Session 66 - Champion of Greed

General Summary

  10 Neth (Nov) 4720   Xin-Shalast.   The roof of the World.   Former (and future) home to Karzoug, the Runelord of Greed and the capital city of what will become New Thassalon.   Unless the Saviors of Sandpoint can stop him.   Having passed through the occlusion field, the heroes approached the tower atop upper Xin-Shalast. Those with the sihedron tokens (medallions and rings) could see the crimson trail of another soul fly into the tower. They followed suit and entered the Pinnacle of Avarice. Once inside, they killed a cloud giant guard before he could sound an alarm and alert the rest of the tower to their presence. The giant had been marked with the sihedron, and his soul flew through the hallways of the tower. Whether by proximity or due to a nearly charged runewell, Karzoug could project his image to various locations throughout the tower. He would appear long enough to demand the heroes leave, then cast a spell at them before vanishing.   Their exploration through the tower led the heroes to Karzoug’s former throne room. Only now, it was his champion who sat on the throne. Maximus Merilander, along with a giant suit of armour, seemed to be waiting for them. The heroes entered the throne room, and Maximus activated the Temporal Bracers of Leng that he wore. No words were spoken before combat began. Maximus manipulated time around him, speeding it and rewriting it to his will while avoiding almost every blow. Only Jayvielle had managed to come in contact with him, and that was just a scratch to one of the bracers.   But the fight had only begun.

Rise of the Runelords
Report Date
09 Jun 2023

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