Session 62: Mind Your Manors

General Summary

30th Dualahei 836PD   The Unbroken burst through the doors of the manor, it is quiet with no signs of life. Covered in dust, with foot prints on the ceiling. They continue through to a room with statues and portraits, an undead Ghost Knight posing as a statue attacks Raphael. Whilst those at the front fight with the Knight, a couple of Ghosts appear through the corridor attacking and with one of them possessing Enessa.   With Enessa possessed, the Ghost makes her fire upon Raphael and Orlando in the front. Raphael is knocked unconscious, but the boons of Frostweaver return the Knight back to his feet soon as he starts to slip into the veil.   Simeon manages to turn the undead, before then destroying them with his spiritual weapon. Tarathiel deals fatal blows to the Knight and the Ghost possessing Enessa is cast out and destroyed.   The party move on from the room to the hallway and approach the stairs, but Zeni detects magic around the two suits armour on guard at the top of the stairs. Simeon tries to telekinetically shove one down the stairs, but it remains firm and begins to animate. A tight tussle ensures on the stairs, the Animated Armour proves tough to hit and resilient, but eventually the tide turns and one falls to blasts of Raphael’s eldritch magic. Sabali pulls the last suit of armour off the stairs, with the fall and impact of Sabali’s landing crushing the armour to ruin.   Walking up the stairs, the Unbroken start checking the individual rooms, a dusty play room with mouldy toys and the creepy sounds of a song box. A large library, the bedrooms and study with vials of blood but no resting places, coffins or vampires are found. They use the opportunity to take a quick rest, protected by the light through the windows of the library, and eventually find peep holes in one of the portraits downstairs.   After prolonged investigation, they find a secret room in the larder/kitchen, with a ladder that leads underground. An entire corridor and secret lair beneath the manor, adorned with devilish statues, rooms of torture and reeking cells of death. They find a Chapel, devoted to Asmodeus, with a coffin altar and several hunter vampires waiting for them…

Report Date
07 Dec 2021

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