Session 73: Homecoming

General Summary

24th- 28th Thunsheer 836PD   24th Thunsheer   On the last night of sailing before arriving at Brokenbank the next day, Zeni and Pallius find a quiet moment on the ship. Pallius explains how he ended up in his situation. He was thrown overboard by Drakkar as he fought against Zeni being sold. He knew water breathing and had cast it on himself and Zeni, hence how they had both survived going overboard. He washed up on an isle and was soon captured by the Dragon's Corruption, then taken to Darktow to the Plank king. Zeni said she owed everything she is to him, and that’s why she saved him. She talks about her travels with the Unbroken, and Sabali joins in with an impromptu performance of the Fang and the Claw, a story of their vampire fight.   25th Thunsheer   In the morning the Redemption docks at Brokenbank, Pallius will set up home here and retire, the crew will sell the ship and start new lives. Simeon remembers to take off the teleport sail before leaving. Orlando gets some bullets and powder from gnomes, Bob Figerknackle recommends his cousin in Kraghammer for miasma. The group decide their next mission is to follow up the leads on a possible anchor in the Stormcrest mountains, seeing if the Cavern of Axiom that Tarathiel researched could be the location or help find it. In addition, travelling through the Frostweald would allow Raphael to start finding answers for his mysterious past.   But before that, the group decide to take some short time to check on events back home at the Keep in Emon. Tarathiel teleports using the spell storing ring to Emon. In Emon, the group check on any updates and Cinderscar Keep business. Raph checks in with the group’s spy, Pick, on info with Karkematth and people looking for Raph’s previous pseudonym ‘Kyros’.   Pick’s informant was beaten up in response to questions on Karekmatth, by magic users but no discernible link to any organisation. Pick also updates on Wind, how she goes by Annabella currently for a wedding con in Kymal. Simeon visits the hallowed area of the Keep and designates it as a location for his word of recall, allowing the group to teleport back here. Simeon offers to legend lore Frostweaver to find out more on Karkematth.   "The Sword of Winters, imbued with favour of Raven Queen and will of winter Queen. Wielded by many mortals, but only one tried to keep it. Punishment met out to arrogant. Blade lost, with the fool forever searching for it. Until Blade took matters into own control, to ensure it is never wielded by someone unworthy again".   Simeon shares the lore and advises Raph to stay worthy. The Group make preparations to leave Emon, Pick is asked to sell the magic weapons from Drakkar. Simeon takes the ring and Raph/Zeni put in a counterspell and 2 shields. Tarathiel teleports them to Syngorn, Raph speaks to the Captain of the Eagle Squad and manages to persuade him in sharing a couple of eagles and guides to escort them to frostweald. In exchange as part of an open contract to hunt and kill the white dragon they encountered over the Stormcrest mountains in the Storms’ Call.   The Unbroken say their goodbyes to Tarathiel as they decide to stay home in Syngorn to take time to heal and do further research on the anchors.   26th- 27th Thunsheer   A couple of days of long and hard travels flying on the backs of the Eagles in the bracing winds of around the mountains and over the Dividing Planes, everyone is cold and tired. In the evening of the 27th, having set up camp, Raph sees something moving in distance as the others sleep, an orc ravager appears. Luvak, he is lone survivor of his squad, seeking warmth. Confirming neither a threat to the other, they sit and talk by the fire. Luvak not a ruiner devotee like the others, fought for the ‘song of battle’, Raph shares there are other gods that are better suited to them. Orlando wakes up and joins the conversation, helping to drill down info on latest with the ravagers. 3 Slaughter Lords have joined forces with Kardar leading them, Tennakar and Klughig are the others. There are rumours that Kardar was influenced by a tiefling (possibly the LockBreaker) to build this massive ravage army to rain destruction upon the lands. Raph persuades Luvak to be a spy and join Kardar’s force, and help them kill him. Luvak agrees and all he asks is to kill his former chief Tennakar himself.   28th Thunsheer   In the morning Raph stealthily takes piece of Luvak hair to help Simeon scry on him and contact in future. He eases the Syngorn Wardens, who currently at war with the Ravagers, by presenting the info they had gathered from Luvak. After short travel, they arrive at the edge of frostweald. Simeon and Raph lead and they soon come across a satyre, Rufam, a fey like creature. Raph is weary of the fey and shows Frostweaver to back his claim that he's of the winter court. Group refuses early suggested deal of trading their shoes for Rufam to help find the cave where Raph first found Frostweaver, Rufam will show them the way to the ‘Cave of Frozen Men’ if Raph gives an appropriate favour of winter, which he agrees. Rufam shows the way, in conversation with the group he shares doesn’t know where the White Dragon’s lair or Cavern of Axiom are in the Frostweald.   A few hours travel and the Unbroken arrive at the cave, and just outside the entrance lies 12 filled burial mounds, and a 13th mound that has been dug out from the inside. The very grave that Raphael was ‘born’ from a couple of years ago. Welcome home Raph!

Report Date
15 Mar 2022

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