Session 61: Red Handed

General Summary

30th Dualahei 836PD   Following the last moments of the Vampire Lord Davorin, the Unbroken were still in the middle of a fight with the four mercenaries attacking civilians in the market square. Simeon jumps quickly into action to breathe life back into Sabali, who found himself in the realm of the Raven Queen, being asked if his life was worthy of being returned to him.   The party were able to quickly dispatch two of the hired killers with the others escaping into the city. Desperately the Unbroken, tried to save the lives of the civilians who had been shot at by the mercenaries, healing the few that were still breathing.   The City Guard quickly descended upon the market square, suspicious and keen to understand what had befallen the people here.   Raphael and Enessa quickly attempt to explain what had happened; however, it seems during the battle the Vampire’s servant Keledonia had taken two of Enessa’s arrows and stuck them in a civilian’s corpse, leading Captain Maximillian to suspect the Unbroken’s hand in this.   The party wished to get away quickly to get to the manor whilst the day was with them, put the Captain placed Enessa in manacles and tensions began to rise. Simeon casts calm emotions to lower the tension, successfully diffusing the situation and enabling Zenirith to send a message to Palmer Cooke in the hopes of intervention. He reminded them that he was out of town but agreed to send out his liaison, Jinarth. The party agrees to head to nearby garrison.   Jinarth arrives and confirms the Unbroken’s status and mission, then with the assistance of a bonesaw, it’s proven the arrows were placed after death, aligning with the Unbroken’s version of events. In addition to this Jinarth informs the party of the existence of a Lady Davorin who may well now be residing in the manor.   The party leave the garrison, with righteous fury in mind and head straight to the manor, to stamp out the last of the vampire threat. Moving quickly the party, approaches the driveway of the manor avoiding being seen initially with the three guards appearing to be practicing for some musical event. The Unbroken attack and quickly take down one, but some strong counters lead to Enessa falling unconscious.

Report Date
16 Nov 2021

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