Session 13: A Question of Home

General Summary

25th Quen'pillar - 8th Cuersaar 835PD   With Barathia dead, the charm on the villagers lifts and their memories return. The party tries to persuade as many of the residents of Bel to journey back on foot to Drynna, out of 32 villagers 17 decide to return and the remainder decide to stay in their new home of Bel. Some villagers are lost along the way to the dangers of the swamp, Orlando loses his fate point to save a gnome villager Sprocksmith. A fellow tinkerer that knew of guns and Whitestone. Over the 9 days or so of travel, the group arrive in Drynna. The party update the Councilman at the Sunset lodge of the hag, and Zeni's magic confirmed the corrupted ley lines were returning to normal and cases of the plague were lessening. They hand over Barathia's journal that was found in her hut that details her plans, and how Drynna betrayed the 3 hags after they protected the town from dragon attack. The party rest and celebrate at the Eagle's Landing, deciding what to do next.   Linked Journals

Report Date
24 Nov 2020

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