Session 81: Westruun Under Siege

General Summary

9th-12th Unndilar 836PD   9th Unndilar   After the Council, Orlando asks Diedrich Greyspine for Letters of Introduction to Kraghammer in case the party don't stop back in Emon. He makes a private request for the Ambassador to deliver a letter to his family on his behalf for the 18th Deep Solace, a holy day to followers of Moradin. Raph gives Odessa some misinformation to spread, that a possible shackle was in the Diver’s Grave, to cover the party tracks of heading East to Westruun and possibly send Palmer on wild chase.   With the plan to go to Westruun and disrupt the Ravager pawns of Palmer, the Party do some late-night shopping at Gilmore’s in preparation, buying several healing and greater healing potions. A set of magic inhibiting Cobalt manacles, and which Orlando asks if Gilmore can procure some raw cobalt for him to craft into bullets when next back in Emon. Krak buys philter of love, potion of diminution, and ring of feather fall. Orlando buys a clockwork amulet, and Zeni sells off Drakkar’s magic rapier and dagger of venom for a handsome sum.   Back at Keep for final prep, Sabali makes some poison, Orlando crafts ammo and Krak makes healing potions. They arranged with Kalcyra and the Storms Call to stay in Emon for another day after dropping off their cargo from Whitestone, and to travel to Westruun.   10th-11th Unndilar   The Unbroken and Storms Call set off at Dawn. Travel is uneventful and the party take time to review their plans for protecting info at the Cobalt Reserve and how they could target Kardar.   12th Unndilar   Around 3am, the party arrive outside Westruun the dark of the night into morning is broken with the light of several fires surrounding the walls of a city under siege. Zeni sends to Captain Rance of the Shields, telling them that they are incoming support and what is the sitrep? Rance tells them it’s the 3rd day of the siege, but they are still holding on. They direct the party on where to land and where to meet. When they meet with Rance, they report that despite the ongoing siege there hasn’t been a breach in the Walls, but a lot of surrounding farms villages have been destroyed. There are some supplies to last, but it will run out and all caravans into the city have been hijacked.   Under a secure tiny hut, the Unbroken share that the raid is diversion with the real target of the Cobalt Reserve. Rance balks when told of the full force that Westruun faces as 2 other Slaughter Lords have united under Kardar forces, and there will be a ravage war council on evening of the 13th. Rance notes they recently saw 1 Slaughter Lord a couple of hours ago, it might be possible to catch up with them and take them out separately.   The Unbroken go to the Cobalt Reserve, meeting Dalmer's twin Elani. Within the safety of the Reserve’s protecting magic, they speak freely to update on Palmer, the Shackles and that the Reserve as a target. Elani shocked by the Palmer revelation, sharing that he tried to access the expositor section 3 months ago but Elder Umwor Palebranch prevented him. The party offer to help defend the Reserve, but Elani is confident in their own defences as it’s protected by forbiddance, and only secure expositors have access to teleportation circles.   The party set off to catch and eliminate the recently seen Slaughter Lord, Kalcyra steers the Storms Call high above any ground forces, and at a high altitude to avoid any ravage air forces. Simeon keeps look out to report back ravager positions, Quill and Krak plot a route to where Kardar base is and Raph builds a battle plan. Simeon spots a destroyed village ahead, Zeni sends off her familiar the parrot Hyacinth and it confirms there are orcs holed up in the village.   The Unbroken jump off, carried safely with Krak’s and Zeni’s feather falling and they stealth up to buildings. They manage to surprise most of the guard orcs, with several orcs cremated by Zeni's fireball, some surprise Orlando shots, and Quill's flying handaxe cleaving one after it dodges an axe. Krak rages and launches into the large Slaughter Lord Klughig, but it makes heavy blows against the kenku as well as striking flames on Zeni and Raph. Sabali cuts down one of the orc bodyguards that was paralyzed by Raph. Klughig is showing some wear and tear, but more orcs spill out of the surrounding buildings...

Report Date
24 May 2022

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