Session 27: Murder Mystery

General Summary

9th Duscar 835PD   The party makes preparations for journeying across the plains to find the ravagers base. In the morning, Wind's spy informs the group that Kursk, the Margrave's chief of staff was found dead last night. Murdered with a bloody Clasp symbol on his wall, and ledgers showing he was a corrupt official helping the Clasp. The party visit Captain Rance of the Shields to offer services, With there being no further leads, the party leave the investigation to the Shields and Cobalt Soul, and head off to last reported sighting of ravagers. The party find a watchtower that an orc band are camping in, they manage to sneak past and launch a surprise attack against the ravagers inside. Zeni releases her new spell of briny grasp, Raphael is knocked unconscious in a vicious first round...   Linked Journals

Report Date
09 Mar 2021

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