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Viva, Loss, Vegas Call of Cthulhu Campaign

A Call of Cthulhu game In the world of Viva, Loss, Vegas
| Full


  • Las Vegas, NV 1960
Supporting Cast
  • Arty Wilmot
    Editor of the Las Vegas Globe, Arty is a thin man in his late thirties. He is generally unpleasant and abrasive, running the paper with high standards and an iron fist.
  • Jonathan Knott
    Current owner of the Corbitt House, in the process of renovating it so he can move in new tenants.
  • Ruth Blake
    The Las Vegas Globe records keeper and Arty's assistant. She's much more personable, and usually helpful if she has the chance to be.
  • Walter Corbitt
    Eponymous resident of the Corbitt House, whose mummified body was stored in a hidden room in the basement. Defeated by the party and his corpse reduced to dust.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 10th July 2021 13:00

I Said VIVA Damn You!

This story is told by

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The Protagonists

Kenneth Palmer

Entertainer/Model Kenneth Palmer ( 21 / Male ) from Las Vegas, NV