Session 22: Let's Heist!

General Summary

28-29th Cuersaar 835PD   Dalmar has been investigating corruption within the Westruun government, Kursk is unknown but Captain Rance of the Shields has been helping her investigation. Dalmar provides plans for the bank and offers to help with a ruse to enter and assess the bank security. The next day the party prep to enter the bank with Raph and Ceri under guise of a Lord and his bodyguard, that are high society friends with Dalmar's "Lady Alycia" cover. The party enter and Ceri reveals to the bank manager that they know the Myriad has taken over the bank and holding Thomas Pennerton hostage, the manager is relieved and finds the courage with Ceri's word to help them through to the vault. But he warns there is a shape changing creature down in the vault...   Linked Journals

Report Date
02 Feb 2021

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