Session 79: Know Thy Enemy

General Summary

2nd-9th Unndilar 836PD   2nd-3rd Unndilar   After taking time to get acquainted with each other, including Quill showing off his magic handaxes of returning, the Wicked Sisters. They start to determine what they need to know in order to plan their next move effectively. Simeon ritually casts commune to try and determine where Lock-Breaker might strike next, but the Moon Weaver’s reply is uncertain. Lock-Breaker seems not sure themselves, but currently Kraghammer might be the next option. Simeon asks if there is some magic or resource the Unbroken could have to repair the shackles, and the Commune teases that there is a way to repair but the Unbroken don’t have the means yet.   The next morning Raphael messages Arin, relaying the commune and asking them to research on repairing shackles. Arin confirms they were the one who hired Quill and Krak’s party in Wildemount, his vetting helping to ease any tension on them joining with the Unbroken.   4th-8th Unndilar   Raph is informed that the Storms Call will deliver his cold rune enchanted half plate armour from Whitestone on the 8th. The party invite Gilmore, Allura, Jinarth and Pick to dinner at the Keep to update them on the shackle situation. Pick heard that the ravagers are amassing in the dividing planes, forming a large army but their target is unknown. Jinarth updates on the noble lady, Kathilia, who they’ve been investigating as they’ve been stealing residuum for Lock-Breaker. Just a couple of days ago, they hired some Clerics to their house and had increased their guards.   Allura will research the shackles and coordinate on how to repair with Arin, she notes that the party knowing all of the locations would put a large target on them, enough to maybe draw Lock-Breaker to them this time? Gilmore will look for any associated artefacts that can help with the shackles, such as finding, defending, mending any relevance. Plus using his merchant experiences to monitor any supplies of items that could help the Unbroken, or track supplies that Lock-Breaker could use. Raph privately informs Pick of Karkematth and his origin, he asks for him to keep look out but keep distance considering attacks on previous informants.   Over the next few days Orlando researches the Moradin Shackle but only finds that it's guarded by the dwarves. Zeni researches on Kord, and notes that as the God of Storms and Strength, only the powerful combatants of Kord would likely know how to find the shackle. Tarathiel contacts them to inform them that the Arch Heart shackle is in neutral territory of the feywild, and that both the Queens of the Summer and Winter Courts will have the necessary information to find it.   Nearing the end of the week, Simeon divines on where they can intercept the Lock-Breaker- "In recent battle fought, Lock-Breaker almost fell, allies he has sought, in order to be well. Raging fire of hoard, soft bed of the Dame, choice of room and board, only he can name" Indicating Lock-Breaker is resting, but his whereabouts are fickle. Jinarth informs that it’s been difficult to investigate Kathilia house as it’s guarded and locked up. The Group piece together that Lock-Breaker could be holed up at Kathilia and the clerics were hired to heal him after his encounter with them at Stomcrest. The party plan to strike that night after midnight.   9th Unnidlar   In the dark early hours, the party stakeout the noble townhouse. Krak wild shapes into a spider, checking the inside and opens a window for Sabali to shadow step into. He throws a rope and pulls the invisible members up, with Simeon dimension dooring himself and Orlando in. There's blood on an empty bed's sheet, which Simeon determines as human blood in nature, not tiefling. The stealth group of Sabali, Raph and Krak search through the house but can’t see any sign of the tiefling Lock-Breaker, only a human cleric of the Everlight and the Lady Kathilia sleeping. The party move all to the Cleric’s room to try and question her, Raph and Quill wake up the cleric, whilst Zeni detect her thoughts.   They ask if they had treated a tiefling, but Cleric was confused and could only think of the person they had been hired to heal, a human male that Zeni recognises through the detect thoughts as Palmer Cooke…   Palmer Cooke, Tal’Dorei Council Master for Information is the Lock-Breaker!!   With this monumental revelation that their supposed long-time ally, and senior council member is the Herald of Oblivion, Simeon modifies the memory of the cleric to forget this intrusion, and the party move to make a swift exit from the heavily guarded house.

Report Date
10 May 2022

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