's fleet, and reguardless of her power or position, she was the one who would do the hard work, and never asked anyone to do anything she wasn't ready to do herself. Because of this, the reigning work of the land is typically handled by her advisor, who is constantly trying to keep up with her, and with the paperwork.
  • Morgan Greenteeth
    Morgan Greenteeth is Queen Mab's advisor. She can often be found staggering and dripping beside Queen Mab's throne. Her labored and raspy breathing have often sent court goers to madness. She is a large part of the court due to her skills in spying the future.
  • The Green Lord Oberon
    Oberon is known as many names. The Green Lord, and The Summer King to name a few. He is fiercely jealous over Titiana, and any would be addressors best be careful with their words. Lest they incur the wrath of the Summer King. He's known to be highly intelligent, preferring to make others bring harm upon themselves, rather than lifting a finger against them.
  • Captain Potiumus Crowy
    A rugged and often exasperated man, Capt. Crowy is one of the key members of Es Cargo. His job oversees the Madcaps duties, as well as maintaining proper trajectory of Es Cargo's route. He also tracks the bounties and pays out the Madcaps. He is the Third Seat of the counsel.
  • Puck
    Puck is Oberon's personal servant. He rarely leaves his master's side, but when he does, he is often playing pranks on Mortals. His favorite trick is turning people into animals and keeping them as pets. He's incredibly mischievous, and isn't one to be ignored.
  • Emperess Rafina Tordana
    An incredibly cunning woman, Rafina ascended to Emperess from a civil unrest she led when she was a young woman. Accumulating help from the people, smaller nobles, and even a small portion of the military to stage a coup for the previous emperor. It is unclear exactly what the coup was started over, as the previous emperor was fairly par for the course. Neither making too many enemies, nor allies. So Rafina's assent to the throne is often questioned, but her current power, never so.
  • Redda Al'Drana
    He's a sweet old man who runs the Silver Rose Inn. He's well known for his unique constructs whose purpose is to solely help him run the tavern after the passing of his wife. He's very old, and prone to heart attacks, but thanks to his constructs, he's always brought back.
  • Mayor Remus Kalahan
    A charismatic man, Remus is the Mayor of Es Cargo. His duties are tending to the shops and the people who live on Es Cargo to support the Madcaps. He regularly runs events and celebrations in the town. He's the one in charge of ensuring all equipment is obtained for the Madcaps, and that goods are bought to feed the people well. He is the First Seat in the Counsel
  • Lady Saoirse
    Saoirse is the Lady of the Unslee court, and has earned quite the name for herself. She is known for being rather comical and pleasant, and then cutthroat when your back is turned. Her wolves are some of the fiercest creatures of the Unslee domain.
  • The Bramble Queen Selephra
    Slephra, otherwise known as The Bramble Queen, is both a force of nature and an Otherlands Icon. The Queenly title was bestowed upon her by the Mortals, who during the civil war were caught up in her thick and venomous bramble vines. Today, she is seen as a hero, and an Icon of peace alongside her late lover, King Magnus. Who together brought forth the peace treaty.
  • Silverleaf
    Silverleaf is a kind and gentle soul, often times being looked down upon because of it.
  • Grandmaster Tar'Han
    Tar'Han is a gregarious and boistrous man who's always looking for the next exciting thing. Be it fighting the monsters in his arena, making new shows to entertain the people, or going on a snatch and grab. He's a man who likes to get his hands dirty and be in the thick of things.
  • The Summer Queen Titiana
    Titiana is the Queen of the Summer Court. She is known for being as changing as the wind, her temperament changing just as wildly. One moment calm and pleasant, the next ruthless and bloodthirsty. Regardless of her current mood, all who address her know well to bring a plethora of flattery and respect to the Queen of Summer.
  • Lord Torvan Loyalfang
    Torvan was inherited lordship from his father, but has made a name for himself. He's often called the Jade Lord for the false eyes he possesses. Both of which he was robbed of by a Satyr after being attacked when he was a soldier. Though they are made of jade, rumor has it that he can see far better with these than with his original set. He is well respected among his people for being a strong handed ruler to other nations, and a disciplining father to his people. Especting great things from them, but standing beside them to teach and lead them.
  • Lord Ulfgar Miller
    Ulfgar was once a miller's son, living in the fields of northern Carthrynea. His family was visited by a troup of Loial, and he was instantly infatuated. He left his family with the troup to learn and train with them. Later becoming a Paladin for the faith and participating in keeping Abyssal portals closed. When the Lord of Carthrynea died with no heir, Empress Rafina appointed him to the position. The transition was difficult, and he's made mistakes, but he has overall a positive relationship with his people.
  • Yeth
    Yeth is a a fey lord who is known for a bad temper and a short fuse. Any who approach the courts and seek to avoid combat, better bring a surplus of wine to calm this bitter temper. If they choose not to, they'd better be ready to handle the plethora of Yeth Hounds who are made from pieces of Yeth's flesh.

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