Session 85: Hunters become the Hunted

General Summary

13th Unndilar 836PD   Quill rages and lifts one of the heavy bars off the gates. Orlando and Raphael climb up the towers and jump off over the other side. Zeni whispers to Krak to get ready to get out, whilst she tries to shove past the orc guard blocking the corridor. The guard grapples Zeni and his hand passes through her disguised self, letting out an incredulous “They’re not real!”.   Krak longstrides out of the corridor and makes his way to the secret exit they uncovered in the underground base. Levak, the ravager informant, makes his way to the door to help Quill lift the final bar. They push their combined strengths and get one of the gate doors open. Levak fights off some of the surrounding guards in the darkness that covers the gate. Sabali, Quill, Raphael and Orlando make it to the other side, they see Levak’s body slump out of the darkness. Sabali provides comfort to the dying Levak that his revenge on Tennakar was delivered.   Zeni shocks the guard grappling her, Simeon realises the jig is up and he dimension doors them both outside to the forest, where the rest of the Unbroken catch up and start to make their escape to the airship. Krak continues on his own route, using his speed to try and bypass the hordes of the ravagers hot on the Unbroken’s tail. Using Sabali and Simeon’s trickery magics the party stealth through the plains, they move cautiously so as not to tire themselves out and risk slowing down. A small party of 18 orcs find them, the group make short work of them but hundreds more still follow.   Over the next hour, the Unbroken play cat and mouse with the Ravagers, the closer they get away the closer they nearly encounter the hunting hordes. Sabali runs on ahead to warn Captain Kalcyra and prepare the Storms Call. The group finally enter the clearings of the plains, a moment of to realize they are free of the hunt (for now), but not all of them have made it as there’s no sign of Krak…

Report Date
28 Jun 2022

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