Session 46: Token of our Affirmation

General Summary

14th-17th Horisal 836PD   14th Horisal   Sabali and Raphael pursue the fleeing Mind Whisperer, Enessa shoots down the second one. Ceri gets first-hand experience of Orlando's new cleric powers with her wounds being cured with a magic that is new but feels ancient, almost forgotten. Yuan-ti tries suggestion on Sabali to follow them back to their lair, but Sabali is well experienced by now with the poisonous words of their forked tongues and overcomes their magic! He stunning strikes the Yuan-ti, and starts to pull it back through the difficult terrain of the Parchwood.   Simeon hears more hissing from the surrounding Parchwood, he yells out to those onshore to get back to the boat. He heroically leaps off the ship and less heroically falls breaking his concentration on bless. The crew of the Diver's Folly are trying to manoeuvre the boat off the rocks in the meantime.   Ceri throws a rope overboard to aid in pulling up anyone returning. Zeni takes the helm of the ship to help steer off the rocks. Sabali, Raphael and Wind beat down the grappled Mind Whisperer and run back to the ship. Simeon dimension doors himself and Wind back onto the boat, Sabali and Raphael have difficulty climbing the rope. Enessa finishes off the beaten Mind Whisperer from the boat with a sharp shot through the cover of the Parchwood. Zeni and the crew succeed in steering the boat off the rocks and sail away safely.   Sailing away the Unbroken take a short rest, and pay respects to the loss of 1 crew member that died during the Yuan-ti attack. Zeni sends to Percy to update on the attack and Yuan-ti situation, and Percy agrees to provide support to the docks.   16th Horisal   The Unbroken had sailed for 2 more days, arriving in the mid-afternoon at Drynna. Arriving back in the town where they first met 3 months ago.   The town is much busier than when they first visited, a reassuring sign of recovery and humbling to see the impact of their help. The Unbroken went to the Eagle's Landing to catch up with Rebur, exchanging tales, resuming old services of kitchen duty for Zeni, and game hunting for Enessa. Updates and stories were shared, the town was recovering and even started having ships from Wildemount docking into their ports. Althia is well and visits from time to time, the citizens of Bell have settled in Drynna well.   Ceri and Sabali provided entertainment for the publicans, a song that even caught the Winter Knight humming along, of fighting the ferocious fomorian of the feywild, and of course a fine juggling display respectively.   17th Horisal   After the revelry and rest, in the morning each member of the Unbroken, bar Ceri, wake up to find a small package by their beds. Each has an individual token that forms together with Ceri's band into the shape of a 'U' like a horseshoe. Orlando had master crafted these 'Unbroken Tokens' in Whitestone and thought that coming back to Drynna would be the perfect time to gift these and cement the reasons of why they travel and adventure together.   Tokens:   Zeni- Made from copper of one of her old kitchen pots, quenched in seawater much as Zeni was formed by the sea, with lightning runic etches that match the marks on her arms.   Sabali- Metal that is dark, almost black at the bottom and gets progressively lighter towards the tip, moving through greys into bright nearly white metal. Matching his fur and the journey he is on from the dark.   Enessa- Metal made from bronze arrow tips of the corrupted fey eleven archers, tinged with natural streak of green verdigris. Like the touch of Melora, this verdigris could be polished out or allowed to bloom.   Ussi- the only none metal token, natural wood that's dark like his fur, sourced from the very Parchwood where he was lost to us and then returned.   Simeon- Made from silver coins, this pale metal was made in the night bathing under the moonlight. Phases of the moons of Exandria are etched into the metal. A divine heart and a mischievous mind, there is no doubt he belongs with this group.   Wind- Etches of wind blowing motif along this shiny gold token. Simple, tasteful and expensive, just like her.   Raphael- Steel that has been tempered to ice blue, and then quenched in the winter's snow. Seven snowflakes etched to match his Shield. Like the good Lord, this token's purpose and beauty could only be seen when it came out of the cold.   Orlando- A rainbow of steel tempered through the different heating points, with etches of clockwork gears that trail into smoke burned through with gunpowder. Colours and motifs to remind him of the everchanging but always interconnected nature of creation.   Ceridwen- A band made from platinum coins; dragon scale etches. The individual pieces slot into the side of the band, with Ceri's piece being the heart that brings them all together. Inside the band are individual etches that symbolise each member, include the Cobalt Soul 3 eyes to respect Arin, so that she is never alone on her pilgrimage.   Through gifts, words, and actions the bonds between the members were truly Unbroken.   The group split up to run errands in finding supplies, charting a ship to Stilben, and find time to reconnect with friends in the town.   Ceridwen visited the local Temple of Bahamut, helping Cleric Pickleknott, and consoling with her decision to lay down the Paladin's shield and obligations. She is not alone in carrying out her tenets and her oath as a Paladin to Bahamut, her path has intertwined with the Unbroken. Through helping the Unbroken to find their honour, she will find hers.   Orlando catches up with Sprocksmith, he is keeping well and Mrs Galoti is currently in Westruun. Orlando shares his latest gadgets and stories from Whitestone, and Sprocksmith offers to help him tinker some items, while Orlando offers to teach him rune smithin'.   Simeon, Sabali and Zeni go to the docks to charter a boat to Drynna. The dockmaster informs them of some recent piracy along the route to Stilben, the Black Scars from Darktow. Sabali takes up the offer of a morning pick me up from the dockmaster, and drinks a thick substance that somehow finds another higher gear of hyperactivity for Sabali! A small ship called the Cornflower Captained by elven male Carpeiros Ollolo, and a galleon the Storms Call captained by tiefling woman Kalcyra, are identified as ships heading to Stilben.   Through negotiations, artful persuasions and hyper Sabali vibes, the trio find the best offer of the Storms Call, a decommissioned airship that will get the Unbroken to Stilben in 3 1/2 days for 20g per person with the group providing security and help.   Ceridwen and Raphael prepare to visit Althia.   Linked Journals

Report Date
20 Jul 2021

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