Session 113: Two Knights’ Time

General Summary

22nd Brussendar 836PD   With Keeper Vesyldir’s revelations that the Emberwind is the Key to the Arch-Heart’s shackle that resides in the Valley of Tombs, the Unbroken recognise that for once in their continual cat and mouse with the Lockbreakers, they have finally got to a Shackle before them!   But this raises immediate questions of how long until Tharizdun’s forces arrive there, how can they defend the valley and where can they find the Summer Knight’s sword?   Simeon casts divination to speak with his Lady, the Moonweaver, first to ask what forces of Tharizdun march towards them and second for when will the vanguard arrive here. To the first she answers “The Aspect's forces march throughout the day, the armies swell to much dismay. Corrupted, fey, outsiders more, the numbers are four score.” To the second she replies “The Aspect’s army march, causing fear and sorrow, the vanguard will be here over morrow”. The Unbroken have just two nights to prep, plan and protect against an overwhelming force of 80 and more. They must call for aid!   As Simeon left a favourable impression with the Queen of the Summer Court, he sends to Queen Titania updating her and asking for her presence at the Valley. In but a moment, the fey Queen project images herself within the small library. She thanks Simeon and the Unbroken for their efforts with Xandria, and offers to spare aid she can for the Unbroken. The majority of her forces are dealing with a fresh incursion from another tear in the planes, but she can summon her spies to survey the gathering forces and update them on more details of the threats they face.   Before she can depart and wish them luck, Raphael asks if she can stay with them when he calls on her sister, his patron, Mab for help as well. He knows the sisters were mortal once, just like the Raven Queen, he pulls on that bond for them to be there together to help in the face of this grave danger. Noting this is the place where there were no Courts, no rivalries or rules, she accepts the Winter Knight’s request.   Raphael communes with his Queen of Air and Darkness, and in a similar display, a cold voice remarks of this “interesting reunion”, as the Winter Court Queen Mab projects herself into the room as well. Despite them both being illusions, Simeon and Raphael as the ones closest to the illusions feel the roiling elements of hot and cold emanate from the tense Sisters.   Raphael updates Mab on the threat, and asks for what aid she can give to them. Winter’s forces are likewise stretched due to the seasons balance shifting to Summer, but they are closer than summers armies and so could arrive by dawn of the over morrow.   With as much help as they can muster, now the Unbroken must find the Emberwind and the Shackle. But as a powerful relic and tool of Summer, it must be wielded by a Knight with the Court’s favour. And in a shocking display, Raphael the Winter Knight, bends the knee to Queen Titania to offer his service as a Knight of Summer till the over morrow.   Even the cold, emotionless Queen Mab is surprised by the gesture. Titania looks in initial disgust at the very idea, but warms to the gesture and even the scandal of a Knight of Winter and Summer…   As Raphael’s head is bowed down, he feels a warm hand on his shoulder, “Let me carry this brother” and he sees the smile of Simeon, as he kneels beside him in front of Titania. Simeon, the Cleric of the Moonweaver, offers his service as a Knight of Summer till the over morrow as well.   Queen Titania regards the two kneeling before her, reflecting on the merits and implications of either choice, but decides that Simeon as a Knight of Sun and Moon, rather than Raphael as a Knight of Ice and Fire, would serve her better.   Simeon, the Tricksy Aasimar, arises as the Summer Knight!   With her new Knight chosen, Titania bodes them and the Unbroken well before disappearing. Mab lingers for a moment, the Queen of Winter frozen still in the aftermath of her Knight pledging himself to her enemy court. Before she leaves, she comments that whilst she could see the logic of his action, she questions if it was a wise reach for power. Raphael retorts, “I wasn’t reaching out for power, I was reaching out for hope”.   The rest of Unbroken all marvel at this fey display, and the inherent tension of there being two opposing Knights of Summer and Winter in the room right now. Raphael, squarely looks at Simeon, his hand on Frostweaver, and playfully pats him on the shoulder “Come on, Simeon, a Knight needs his Sword” and moves to the tomb doors.   The Keeper asks for them to hold a moment, and fetches several talismans that his previous members of the Order wore to protect them from the Tombs’ traps and defences. He shares that once they’ve found the sword, they can rest in the Order’s quarters and they will find the inherent magic of site invigorating for their arcane capabilities.   They enter through the doors, walking safely past a trapped corridor that doesn’t respond to their presence as the talisman protect them, and enter into a large chamber. In the centre is the gilded tomb of the first Summer Knight, Riyeldor Key'entolth, and opposite either end of the chamber are two large stone skulls carved into the walls. As they approach the Tomb, the shadows of the dimly light room twist and distort, as Two Elder Shadow Drakes blend out of the dark. The drakes fly and claw at the party, wreathing them all in black flames that burn their minds. As the group try to defend themselves, Orlando notices a slight hollowness to the drakes when in the light, and realises they are illusionary dragons cast by the gems embedded in the Skull walls. He and Enessa soon shoot down the gems, destroying the trickery illusions.   Raven safely checks and opens the Tomb, finding the resting remains of the Knight but no sword. However, the canny operative spots a concealed door within one of the large skull walls, and Raphael dispels the magic locking it. In the centre of this secret room lays a golden elven sword, a summer twin to Frostweaver. Simeon reaches out, hoping for no traps and… safely picks up the magic blade!   Victorious with their quick discovery, they head back to the library where Arthur can identify the item and Simeon tries to attune to it. But as time passes, the sword doesn’t take to Simeon? Is he not worthy? Was Titania false in her choice, or Sehanine jealous in his choice? Oh wait, no, turns out it’s a perfectly replicated sword with even a fake enchantment to make it appear magical!   The elvish Keeper, wryly smiles at the Unbroken’s deflated hubris, popped with more trickery of the tombs. They return back into the chamber, and start searching the other corridors and connected rooms. Over an hour goes by as they search, but all the while Orlando has a nagging feeling that the fey Tombs have one last trick to play on them.   He goes to the original secret room where they found the fake sword, and after an extensive investigation, he finds a tiny seam behind a chest and opens it. Revealing a secret room to the secret room, ultimate fey trickery!   He steps back, and allows Simeon to walk into the small room, again in the centre is the same golden summer sword, Emberwind. The new Summer Knight reaches out in hope that this is the real sword and key, and as his hand touches the warm blade, his eyes go white, the blade burns bright in his hand as he receives a vision.   A vision of an oasis, with a hill far behind, elven bodies and corrupted creatures pile high, a battle during the calamity. He sees the mortal Titania as she once was, clad in battle armour, enwrapped in the joy of the fight as she spears down several creatures. He looks down, and realises he’s reliving a memory of Riyeldor, the first wielder of the burning blade. They reach out in a warrior’s embrace with Titania amidst their victory, and the vision fades…

Report Date
28 Mar 2023

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