Session 156: The Corrupted Temple

General Summary

2nd Fessuran 836PD   An intense and deadly encounter occurs within the formerly hallowed walls of the Temple. Sabali and Raphael lead the charge against the giant Guardian. Its corrupted Rune covered blade slices and blinds them, though Sabali’s shadowy skills allow him to keep fighting.   Raphael’s mirror images and displacer cloak buffer him from the Void Guardian’s blows, but even he is whittled down with the whirling storm of the giant blade. Simeon comes to their aid to provide some distraction and suppress, with the burning radiance of his Spirit Guardians, an onslaught of Outsiders that erupt from the void in the corrupted Guardian.   After a minor mistake of healing the Guardian construct with a firebolt, Zeni hastes Orlando to unleash a devastating volley with his Boomstick, the Tool of Destruction. The Stormborn then vaporises the surrounding Outsiders with a Chain of Lightning.   Arthur provides some supportive magics from outside the Temple, as well as some generous healing to a near dead Sabali, getting him back into the fight.    The Void Guardian overwhelmed, manages to find his target of the Cleric amongst his trickery duplicates and strikes him down unconscious. Just as the corrupted construct moves to bring Raphael down too, the weary former Winter Knight strides up the giant sword to land the killing smite down on the Guardian.   Without the immediate threat of the Guardian, the group heal and inspect the Temple. Pinpointing the corruption to the Crystal Orbs at the centre that correspond with the Elemental Shrines outside.   Through Simeon’s Giant Strength potion and Sabali’s delicate balancing, the team are able to pour each Shrine's pure elemental essence into the corresponding the Temple Orbs. Which successfully removes the corrupting influence of the Chained Oblivion, and slowly starts to unravel part of the ritual creating the Fear Storm over the Tal’Dorei forces.   The party rendezvous with Allura and Kima on the Storms Call, where they are given their next mission. At dawn they must infiltrate behind enemy lines and take the bridge held by Karkematth’s forces. Allowing the Tal’Dorei forces to advance across the Byhills river and push back the enemy’s position.

Report Date
19 Mar 2024

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