Session 49: Divine Inspiration

General Summary

20th-25th Horisal 836PD   After much deliberation about what to do with the two ships, the decision was made, begrudgingly for some, to sell the Dragon's Corruption in favour of 'doing up' the Storm's Call into an airship.   A couple days at sea repairing and sailing, the party arrive at Stilben on the 23rd.   After setting foot on land at Stilben it was decided that only a number of people who could disguise themselves through magical means or otherwise to venture into town to collect supplies and rations for the onward journey. The temple is in the Windless Mountains and it was mentioned during the trip that it really shouldn't be called this with a particular tiefling in tow, but that is neither here nor there.   The disguised Zeni, Raphael and Wind went into town, picked up rations and got back to the ship where invisibility was cast on the members of the group that could not disguise and Simeon cast Pass without trace in order for us to get through the town unseen, which was successful.   On the journey, it was reasonably uneventful other than the nerves of certain members of the party were certainly starting to show. Sabali and Ceri in particular did not seem themselves, after having a quiet moment during their travels to reflect on when they've faced shame.   The group bumped into a naked human bard, Monty, on the route and he asked for clothes, which were given and in return sung a lovely little ditty called Blue Scale Freedom. Ceri sung her own song of the Unbroken's ferocious fight with the fomorian and quite delightfully too. Gave the bard some money and sent him on his way.   Discussions were had about what the best course of action was when they were to arrive at the Shade temple and this is where Simeon came into his own. A couple of days in a row, he spent a few moments during the evening, when the Moon was at its' peak, and began to pray to the Moonweaver.   First, he asked, "Does Kenji the blind still rule the shade temple?" A beautiful image of a woman, draped in the soft moonlight, appeared to him and simply replied with a "No..."   The second night, he prayed again, setting up and preparing himself in exactly the same way as the previous night and asked "Who rules the shade temple now?" This time the Moonlit silhouette appeared and responded with, "Many layers are the shadows, Many mouths issue orders, The one you truly seek is not where you expect them to be"   Linked Journals

Report Date
10 Aug 2021

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